Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

“It’s him! It’s Alistair!” “Move!”

As if triggering some switch, the VIP rooms belonging to rank 2 Magi exploded. Each and every one of the Magi who had reached rank 2 brazenly showed off their strength, and immense energy waves were constantly produced, causing an earthquake in the surroundings.

“Binding of Azora!” A streak of golden white light fiercely attacked the area where the rank 1 Magus was.

“Awoo!” At this moment, the Magus that was suspected to be Alistair suddenly ripped off the clothes on his chest, revealing fangs and a black tattoo of a huge wolf still dripping blood.

With his roars, a large black wolf leaped out of the Magus’ chest, its large and sharp claws reaching forward!

Bang! Golden yellow binding lights were smashed by the giant claws and were rendered to bits of gold light that quickly dispersed.

“The totem of the giant wolf! It can’t be wrong, this is Alistair!” More Magi charged out of the VIP rooms, streaking towards the rank 1 Magus like sharks that had found their prey.

An immense repressing force field suddenly appeared in the arena of the trade. The wandering rank 1 Magi that had been on the first level quickly retreated, looking pitiful as they left.

Some were even more unfortunate, the powerful spells of Rank 2 Magi having brushed passed them and causing serious injuries.

“Damn it! I shouldn’t have come here!”

A black figure had been caught by the intense red rays and could only dodge pitifully, their body charred over.

The figure’s hood was pushed back, revealing the face of the black figure. Surprisingly enough, it was the lady boss who Leylin had seen before, specializing in selling information.

“Damn it! Damn it! Are the leaders of the organisation stupid? Everyone here is a rank 2 Magus! They hid this information from the other Magi and wanted me, a puny rank 1 Magus to coordinate with their plans and go into the lion’s den? Did they want me dead?”

Bang! At this moment, the sparks from a huge green fireball brushed past and crashed into buildings behind her. There was even a corroded crater from the aftermath of the attack.

The female Magus was stunned for a second and then ran for the door without looking back. “Damn it, do whatever you want! I don’t care anymore!”

Compared to a rank 1 Magus, the spells of rank 2 Magi may not be as flashy, but the strength within were like mountains or seas. Just brushing against an object would cause it to turn to dust.


Numerous black figures that were like ancient savage beasts pounced out from the surroundings and sealed all the entrances from which Alistair could escape.

Amongst these Magi were white-haired elderly, grand and dignified ladies, as well haughty gentlemen in formal attire. The common trait between them was the symbol of the Light Magi Alliance on their chests.

“Alistair, you actually dare betray the glory that represents the light Magi! The Supreme Alliance will punish you!”

The red-bearded Torp yelled, and with a wave of his hand, immense flames and lava were produced from his hands, turning into a firey-red hammer.

“Lava Hammer!”

Lava kept boiling at the surface of the red hammer, emitting energy waves that belonged to rank 2 spells.

“Keke! I only temporarily entered the light Magi alliance. All that I have obtained are items I’ve gained through trade. How have I betrayed anyone?”

Alistair, who was in black robes, laughed in a strange manner that sounded like the howls of a wolf.

“This is definitely Alistair’s voice!”

“Go! What else is there to say to traitors who can’t even repent?”

The many rank 2 light Magi roared and colourful spells surrounded Alistair.

The black totem of a large wolf that Alistair had let out quickly turned to dust under the combined attacks of the rank 2 Magi.

Surprisingly, Alistair opened his arms and sneered at the rank 2 Magi that surrounded him.

“I have done no wrong! I need to advance to rank 3, and after that, darkness will eventually descend on this land!”

He chanted words that sounded like a prophecy, and his body began to crack under the continuous onslaught of spells.

Pak! Pak! Black fragments flew in all directions.

“This is… A dark Magus’ corporeal body puppet!”

Noticing that something was not right, Torp immediately yelled, “Beware! This is not Alistair’s real body, but a temporary flesh puppet!”

A ring of lava surrounded the puppet’s body.

Pak pak!

The black fragments from the flesh puppet melted into liquid in midair, forming large black nets that were similar to spiderwebs, which covered all the nearby rank 2 Magi .


The roof of the exchange hall shattered, and a Magus that looked exactly the same as the flesh puppet from before emerged from the rubble and dust; he howled at the Magus who was selling the extract of the Wisdom Tree.


Faced with the wolf howl, that Magus’ eyes seemed to glaze over, and he seemed to have been temporarily stupified.

“The Howl of the Lone Wolf!”

“Alistair’s unique mental attack!”

The rank 2 Magi who were trapped let out expressions of immense hatred.

Chapter 280 – Rank 3

Rank 3

However, it was too late.

With a sly grin on his face, Alistair suddenly transformed.

Muscles bulged, and thick, coarse fur that was characteristic of wolves covered his body. Fangs grew, and there was even fur on his face. Even his ears had turned into those of a wolf!

He threw himself forward, and in that moment, he turned into a werewolf!

Pak! Sharp wolf claws twisted in the air, and a rank 2 Magus’ head was smashed into pieces. Red and white brain juices spilled all over the ground.

The large werewolf did not stop and fished out a vial of green liquid from the corpse. His eyes revealed craziness along with his elation, and he was prepared to jump and leave the area.


At this moment, the announcer, who had retreated to the sidelines, suddenly stood forward.

Under white rays of light, the announcer’s body underwent a huge change.

His face became elongated, and a white beard dragged across the ground.

An overwhelming, tremendous, and unparalleled spiritual force descended onto the area.

“Giant Tree!” As the old man spoke, a huge plant suddenly grew from the center of the platform. The thick vines on the tree constantly extended, even crushing firm rocks into powder.

The huge tree blocked the entrance at the top, giving the werewolf no routes to escape.

“Awoo…” The werewolf that Alistair had transformed into howled at the old man.

“A rank 3 light Magus!” Leylin, who was in a VIP room, widened his eyes in surprise.

This was the first time that he had seen someone at the most powerful rank amongst the light Magi!

A rank 3 Magus was the absolute peak in the south coast! They were indomitable powers that controlled both the dark and light Magi.

The moment this light Magus attacked, magnificent and splendid life spells ignited within the auction area.

The wooden tables and chairs seemed to grow lives of their own, spores growing on their surfaces and turning into vines and plants.

In that instant, the entire area turned into a green plant heaven, with the giant, ancient tree right in the centre. It reigned like an emperor, standing tall and unyielding.

“When plant-type spells reach this level, it’s already touching the surface of being a ‘domain’…” Leylin, who had the guidance of the Book of Giant Serpent, had foresight that far surpassed all the rank 2 Magi present. He was able to recognise how remarkable this rank 3 Magus was.

“But… plant-type? This somehow feels very familiar!”

Dark energy particles exploded in Leylin’s hands, and the green plants in the VIP room instantly turned to dust.

This rank 3 spell immediately made him think of Reynold, the rank 2 Magus from Four Seasons Garden. Whether in terms of spells or aura, they were much too similar.

“Could it be that this rank 3 Magus is Reynold’s mentor or relative?”

With this thought, all of Leylin’s plans to participate disappeared.

In the auction hall, there were very few Magi who had chosen to just observe without lifting a finger.

There were two or three Magi in VIP rooms that still maintained their silence, not planning to do anything.

Alistair had dared to utilise a flesh puppet to hinder the light Magi, even risking his life to steal the essence from the Wisdom Tree. Furthermore, he had almost succeeded.

Leylin could not help but be in awe at his decisiveness and patience.

It was a pity that with the suppression by a rank 3 Magus, any plans were all in vain.

No matter how well Alistair was able to deal with rank 2 Magi, he was definitely not a match for a rank 3 Magus.