When the Heart Falls

Autumn shakes her head. "How could she? We would have believed you, honey. We would have."

A sob escapes and I shove it back down, unwilling to break down right now. "I was still going to tell you. I was working up to it. But then, another girl at another school had something similar happen. I saw her on the news and on Facebook, how everyone blamed her, no one believed her. Maybe her family did, I don't know. It didn't matter, because they attacked her everywhere, made her life hell. And then, she committed suicide. In her note she said that she never should have told, that living with the secret would have been easier than becoming a victim all over again. And I knew it would happen to me, that Rodney and his friends would destroy me, so I stayed silent. And let it happen."

Daring clenches her jaw. "France better convict him, because if they send that asshole home I will end him.”

I believe her, too. She’s not one you want to mess with.

The mood is too macabre now, air thick with the tension of my latest revelation. Even Cade looks sad, and I know he's thinking of Pete and how shame, fear, the pain of living with other people's hatred, can lead someone to end their own life.

He kisses my cheek and wipes away a tear. "You did what you had to do at the time, Winter. No one blames you. Our world isn't always kind to people who need it. I'm just glad it's over, that you're safe now and free of him forever."

We all sit in silence for too long, everyone too sad or worried to say something, so I break the mood, ready to move on to happier stories and memories. “How about that dinner?" I say. "I know a great place to eat.”

I invite Jenifer to join us, and we take them to Vincent’s, who greets us warmly and clears a large table for us. He sent over food for me when I got out of the hospital, and I take a moment to thank him.

“It is the least I can do for a friend.”

The food is exceptional, as usual. Halfway through the meal my dad wipes his mouth and looks at me. "I heard you finished a book.”

I nod. "The Ice Queen. It’s selling pretty well, too."

My dad smiles. "We're proud of you, kiddo."

"Still want me to change majors?" I’m teasing, mostly.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "This is one time I’m glad you didn’t listen to me. It’s a sign of true adulthood, when you can make your own choices irrespective of what your parents want for you, not out of rebellion, but because you’ve grown into yourself and know your own path better than anyone else. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become, Winter."

Autumn and Daring leave the next day, but promise to return for the trial. My parents stay for those few weeks as we wait, and we make it a family vacation, sightseeing and sharing stories of our summer here. They fall in love with Cade and welcome him into the family readily, and I feel prepared to face the last of my demons when I’m called to the stand to testify against Rodney.



THE JUDGE DOESN'T like Rodney, that much is obvious. We’re just hoping the jury feels the same way. At first, I was worried. Rodney knows how to charm people, how to cover his true colors, and, early on in the trial, it looked like the jury would fall victim to that charm. But his own testimony, the recording I made, the testimony of others, revealed him to be a psychopath. I half expected the defense to argue he was abused as a child, that he showed love the only way he knew how, but they didn’t. Rodney had a healthy childhood with loving parents. Sometimes people are just broken from birth and no amount of love can save them.

Rodney is such a person.

I wasn't present for Cade's testimony. We decided he would go first so he could be in the courtroom when I went on the stand, and I’m glad he was, because sitting there telling all these strangers the horrible details of my abuse nearly killed me.

But I survived it.

Now, we’re waiting on the verdict. Cade is holding one hand and my mom is holding the other. My dad, Daring, Autumn and Jenifer are all here in a show of support.

I can’t imagine being a parent, seeing your child suffer. I know that Cade’s suffering cuts me deeply, so I can only imagine it’s worse for parents.

I want a guilty verdict, obviously, but come what may, I’m free of Rodney forever.

When the jury members return to their seat, I inhale, holding my breath.

When they hand the judge the verdict, the courtroom falls to an expectant silence.

And when they read off the charges and deem him guilty of everything, I exhale at last.



CADE HOLDS A champagne glass up. "Here's to our last time at Vincent's and our last night in Paris.”