When the Heart Falls

Another fan hands me a book, and I look up into a familiar face. “Mr. Posthumus? What are you doing here?” I couldn’t be more shocked to see my old advisor, after his scorn over my chosen path.

His face turns red, spreading to his balding head, and he fidgets with his glasses. “About that. I owe you an apology. You did something I never had the guts to do.” He leans in as if telling me a secret. “Did you know that I always wanted to write a thriller.” He titters like an old lady. “Can you imagine? Me? A thriller writer. But, you inspired me, and so I did it. I wrote it and published it this week.”

I’m stunned. “That’s… that’s amazing. And good for you. Thrillers are topping the charts right now. You could do really well.”

He drops his head. “That’s gracious of you, Winter, especially after the way I treated you.”

All my anger at him disappears in that moment. “If there’s anything I’ve learned these last few months, it’s that we all do the best we can with what we have, and the only way to help others see the light is to be the light yourself. I’m glad you found your path.”

I hand him the signed book, and he bows and walks away smiling.

I turn to Cade. “That was a surprise. Guess you never know what’s inside people, huh?”

“You were kind to him. He didn’t deserve it.” Cade is unforgiving when it comes to those who have hurt me.

I can understand since I feel the same way about him. “If he didn’t deserve it, then none of us do. We’ve all made mistakes, haven’t we?”

Autumn squeezes my shoulders from behind and I turn to her.

Her auburn hair is woven into an up-do that shows off her long neck and the emerald green dress she wears makes her green eyes pop. “Winter, Cade, I hate to be a party pooper, but I have an early flight back to Cairo in the morning. I just came to say goodbye and tell you how proud I am of you.”

After much hugging, Autumn leaves. I no longer envy her life or her adventures. I finally have a life I’m happy with.

Jenifer runs up to us, cutting in front of everyone waiting in line, dragging a man with her. “Winter, Cade, look who’s here!”

I stand and hug the man beside her. “Vincent, you made it to the States.”

“It was time to expand my restaurant," he says. "So I left my progeny in charge of the Paris branch and made arrangements to come to New York and open one here.”

Jenifer beams as he slips his arm around her shoulder and kisses her cheek.

My eyes fill with tears of pure happiness. “That’s the best news I’ve heard today. Congratulations, both of you. And thank you so much, Vincent, for not only making my best friend so happy, but also, for bringing your delicious bread to my hometown.”

Cade laughs. “She hasn’t shut up about that bread since we moved back here. I have a feeling we’ll be spending many date nights at your restaurant when you open.”

Standing there with the man I love, my best friend, and a man who actually deserves her, my life couldn’t be better.

Well, if I could breathe, that might be a tad better.

That night in our hotel room, after much champagne and laughter and hugs and well wishes, Cade and I are finally alone.

He shrugs out of his tux coat and drapes it over the chair in our suite, then kicks off his shoes and loosens his bow tie. “Something occurred to me tonight, Ms. Deveaux, and I feel it needs immediate addressing.”

Sitting, I free my feet from the torture of my heels and drop them onto the floor, rubbing my aching heels. “What’s that?”

Leaning in front of me, he takes over the massage, and I moan and lean back on the bed.

“Do you recall the scene on page 120 of your book?” he asks. “The one with the blindfold? I seem to recall your reviews speaking of this scene as being particularly sexy.”

His large strong hands move up my calves and thighs, rubbing the sore muscles as he hikes up my dress.

“I remember that scene, yes.” My body tingles with pleasure and anticipation.

The dress is too tight to push up any higher, so he flips me onto my stomach and slowly unzips the back, his mouth trailing kisses down my spine as he does. “I’m thinking we need to reenact that scene, you know, for research. Make sure it’s realistic.”

I giggle as his fingers glide over my ribs, tickling me. “I think that can be arranged. When were you thinking you’d like to do engage in this… research?”

My breathing deepens, ribs finally expanding as he pulls the straps of my dress off my shoulders and inches it down my body.

Another kiss lands on my left shoulder, then my right. “How about tonight? Unless you’re too tired?”

When the dress is pulled off completely, his hands grip my lower back, moving over the curve of my hips, then over my butt, fingers dipping between my thighs as he continues his massage.

A tightness forms in the base of my abdomen, desire building. I twist back over to face him. “Never too tired for you. But you are entirely too clothed.”