Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

Not only did many top grade magical pets have amazing battle power, they could also enhance a Magus’ magic or body. It was said that some legendary magical pets were able to help Magi break through bottlenecks.

Leylin had been looking for a magical pet that was completely compatible with him, but alas, such a thing was difficult to find. One could only depend on their luck, and as a result, Leylin still had yet to make a decision on his pet.

The Krone Mouse completely lacked the ability to fight, and did not have any special abilities that could increase the might of one’s magic or his resistance to spells. Its meagre ability to sense things was basically useless. This Magus had completely abandoned all these possibilities in favour of obtaining a powerful ability in detection, and it was hard to determine whether or not he had made the wrong choice.

Leylin followed the defense team leader into a private room that was opened up by other Magi.

It was extremely quiet, and there were even a few Magi. It seemed that the entrance was tightly guarded, and was only open to members.

“Alright. Can you tell me why you brought me here now? I’ll give you five minutes!”

Leylin was becoming a little annoyed. The leader, who had realised this, quickly launched into the main topic.

“If I’m not wrong, you must already have stepped into the realm of rank 2, right?”

The team leader seemed to be probing as he asked. Upon seeing Leylin admitting to this by staying silent, he straightened even more in his excitement and bowed once again.

In the south coast, rank 2 Magi were the absolute highest level, and were the leaders of large-scaled academies or the wielders of power in families! No matter where they went, they would enjoy treatment that was reserved for honoured guests.

“Oh revered Lord rank 2 Magus! We of the Iron Crown have recently been holding a small trading gathering between highly ranked Magi. Seeing that you did not look very satisfied, I was hoping you would be able to obtain what you wanted there…”

The leader began to explain, and a look of understanding shone in Leylin’s eyes.

In general, though the resources on the south coast were quite plentiful, this was only so for acolytes and regular Magi. The moment one was promoted to become a peak rank 1 Magus or even a rank 2 Magus like Leylin had been, it would be difficult to find a market that could meet their needs.

Hence, trade meetings that were held by individuals, in which only Magi of a certain level were invited, became mainstream.

Many Magi resumed their habits of using material items to make trades after being promoted to a higher ranking, exchanging items for what they needed with Magi at the same level of strength as themselves.

Before, Leylin lacked power, and was not qualified to participate. Now, however, he had been especially sought out and invited.

“Is this a trading event organized by the Iron Crown? When is it? Where will it be?” Leylin questioned. He already had plans to take a look there. Meeting with other Magi at the same level of strength as him would be extremely helpful to him, and in this sort of setting, the appearance of amazing items was almost certain.

“We are extremely honoured to have you participate!” Seeing that Leylin had agreed, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

With both hands, he then passed a black card to Leylin.

“The trading event will be held three days later, and the address is on the card. When the time comes, you’ll just need to bring the card and reach the place on time. In addition, the sages of the Iron Crown would like to have a long talk with all who are at least rank 2 Magi before the trade meeting. You’ll definitely not be disappointed.”

This leader provided more news, which seemed to be the most important part of this invitation.

“A meeting with them?” Leylin was surprised.

The sages of the Iron Crown were naturally not those who started the organisation, but they had the strength of at least peak rank 1 or even rank 2 Magi. Without this much strength, the Iron Crown would long since have been destroyed countless times over by Magi who harboured bad intentions towards them.

“May I know what it is about?”

Leylin fiddled with the black card in his hands. It was made out of some crystal and was cool to the touch. There were even rings engraved onto it that connected to form an intricate pattern that formed a large metal sword.

“I can’t really reveal the details, but I can tell you that it has to do with the incident at the Eternal River Plains’ secret plane.”

The leader of the defense team smiled, but Leylin began to get nervous.

“The incident at the Eternal River Plain’s secret plane? Was my identity revealed?”

Beneath his clothes, black scales protruded through Leylin’s skin. However, he quickly reacted, and asked without changing his expression, “Are you talking about Alistair?”

“Yes! He’s the lord who betrayed the Light Magi Alliance!” At the mention of Alistair, this leader’s tone was still one of reverence towards a rank 2 Magus, causing Leylin to nod inwardly.

Of course, this had to do with his neutral stance. If this leader was a light Magus, he would not call him a lord, or else he would be punished by the enforcement team!

“Interesting! Very interesting!”

After coming out of the private room, Leylin touched his chin, and a smile appeared on his lips. He quickly disappeared into the throngs of people.

After finishing up this business, this defence leader politely encouraged Leylin to partake in the services provided here, which he did. It must be said that these places that were catered to service highly ranked Magi were truly different, whether it be in terms of food, liquor, women, or anything else. Whatever Leylin could think of, they could provide, and the quality was also first rate.

For large organisations like this, any rank 2 Magus was worth roping in. In addition, Leylin was extremely unfamiliar to them, which had piqued their curiosity.

The Iron Crown obviously did not dare look into his background, though some sorts of observations and investigations were definitely underway.

However, Leylin paid this no mind. This middle-aged man that he currently looked like was completely different, and there was absolutely no information regarding him. By the time the Iron Crown might have found anything out or linked him to anything, he would probably have been long gone.

“But Alistair?”

Leylin suddenly felt as if this was fate. He had already been prepared to let this man go, but somehow, he was nearby Leylin again.

“He’s thought to have fled towards the Endless Ocean, but in actuality, he escaped towards the west. He’s a little shrewd, but that’s it…”

The diversion made by a rank 2 Magus was not so easily seen through. From Leylin’s guesses, there was probably a rank 3 Magus involved!

Chapter 276 – Entry


After having lived in the south coast for so many years, Leylin now had a basic knowledge of the situation there.

Geographically speaking, though the south coast was said to be a coast, it was a huge continent that covered mountain ranges, marshes, plains, snowy areas, and all sorts of topography. There were even a few concealed, savage ruins that even official Magi did not dare explore.

The largest population on this continent consisted of the native people. There were around 100 million of these regular human, and were divided into hundreds of dukedoms in various sizes.

Behind these dukedoms were the dark and light Magi controlling them.

The nobility and lords who were in power were basically the descendants of many official Magi!

Every once in a while, large Magi organisations in the south coast would test the spirit and talent of these noble families and recruit them to become acolytes. They would provide them with knowledge for them to continue governing for generations.

Though these academies would also bring in peasant acolytes, the percentage was very low. Only those of exceptional talent would be considered, and most of the times, their lives could not be guaranteed.

Some light Magi academies would not even recruit peasant acolytes, only the dark Magi were willing to do so!

Even with such a large population, the number of peasants with spiritual talent was simply too small.

Out of over ten thousand plebeians, only one would be lucky enough to be born with talent to become an acolyte and a Magus.

Even amongst them, their talent was nothing exceptional. If one talked about third or fourth-grade aptitudes, one really needed quite some luck.

Hence, a lot of academies and schools disappeared not due to enemy invasions, but from not being able to find a successor. This resulted in the gradual diminution of their power and their eventual demise.

The dark and light Magi both divided their powers well and forbid the recruitment of acolytes at certain boundaries. Due to their conflicting ideas about management, the population that was under dark Magi jurisdiction and their prosperity could not compare to the light Magi.