Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

Within the boundaries of the green plants, the large black nets of mucus were quickly broken through by the many vines from all sorts of plants. The rank 2 Magi that struggled free quickly assembled behind the rank 3 Magus and secretly dispersed, trapping Alistair, who had turned into a werewolf, in the middle.

The furry werewolf in the middle kept howling at the Magi, a cunning look glinting in his eyes.

“Hm, something’s wrong!”

Leylin suddenly found an issue. Alistair, who was being surrounded, was much too calm about his current situation.

“Grab him!” The rank 3 Magus whose beard reached the ground seemed to have noticed something. His brows furrowed, and he quickly commanded the Magi behind him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several streaks of translucent magic arrows cut through the skies and produced whistling sounds, causing several Magi’s heads to explode.

Bang! Bang! A few light Magi immediately collapsed.

“What’s going on?” The light Magi around quickly retreated, all sorts of innate defensive spells flashing and appearing on their bodies.

Unfortunately, this was all useless!

The translucent arrows seemed to possess some terrifying magical power, and even the defences that rank 2 Magi spent all their energy on could not withstand them at all.

“Greta Abyssal Arrow? Fedlan, it’s you!”

The rank 3 light Magus roared in surprise, and green rays of light were produced from the foliage. Under the green rays, the green vines turned into large hands that seemed to break through space and appear in front of the translucent arrows, cancelling each other out.

The light Magi that had survived stuck close to the rank 3 light Magus, surveying their surroundings fearfully.

“You dark Magi actually dare betray the contract with the alliance. Aren’t you afraid of punishment?”

The rank 3 old light Magus seemed to know his opponent’s identity and immediately exclaimed.

“Hehe! Light Magi, the contract with the alliance—they’ve long since become things of the past! From hereon, darkness shall unify the continent!”

Along with the strange laughter, a dark green figure suddenly appeared within the auction hall.

After the figure appeared, green fluids and light rays began to take over half of the area, competing with the plant domain of the light Magi.

There were immense energy waves emitted from the body of the dark green figure that were on par with a rank 3 Magus.

“Hoduke, my old friend, isn’t it obvious? The continuous betrayal and fall of rank 2 Magi implies that there’s a large issue with your light Magi’s values. Only dark Magi are qualified to rule the south coast!”

The dark green figure seemed to be narrating some sort of insignificant issue, but the faces of the light Magus who heard this immediately underwent a violent change!

With the huge temptation of the Eternal River Plains’ secret plane, as well as the continuous damage dealt to the light Magi alliance, the dark Magi finally decided to break this fragile balance and bring war to the rest of the south coast!

“Come out!”

Shua shua! As the dark Magus spoke, a few figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall.

All these people had used black headcovers to cover their face, and there was an overpowering scent of blood on their bodies. On top of that, the energy waves they emitted were not lower than that of a rank 2 Magus!

Upon seeing this, the rank 3 light Magus’ expression worsened.

Rumble! Black mucus reached the heart of the giant tree, and covered by white gas, the tree shriveled up at a rate that could be seen by the naked eye. Eventually, it toppled and revealed a black rock with a hole in it.

“Let’s go! Don’t forget our agreement!” Fedlan spoke to Alistair, who was still in his werewolf form.

“Awoo!” The werewolf howled at Fedlan a few times as if in reply, jumped into the black hole that was a passageway and then vanished.

“The essence of the Wisdom Tree is extremely precious. They absolutely can’t gain possession of it!”

Hoduke, whose beard touched the ground, turned pale. Upon seeing that Alistair had fled, he quickly ordered the Magi behind him, “I’ll hold back the dark Magi. You need to get the essence back!”

As a rank 3 Magus, Hoduke was well read and knew that the dark Magi were not very prepared. Whilst they were at a huge disadvantage, they couldn’t just let Alistair leave.

If not, it wasn’t going to be just the problem of losing a few rank 2 light Magi. This was a matter of imbalance of power between rank 3 Magi!

A portion of the extract of the Wisdom Tree might not be enough to help a rank 2 Magus break through, but with the treasure in Alistair’s hands, it was a real possibility.

Hoduke knew very well that the treasure in Alistair’s hands would create a heaven-defying effect when paired with the essence of the Wisdom Tree.

“My old friend, we haven’t exchanged blows in two hundred years. I wonder what kind of changes your Wailing Earth technique has undergone!”

Hoduke muttered, while the power from vegetation began to vibrate.

“Hehe! Twenty years ago, I finally succeeded in my experiments and refined three thousand pure blooded Quarks, and I blended their innate talents into Wailing Earth. I’m sure the result will not leave you disappointed.”

Fedlan laughed again. A huge phantom image filled with skulls and gravestones appeared, and it struck against the green mirage filled with plants.

“Is this the domain of rank 3 Magi?”

Leylin observed the two rank 3 Magi exchanging blows and commanded the A.I. Chip to record everything down carefully.

Battles between two rank 3 Magi were very rarely seen, so this was extremely precious information.

Leylin, who possessed Kemoyin’s Pupil, the Book of Giant Serpent, as well as much information from the Four Seasons Garden, naturally knew that the power displayed by these two rank 3 Magi was still not a true “Domain”.

A real domain was a terrifying might that only rank 4 Morning Star Magi would be able to produce.

In a domain, all Magi who were weaker than rank 4 would have their abilities suppressed by a few levels, perhaps even to the point that they became like regular humans.

These two rank 3 Magi were only able to grasp a hint of this concept, and lacked the terrifying ability to suppress a Magus’ might!

However, now that he had been forced into these two rank 3 Magi’s “Domains,” Leylin couldn’t help but emit a few large darkness elemental runes, as if wanting to have a standoff with the domains.

“The domains of these two rank 3 Magi are already beginning to affect the Magi around them. Though the effect is very slight, it still isn’t weak enough to be ignored.”

Leylin gave the two figures, who were now hard to differentiate, a long look, and stood without any hesitation.

Chapter 281 – Sage


“Shadow Stealth!”

After standing up, Leylin used the spell that had the most outstanding concealing abilities out of all of the the rank 1 dark elemental magic he knew.

With the added bonus from his solidified spiritual force as a rank 2 Magus, Shadow Stealth was now terrifyingly formidable.

Leylin’s figure disappeared from the VIP room in an instant, such that even the rank 2 Magi outside were not able to detect him.

“Alistair actually sided with the dark Magi. With him as the leading cause, this sets the background for the Third Magus War.”

Leylin was unmoved by this, his body like a mirage as he hurried along.

“He’s not my business anyway. I just need to know if he has anything I need in his possession!”

The essence from the Wisdom Tree must have some extraordinary effects for ancient Magi to view it so highly.

Though Leylin possessed a high-grade meditation technique, he wouldn’t mind some extra assurance for when he wanted to break through.


Alistair leapt, his powerful hind legs leaving behind two deep pits in the ground.

With much momentum, he fiercely jumped out of the hole and began to run wildly on the field.

“He’s over there!”

Following closely behind him was that group of rank 2 Magi from the light Magi alliance. Upon seeing the situation, the leader immediately waved his sleeve!

Weng weng!

A concentrated volley of countless bugs was produced from his sleeves, and immediately after, a huge grey cloud floated out from the large sleeves of his robes.

Upon closer inspection, this ‘cloud’ was actually comprised of many densely packed bugs.

These bugs had two compound eyes, and their mandibles were fierce and sharp. A pair of translucent wings flapped at a high frequency, producing waves of an ear-piercing sound that would cause one to feel fidgety.

“Go!” This light Magus pointed at Alistair.

The bugs chirped in a way that shook the heavens, forming the image of a human face without eyes, and chased after Alistair, who was currently still in his werewolf form.