Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Nick laughed as Joe reminisced. “He must’ve been in his glory.”

“Oh yeah, they both were, just in different ways.” He sighed softly and then patted Nick’s shoulder. “I’m going to go grab us a couple of hot dogs.” He said as he rose to his feet. “Maybe by the time I get back that son of mine will grace us with his presence.”

Nick nodded slightly watching Joe make his way through the row of seats to the aisle. He sighed and watched him disappear from his vision, feeling for the man who had lost his son and was on the brink of losing his other one. Not in death, but in spirit.

It wasn’t fair to these people to endure anymore loss. First Jake dies and leaves everyone with a gaping hole in their hearts and then Cara nearly kills herself. Now it seems Luke was on the verge of his own breakdown. It was no wonder any of them were still standing. Alright, so maybe he was being a tad bit dramatic, but Nick decided he wasn’t going to let Luke spiral out of control, not on his watch. He’d tell him it was time to man the fuck up and snap out of it. He was about to grab his phone when he felt someone sit beside him. He glanced up and saw Luke sitting with a solemn expression on his face.

“Nice of you to make it.” Nick said flatly.

“Don’t start with me.” Luke warned as he fingered the brim of his Yankee cap, tugging it further down onto his head.

“It’s good to see you are your usual pleasant self.” Nick said sarcastically. Luke remained silent and kept his eyes trained on the field in front of him. “I swear to Christ, you ruin this night for your old man and I’ll make your life miserable.”

“You could try, but it won’t make much of a difference.” Luke mumbled.

Nick stared at him for a moment, trying his hardest to figure out what the hell his problem was.

“Luke, you made it!!” Joe said joyfully carrying a cardboard tray full of hot dogs.

Luke lifted his head and looked at his father, offering him a half of a smile. “Yeah, just in time too, they’re about to throw the first pitch.”

Joe sat down and handed out the hot dogs as he made himself comfortable. Nick handed Luke a hot dog and he shook his head. Nick leaned into his friend and whispered harshly. “Eat the fucking hot dog.”

Luke grabbed the hot dog Nick offered him and bit down with a vengeance and turned his attention back to the field.


The first two innings consisted of Joe taking pictures with his phone of the players as they made their way back to the dugout while Nick tried to include Luke in pointless conversation. Luke remained silent, not paying much attention to the game, but instead staring down at his phone hoping it would ring. He hadn’t heard from Cara in almost a week. Not since he told her that they had sex and she hung up on him. He had no idea if she was okay or what she was thinking and it had just about wrecked him.

He feared he set her back in her recovery by confessing the truth about their night together. He had to stop himself from driving to Pennsylvania to check on her. He knew he was acting irrational and yet he couldn’t control himself. He sat watching a playoff game, that under normal circumstances, he would’ve been in his glory. Instead, he sat there wishing she’d call him. He felt as if he was suffocating despite the fact that he was in a wide open stadium. He took a deep breath and eyed his escape route. He stole a glance towards his father and Nick. They jumped up along with the rest of the crowd as Jeter’s bat sent the ball out of the park. Perfect time to escape, they wouldn’t even realize he was gone, except Nick turned towards him and ruined his whole plan.

“Did you see that?!” He shouted over the roar of the stadium.

Luke stood up and leaned into Nick. “I’ve got to get out of here.” He shouted over the noise.

“Jeter! Jeter! Jeter!” Chants broke out around them as Nick stared at him incredulously.

“Are you kidding me? This is history in the making!” Nick shouted as Joe stood on top of his seat with the guy beside him chanting happily.

Luke glanced at his father watching as he began to kick his legs with his new buddy, like they were members of the Radio City Rockettes. He diverted his eyes back towards Nick.

“Take care of him.” Luke said before turning around and making his way through the row of people jumping up and down elated.

Nick looked back towards Joe. “I’ll be right back!” He shouted and Joe waved him off, signaling Nick to do what he had to do. Nick shuffled through the crowd, following Luke to the best of his ability.

By the time Luke made it inside the stadium he could hear the roar of the crowd explode again. He glanced up at the TV and saw that another homerun was scored in the Yankees favor.

“Luke!” Nick called as he made his way inside of the stadium.