Soul Scorched

“And you haven’t?”



A wall came down over Warrick, his eyes turning cool as he became aloof. “I didna lie to you.”


“You played on my desires, which is worse. I want you to leave.”


The shock of her words showed on his face for an instant before he hid them behind his mask of indifference. “You’ll face the Dark alone?”


“I’ve been alone for seven years. If this is the end, then it’s the end. I’m a Druid from Skye. I won’t go down without taking a few of them with me.”










West Coast of Ireland


Light Fae Court


Rhi remembered the first time she walked into the queen’s court. It was in the palace on the Fae realm, and she’d stood with her brother, Rolmir.


Every Fae—Dark or Light—fell for her brother. He’d had the looks of a Fae, yes, but he had something else as well. It was a spark of something bright and omnipotent. It drew people to him continually.


That might have given most Fae a superiority complex, but not Rolmir. He remained humble and genuine right up until the end. And by his side, always, was Balladyn.


Those two swept through a city, leaving broken hearts in their wake. While Rolmir shone with allure, it was the secrets Balladyn kept that drew women to him. He was mysterious, steadfast, and stubborn.


Remembering that day brought back more memories of Balladyn. Rhi tried to stop them, but the floodgates were open.


There were so many recollections with Balladyn. He and Rolmir were so close that her parents considered Balladyn a son. Which is why she thought of him as a brother.


How did she never know he loved her?


It was the whispers around her that brought Rhi back to the present. She stared at the white and gold walls of the antechamber outside of Usaeil’s throne room. Rhi turned her head to the group of ladies-in-waiting who were staring at her, whispering behind their hands.


Gah. She hoped she was never so … annoying.


Of course, Rhi knew she was a magnet for gossip after being taken by the Dark and getting free. She used it as an excuse to stay away from the castle, but Rhi could only ignore Usaeil’s command so many times before the queen’s fury exploded.


Rhi stood alone against the wall. As the only female in the Queen’s Guard, Rhi was regularly called on for missions Usaeil thought needed a feminine touch. Usually, Rhi looked forward to such assignments. This time all she could think about was Balladyn, her promise to Ulrik, and Darcy.


The doors to the throne room opened and another of the Queen’s Guard walked out. His black hair hung to his shoulder, and his silver eyes searched the chamber until they came to rest on her.


Rhi wasn’t surprised it was Inen. He was Usaeil’s favorite. At one time, Rhi thought the two of them might get together, even though it was forbidden for the queen to marry one of her guards. Which Rhi always thought was silly. Usaeil was queen. She could make the rules.


“Stupid rule,” Rhi mumbled.


Inen raised a straight black brow. “Did you say something?”


“Nope. Is it my turn?”


His eyes narrowed, making his face look even more hawkish. With his hand resting on the hilt of his sword strapped to his waist, he walked to Rhi.


The fact he was coming close enough to keep their conversation between the two of them didn’t bode well. Inen normally didn’t care who heard what he had to say. He had one main objective—protecting Usaeil.


“It took you long enough to get here,” he whispered in a callous tone.


Rhi wasn’t bothered by his words. “I’ve duties as a special envoy, and I protect Usaeil in other ways.”


“How did you protect her when you let Balladyn kidnap you?”


She felt the spike of anger rumble within her. Rhi pushed away from the wall and moved until they were nose to nose. “I didn’t let him do anything, you imbecile.”


“Didn’t you?” he asked haughtily, his lips pulled back in a sneer. “Everyone knew Balladyn was in love with you. Did you think remaining around the Kings would make him forget?”


“Well. It seems like someone has been following me.” Which seriously pissed her off. Perhaps it was time she walked away from the Queen’s Guard. No one had ever done it before, but then again, no other Fae had been through what she had.


Not to mention, she had some … issues … to deal with.


Inen returned her stare. “I did what I was told.”


“As any good dog will.”


His nostrils flared and his grip tightened on the sword. She’d hit a nerve. Chalk one up for Rhi. Which wasn’t easy to do with Inen. Nothing bothered him unless it involved Usaeil.


She mentally did a little happy dance at his reaction.


“Next time, don’t keep her waiting.”


The threat wasn’t veiled, and it nearly set Rhi off again. “I answer to her. And only her,” she added as she shouldered past him.