Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Nick scratched the top of his head and peered at Sam.

“Oh my God you love it. Right?” He asked her before turning to Luke to see if the son of a bitch could read her thoughts and help a brother out, him being the expert and all.

Luke simply shrugged his shoulders and cocked his head waiting for Sam to answer.

“I love it!! It’s going to look fabulous with the couches I ordered today!” She said, grinning from ear to ear as she turned around and hurried towards Nick, placing a smacking kiss onto his lips.

Luke laughed as Nick’s shoulders slumped and the tension release from his body before he looked down at the little blonde beside him. He kneeled down and pointed to his cheek.

“Where’s my sugar?” He asked his little girl expectantly.

“But dad you’re covered in paint.” She whined. Luke tapped his finger to his cheek again. Ava sighed and carefully leaned in and pressed her little lips to his cheek. A grin spread across his face and he pressed his own lips to the tip of her nose.

“Are you having a good day with Aunt Sam and Grandma?” Luke asked her, watching as she leaned in to whisper.

“Grandma and I left Aunt Sam in the furniture store.” Her eyes widened in exaggeration. “Grandma says she has a hard time making decisions.” Ava shook her head and leaned in just a little closer. “She’s not kidding.”

Luke chuckled while Ava nodded, affirming everything she had said was true. He looked up at his mother and squinted in confusion. “Where’s dad?”

Deb rolled her eyes. “Please that man is driving me crazy. He’s been sitting in front of that TV since he woke up this morning, waiting for the Yankee game to start.”

“It’s a serious thing.” Luke said as he rose to his full height. If he hadn’t committed to helping Nick paint he’d be sitting right next to his father waiting for the first pitch. He picked up his roller and turned back to the wall, he was working on. If he kept at it maybe he’d make it to see half of the game at least.

Sam nudged Nick with her elbow and he looked at her for a moment. Her blue eyes shining back at him, eagerly willing him to share. He treated her to a wink before looking back towards his friend. “Hey man.”

“Yeah?” Luke said not stopping a moment to look back at him.

“So, since you’ve agreed to be my best man and all, and well your dad gave us his blessing I thought it was only right to do something to show my appreciation.” Nick said with a knowing smile. Luke turned around and raised an eyebrow. “So we just happen to have three tickets to game two of the A.L.C.S. And not just any tickets, but we’re right behind the dugout.” Nick added, sounding very proud of himself.

Luke’s eyes widened and he placed his roller down. He looked at Nick and narrowed his eyes. “Foti if you’re messing with me, God help you.”

Nick held up his hands as if he was surrendering. “I swear.”

Luke shifted his eyes back and forth between Nick and Sam and a slow grin worked its way along his mouth. “Did I ever tell you how extremely happy I am that you are going to be my brother-in-law?”

“I told you man, better to have me end up with your sister than some jerkoff who would’ve bought you a watch.” Nick said in a matter of fact tone and crossed his arms across his paint splattered sweatshirt. Luke advanced to him and grabbed him in a brotherly hug

“Best gift ever.” He said as he patted him on the back and withdrew from the embrace.

Sam smiled as she watched the two friends. “Oh, before I forget, we took Ava for her passport picture.” She said as she dug into her purse to produce the little picture. “You just have to fill out the forms and take the photo and I.D. requirements to the post office.” Luke went to reach for the photo, but she held it back from him. “You can’t sit on it Luke. The wedding is less than three months away.”

“Okay.” Luke said, snatching the picture from her. He looked down at the photo of his little beauty and then at the living breathing version. “You take a good picture, sweetheart.”

“Good looks run in my family.” She tried to wink and blinked both eyes instead.

Luke chuckled. “Oh yeah, who told you that?”

“Uncle Jake used to tell me that. He would say I got all my good looks from him.” She said and then when the adults around her changed their facial expressions she looked sad. “I’m sorry. Should I not have said that?” She asked in a small whisper.

Luke shook his head and crouched down to Ava’s eye level. “You never have to apologize for talking about Uncle Jake.” He offered her a small smile.

Ava glanced around the room, taking notice of everyone’s facial expressions. “But everyone looks so sad now that I mentioned him.”