Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

Unfortunately, the black poison became denser, and did not seem to be able to be removed.

At the thought of what he had said, this dark Magus’ face turned red. Thankfully, his face had been completely obscured by the black gas, so nobody could see what sort of expression he had.

Seeing Leylin holding the target of their mission, this dark Magus had all sorts of thoughts and his lips twitched, but in the end, he didn’t say anything .

Leylin’s might far exceeded his expectations. He was basically at the level of the elite within rank 2 Magi, and he or Siley were unable to handle him by themselves. Attempting to fight may incur the hatred of their opponent, as well as cause more unnecessary deaths.

Dark Magi were very shrewd people. Even if he was able to hold onto the essence of the Wisdom Tree, there was no way he would have the chance to use it for himself. Why would any dark Magus risk their lives for it then?

Leylin naturally did not know about the complex thoughts running through their minds. Based on experience, however, he was largely able to guess their train of thought.

Hence, after nodding briefly towards Siley, he turned to leave.

Step! Step!

The sounds of the hoof steps of horses constantly sounded, and from the horizon a distance away, a team of Steel Knights appeared.

Though there were just thirteen people there, the knights were like a flood of steel that was charging towards them.

“It’s the thirteen sages of Iron Crown, who form the Steel Knight Squad!”

Siley gulped, “Since when did they work together with light Magi? Or was this just a simple dispatchment?”

At this point, he couldn’t help but chance a glance at Leylin.

Their target could only be Leylin, who had stolen the essence.

Lu lu!

Thirteen giant steel beasts that spewed out flames and had green light in their eyes stopped before the group. They fanned out and surrounded the Magi.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha! The leader’s helmet automatically opened, revealing the face of the Great Sage. “Who has the essence of the Wisdom Tree?”

He looked around with suspicion.

Their target, Alistair, was now collapsed on the floor, and nobody knew if he was alive or dead. There was a high possibility that the essence had been divided amongst the Magi here, or had been stolen. He naturally did not recognise Leylin, who had only just showed up.

What made him the most annoyed was that all of the Magi present were staring at him the way they would a dead man.

Chapter 284 – Prowess


“What’s going on?”

The Great Sage was surprised, and all of a sudden, his body lost all its strength.

Boom! Multiple steel creatures fell to the ground; the spirit flames in their black eye sockets died out. In a few seconds, they turned into dried up bones once again.

“Old friend!” The Great Sage wailed sorrowfully. His connection with his steed had been completely severed. In other words, the spirit of his companion of many years had been destroyed and no longer existed in this world.

“Who is it?” His eyes turned red.

That dark Magus and Siley turned in the same direction to look at Leylin, who had a helpless look on his face.

“It’s you!” The Great Sage’s face began to twitch. “You wretched trash! You dare…”

“How pointless!” Solidified blood-red rays shot out of Leylin’s eyes, and the red light on his wrist was now extremely intense, to the point that it hit its limit. Bang! The early alert warning system crystal exploded, turning into sparkling powder.

“Shadow Domain!”

“Toxic Bile!”

Total blackness filled the entire region, and behind Leylin, a large number of shadows that looked like snakes forming the terrifying features of a Devil King.

The large shadow was like a beast that swallowed everything as it spread, the terrifying sounds of corrosion and the low huffs of those meeting the face of death sounding at the centre.


A moment later, the black shadow disappeared, leaving the thirteen sages with no light in their eyes as they collapsed. Even the spirits in their bodies had been eaten through by the poison.

“Demonic Poison King! It’s Demonic Poison King Leylin!”

In an area not too far away, the few light Magi who were planning to take advantage of the decision turned pale in fear at the rotted corpses under the black mist.

Though they had heard of Leylin’s nickname as the Demonic Poison King before, they had never understood how terrifying he could be.

“Ley-Leylin, you…”

Not just that dark Magus, even Siley was a little stunned as he looked at Leylin, whose eyes were still shooting out blood-red rays.

The thirteen sages of the Iron Crown were a firm force that had been safeguarding this region. Every one of them had the strength of a peak rank 1 Magus, and their leader, the Great Sage, was even at rank 2!

Siley knew that if he were to be trapped by this group, things would very very troublesome. Even fleeing would be an issue. The terrifying vitality of the spirit beasts was something that Magi who developed their strengths based on spells were unable to contend against.

Now, however, this little group of Steel Knights that had been around for hundreds of years had died, just like that? And their killer was a newly-advanced rank 2 Magus, Leylin?

Siley scratched his bald head, wondering if he had been caught in some Rank 3 Magus’ illusion.

“Who else is there?”

Leylin’s expression was a little strange and he began to roar, the blood-red in his eyes more prominent as they swept in the direction where the light Magi were hidden.

“This is bad! He’s found us!”

The leader whispered softly, and the entire group rapidly withdrew a large distance. It couldn’t be helped! Leylin’s poisonous attack that could affect a large area had terrified them.


Leylin’s current situation was not good. Not only were there a few small wounds left behind by the retaliation of the Steel Knights, his expression was also crazed. White streams of air exited from his orifices.

[Liveliness of blood cells in host’s body has exceeded threshold! Beginning procedure to forcefully control situation!]

All of a sudden, a flash of bright blue rays covered Leylin’s body, and his body temperature lowered. The white mist condensed into fragments of ice inside and scattered all over Leylin’s body.

“Damn it, I got emotional again!”

Under the control of the A.I. Chip and the stimulus from the biting cold, Leylin was finally able to regain his senses, eyes flashing with intelligence.

“I can’t fight anymore, or else I’ll descend into a crazed state and go on a killing rampage till I die…”

Leylin surveyed the area, keeping the sight of the battlefield in his mind.

Though walking the path of a warlock with a bloodline allowed him to possess an incredible might, to the point that he could use his innate talents from his bloodline to achieve victory against experienced rank 2 Magi or even kill them and gain a reputation for himself, this branch of ancient Magi, the Warlock, had quite a few flaws.

The issue of becoming overly emotional was one of the problems.

Compared to the rational Magus, Warlocks were easily affected by the external world and were often extremely emotional.

Slaughter and battles would easily result in fury for Warlocks, causing them to descend into a crazed state and lose part of their rationality. If he were to be surrounded by enemies, he would not be able to escape at all.

“My bloodline is much too pure. The moment it flares up, even the potion of tranquility will be rejected from my body.”

Leylin checked his stats.

[Leylin Farlier. Rank 2 Warlock, Bloodline: Giant Kemoyin Serpent. Strength: 21.1, Agility: 14.4, Vitality: 27.9, Spiritual force: 104.3, Magic power: 53 (Magic power is in synchronisation with spiritual force) Status: Large amounts of adrenaline is being secreted. Similarity to emotional outburst of Warlock: 98.7%. Dispelling potion of tranquility.]

“A.I. Chip, use Plan C!” Leylin could only laugh bitterly and give out the command.

[Received authorisation, beginning small operation on Host’s body.]

The A.I. Chip loyally answered. In that moment, Leylin’s pupils turned sky blue, and cold energy particles were produced from all over his body.

“He seems to have a problem! Go!!!”

The light Magi who had been pursuing them saw Leylin acting weirdly. Excited, the light Magus who was the leader waved his sleeves and countless flying bugs came together to form half a human face, flying towards Leylin.

“You just don’t know when to stop!”

A fire rose in Leylin’s heart, but with the force from the chilliness, it was quickly suppressed.

His right hand slashed downwards, and a formless, translucent ripple spread like a wave in the air.

The formless ripple immediately collided with the sea of bugs.