Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“That’s because we all miss him, sweetie.” Deb said walking up behind Luke. “It makes me happy though that you talk about him.” She said softly with her eyes full of unshed tears for her son. “That way you don’t forget him and how much he loved you.”

Ava smiled at her grandmother and then looked back towards her dad. “I loved him too. I knew he hated dressing up and playing tea party, but he did anyway.”

Luke laughed slightly remembering the days he would walk in on Jake kneeling in front of Ava’s little table pretending to sip tea with her and her toys.

Deb wrapped her arms around Ava, placing a kiss on her cheek. “I tell you what? Why don’t we go back to my house and see if we can persuade grandpa to play tea party with us?”

Ava giggled. “He is the grumpiest guest all the time!” Ava said before taking hold of Deb’s hand in hers.

“As soon as I’m done helping Uncle Nick paint I’ll come by grandmas and scoop you up.” Luke said as he stood up straight.

“Okay.” Ava said and blew him a kiss before following Deb out of the living room.

When he was sure she was out of sounds reach he turned around and faced Sam and Nick, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. “Shit. That doesn’t get easier.” He ran his fingers through his hair roughly,

“Have you spoken to Cara?” Sam asked softly. It was as if she was all they had left of Jake. Often one family member or the other would speak of Jake and then automatically speak of Cara. Luke wondered if his family would always associate the two of them together.

He glanced up at the couple that had both sets of eyes trained on him awaiting his answer. “No, I haven’t.” He said flatly and turned around picking up the roller one more time. He let out a harsh breath as he started to roll the paint in wide strokes.

“Well, I was hoping you would speak to her soon…” Sam treaded carefully. “I don’t know if her passport is valid, I’m pretty sure it is because mom found Jake’s the other day and they had gone together to apply.”

Luke closed his eyes for a brief moment before continuing the task at hand without responding to his sister.

Sam angled her head and decided to approach him again, changing her original course. “I was also thinking that since you’re probably the only one who will speak to her, you could go ahead and book her on the same flight as you. You didn’t book yours yet right?”

“Babe, I know you’re excited, but we’ve got time.” Nick intervened, noticing the tension in his friend.

“Yes, but the flights will book up quickly around the holidays.” She insisted. “Mom had mentioned you were coming down after Christmas morning with Ava. That would be the day before the wedding.”

Luke knew very well that his sister wouldn’t stop and before he lost whatever little patience he had left, he turned around and looked her square in the eye. “I have not spoken to Cara. She could still be in detox for all I know or just flat out avoiding me.” Both options were possible and he was hoping selfishly that she was still in detox and not avoiding him. What a dick, he was. “I’ll go ahead and book her flight if and when I actually speak to her. And yes I’m flying down after my daughter opens her presents on Christmas morning. You weren’t expecting me to have Santa follow her to Cabo were you?”

Everyone was worried about spending their first Christmas without Jake, Luke included, but he also worried about making Christmas special for his daughter. She didn’t fully understand death and the impact it had on the adults she was surrounded by. She deserved to have a normal Christmas, despite the fact that no one felt like celebrating.

Sam frowned, not realizing how much of an inconvenience her wedding was on Luke. “I’m sorry. I can push it back if that helps you out. I didn’t even think about that.”

“No, it’s fine. We will just be there in the afternoon.” He said a little more relaxed and his gaze softened. “I didn’t mean to jump down your throat, Sam.” He added apologetically and combed his fingers through his tousled hair.

“No, it’s me. I’m being pushy and hormonal and…”

“Fifty shades of crazy…” Nick mumbled under his breath before he coughed and tried to cover up his little comment. Luke smiled slightly at him and then looked back at his sister who was perplexed.

“And I’m edgy. Stick us both together and were explosive.” He winked at her. “I promise I’ll get everything booked and finalized for the wedding. You don’t think I’d miss my little sister marry this pain in the ass?” He said shoving a thumb in Nick’s direction.

Sam smiled slightly. “You know I could help with Cara’s recovery, too.” She said knowing that Luke was on edge mostly because he had his hands full with Cara the last week.

Luke shook his head. “No one can help Cara but herself now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I just drove her up there.”