Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

She nodded. “Okay, Cara… time to put your big girl panties on.” She murmured as she took hold of the suitcase one more time and turned around.

Luke smiled slightly when he heard her coach herself, a little piece of the Cara Sloane he once knew, shining through the broken version that stood before him. “Hey…” He called and she glanced over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow towards him. “C’mere.” He whispered.

She looked at him confused for a moment and turned around to completely face him. He stepped forward and closed the space between them as he wrapped his arms around her delicate frame.

“I’m proud of you for taking this step.” He whispered into her hair as he held her against him for the briefest of moments. He didn’t give himself a second to question his actions and did as he felt. After a moment he pulled back and nodded towards the door behind her. “Now you can go.” He said and offered her a smile.

The corners of her mouth curved slightly and she treated him to a smile before she turned around and this time she didn’t hesitate, she walked straight through the automatic doors that opened for her. Luke watched them close behind her and stood still for a moment, sighing heavily as he let her go.


Once Cara had been admitted into the rehab facility, they had taken her to her room and gave her a few moments to situate her belongings. The room that had been appointed to her resembled a small hotel suite, completely different than what she had expected. She didn’t know why, but for some reason she thought she would feel trapped, as if she was a prisoner. Maybe she still would, but right now she wasn’t feeling all the anxiety she had anticipated on her way up here. Once she had unpacked some of her belongings and made her room feel a bit more as if it were her own, she made her way downstairs to the reception area.

She was scheduled for an assessment with one of the counselors and then would be taken to detox. She assumed that was when the anxiety would kick in. Pushing those thoughts out of her head, she took a seat and waited for her name to be called. There were very few people who were seated in the large area that reminded her of oversized living room. As she glanced around she wondered what their stories were and why they were here picking up the pieces of their lives just as she was.

She reached down absent-mindedly and her fingers found the delicate gold chain that hung around her neck. The only thing that dangled from it was her engagement ring and it fell over her heart. Her name was called and she looked in the direction of the person who had called it. The woman with a welcoming smile was middle-aged, with red hair. She wore glasses and was dressed professionally.

Cara stood and met her in the doorway of her office. She held out her hand as she introduced herself.

“You must be Cara, my name is Linda Snyder and I will be one of your counselors.” She said softly.

Cara shook her hand and stepped inside of her office. Once they were both inside Ms. Snyder nodded towards a row of seats.

“Why don’t you have a seat and we’ll get started.” Ms. Snyder said.

Cara took a deep breath and took a seat and watched as Ms. Snyder did the same.

“Do you have any questions for me before we begin?” She asked.

Cara shook her head and wiped her palms along her thighs. Her nerves were beginning to settle in and she couldn’t help but wonder what Ms. Snyder thought when she looked at her.

“Okay, Cara, why don’t you start by telling me why you’re here?” She probed.

“I’m addicted to prescription pain medication.” Cara whispered and then thought about her answer.

“What is your drug of choice?”

Cara shrugged her shoulders and didn’t meet the counselor’s eyes as she spoke. “Usually it’s Oxycodone, sometimes its Morphine and sometimes it’s both.”

“How were these drugs introduced to your body?”

She looked up at Ms. Snyder and her eyebrows drew together in confusion. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

“Did you take them intravenously? Or did you snort them? How did you take the drugs?”

“I swallowed them.” Cara said evenly and watched her take notes.

“When did you start using drugs?”

“I started taking the pills a few days after my fiancée died.” She said and fingered the ring that dangled between her breasts. Ms. Snyder lifted her gaze and looked at Cara, studying her for a moment.

“How long ago did he die?”

“He died in July of cancer.” She closed her eyes briefly as the pain began to creep inside of her. The feeling was familiar and she knew it would only progress the more she talked about it. That’s when the urge would come and she’d want to erase the pain.