When the Heart Falls

He puts his notepad back into his pocket. "He go to jail, charged with assault, attempted rape and attempted murder. His trial happen in a few weeks most likely."

"Will I have to testify?"

"Of course."

"Good. I'm ready."

Cade’s hand flexes around mine. “Will he get out on bail before the trial?”

I hadn’t thought about that, and I shudder. I don’t like the idea of running into him or having him come after me.

The officer shakes his head. “We do not have bail here. He stays in until trial.”

The rest of the day moves slowly. I take short catnaps, but with the nurses waking me every 30 minutes, it’s not very restful. My head still hurts too much to read or even watch television, so mostly I just talk with Cade or cuddle with him, which, all things considered, isn’t the worst thing ever.

Just before I’m discharged I get two unexpected visitors. Daring and Autumn.

“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” I’m so happy to see them I’m nearly in tears.

“Cade called us.” Autumn hugs me. "I'm so sorry, honey."

Autumn moves on to hug Cade, and she thanks him for calling while Daring leans in for a hug. She sees my necklace and smiles. "I see you've found your key."

I glance at Cade. "We found each other."

She gives me a look that says she’ll want details later. “I hope my little gift helped?”

I’d forgotten about the condoms and lingerie and turn bright red at her words as Cade laughs. Time for a change of subject, because I’m not talking about my sex life right now. "How'd you guys get here so fast?"

"I was in the UK for an exhibit," Autumn says.

"And I was already in France, checking out Mont Saint-Michel,” Daring says. “I wrote an article on some ghost hunter there."

"Very famous ghost hunter,” Cade says, and we both laugh, though mine is cut short by pain.

Autumn looks back and forth between us. "What's so funny?"

"Just a joke." I have inside jokes too now.

We leave the hospital together. Daring has a car and drives us back to the dorm. I’m healing fast, though Cade takes his job seriously and never lets me out of his sight. When I insist that I can at least use the bathroom alone, he raises an eyebrow. “That seems to be the most dangerous place for you!”


I don’t mind his hovering, though. It makes me feel safe, and there’s no one I’d rather spend every minute with. Through all this drama I’d nearly forgotten about my book, but I’m excited to see that a few well-placed ads gave The Ice Queen a nice launch, and I’m actually making decent sales. I can’t believe I’ve actually made real money as an author. It’s a heady experience.

When my parents arrive my mom hugs me and doesn’t want to let me go. "We're so proud of you, honey.”

My dad pats my knee. "I heard how you kicked Rodney's ass.”

Cade, who’s sitting with his arm around me, squeezes my shoulder. “She was amazing, sir.”

We’re packed pretty tightly into Cade’s dorm room since he has space not being used by a roommate. My parents wanted to take everyone out to dinner, but I asked if we could talk first. "I have more to tell you about Rodney and what happened." My mom looks worried, my dad frowns and Autumn and Daring just listen.

I tell them everything, and each time I tell the story it’s easier and easier. When I’m done my mother sobs and reaches for me. “Oh honey. I’m so sorry.”

My dad looks at Cade and nods to him. “If you hadn’t already beat the shit out of him," Dad says, "I would have. Thank you for doing what you could to protect my little girl.”

Autumn and Daring are shocked. They can’t believe they never noticed the signs or figured it out. I think it hits Daring the hardest, since we were roommates. She hugs me and cries. “I wish you’d told me, or someone."

Tears burn my eyes. "I did."

Everyone turns to look at me. Daring grips my hand. "You did what?"

"I did tell someone." Swallowing, I look at each of them. "Do you remember the guidance counselor we had at school? Brown hair? Always wore skirts too short and the boys made it a point to visit her office a lot?"

My mom nods. "She was just out of college. Ms. Clementine, I think her name was."

"After the first time it happened, after the party, I told her. I… " the words are hard to find, even still. "I was scared to tell you. I'm so sorry. If only I had, I could have saved myself so much pain. But I'd been drinking and at a party you'd told me I couldn't go to. I didn't want to get in trouble, but I knew what happened was bad, so I told her two days later."

My dad's face hardens. "What happened, Winter? What did she say?"

A tear leaks out, and Cade wraps an arm around me. "She said no one would believe me," I say. "That probably some part of me wanted it to happen if I was willing to go to a party and drink and make out with my boyfriend."

Daring covers her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide. "Oh, Winter. That bitch."