Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

In this exploration, Alistair, Alex and Juna’s three teams worked together and overcame a few difficulties. It seemed like they had obtained some incredible item.

This treasure seemed to be an amazing item effective for rank 2 Magi. Alistair had chosen to betray his teammates for this item, and after dealing with Alex and Juna on the sly, he had swept up the treasure and fled!

Upon receiving this news, dark Magi immediately attacked, and this had serious repercussions on the light Magi’s end. Not only had two rank 2 Magi died, even the corps that were guarding the area outside the ruins were attacked. At least three corps had been systematically annihilated.

Ever since that matter, the dark and light Magi in the south coast were in a tense situation.

Though the light Magi had had the upper hand previously, it was not as if the dark Magi were completely powerless. The difference in their might was not very big.

Now, in the span of a few months, including Alistair, the Light Magi Alliance had lost a total of four rank 2 Magi!

This definitely had an effect on the ratio of the power between the two factions. Though there were no losses in terms of their rank 3 Magi, which were the strongest they had, the dark Magi were starting to become restless.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Leylin. He was mostly attracted by that mysterious treasure.

“What could it be that would cause a rank 2 Magus to betray his faction and even plot against his companions?”

Traces of red appeared in Leylin’s eyes, and there seemed to be a voice inside shouting, “Snatch! Snatch it! Snatch the treasure!”

A desire that he could feel deep inside his bones invaded Leylin’s senses.

“Hm? That’s weird! When did I become so irrational?” Leylin’s expression changed and he grimly looked at the crystal at his wrist.

The crystal at his wrist was currently emitting a circle of red rays, looking about to drip fresh blood.

“The situation is getting worse!” An imposing look flashed by his eyes, and he opened a flask and drank from it.

Gulp! Gulp!

Large amounts of liquid that had a medicinal taste to it travelled down his throat, and Leylin’s expression seemed to calm down.

As time passed, the rays from the crystal dimmed, and it turned into a transparent, colourless crystal.

“It’s getting increasingly serious…”

Leylin kept the crystal and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

After drinking the potion he had brewed, Leylin could feel his spirit becoming tranquil, the impulse from before vanishing.

“The effects of being a warlock are really troublesome to deal with!”

Leylin furrowed his brows. After his heart had been modified such that he had completely fused with the bloodline of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent, Leylin could feel that the intense emotions due to the bloodline, which he had suppressed with this potion of tranquility, were now beginning to stir restlessly.

After advancing to become a rank 2 Warlock, this situation had become increasingly serious.

Leylin now had no choice but to set up an early warning spell design on his wrist. This colourless crystal was a ward that Leylin had set up. The moment bloodline-induced emotions began to affect his rationality; the crystal would immediately emit blood-red rays.

The graver this issue was, the more piercing the red rays on the surface of the crystal would be.

Leylin now had no choice but to prepare potions of tranquility and keep it at hand, occasionally drinking some to prevent the emotions from affecting his mind.

After all, for him to be able to come so far, the A.I. Chip was an important factor, the other being a clear mind.

If he lost this factor, no matter how powerful he became, it would simply be a tragedy.

“These emotional issues of warlocks were definitely complications in ancient times. Though the great Magus Serholm had come up with this potion of tranquility, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. I need to find a way that can permanently deal with it.”

Leylin looked grim.

“As for that Alistair, it’s not my place to think about that. Also, he’s so much further away…”

After regaining a clear mind, Leylin touched his chin.

“Of course, If he’s so blind as to offend me, then that’s a different matter altogether.”

After thinking this through, Leylin wore his hood once more and left this deserted alley.


A few hours later, Leylin emerged from a large building that had been built using gold and silver, a helpless look on his face.

Behind him, a Magus that seemed to be the owner was watching him leave, an apologetic expression on his face.

This was one of the top three commerce centres in the Brambles Iron Door, and Leylin had just purchased some items.

It was a pity that besides replenishing a few frequently used materials, there was no mention of the long distance detection spell that Leylin had been hoping to obtain.

As for a method to solve the warped emotions from his Warlock bloodline? Leylin didn’t even bother asking about it.

Chapter 275 – Trading Event

Trading Event

The inheritance of the Warlocks had been lost from the south coast for many years, so Leylin did not think that he would be so lucky as to be able to find a remedy so easily.

In addition, he did not want to reveal his trump card!

“I’m afraid I’ll have no choice but to rely on the Great Magus Serholm!”

Leylin scratched his chin, walking as he pondered over this.

As a rank 4 Warlock at the Morning Star level, the Great Magus Serholm must have had certain methods to withstand the emotional side effects that ailed them.

The potion of tranquility from before was evidence of that!

Leylin planned to find some vestiges or ruins that had been left behind by him, and hopefully discover something.

Leylin, who had already made up his mind, proceeded to the outer layer of the Brambles Iron Door.

He urgently needed some information or news regarding the Great Magus Serholm. From this, he would be able to find some methods to relieve himself of the side effects of his bloodline.

“Is our guest here planning to leave already?”

Just as Leylin was planning on leaving the Brambles Iron Door, he was suddenly stopped by a strange person who was wearing a hood.

“Who are you? I don’t know you!” Leylin, whose appearance was now that of a middle-aged man with a dangerous aura emanating from him.

The person he was facing could definitely sense this. He was currently like prey that had been marked by an ancient creature, and his two legs began to tremble involuntarily.

“Wait! Wait! My lord, I have no evil intentions!” The strange person began to wave his arms. To prove his identity, he even produced a metal disk and showed it to Leylin.

On the surface of the black disk, a symbol of the Iron Crown had been deeply engraved. There was no ornamentation on it, and the style in which it had been carved was with smooth, firm lines.

“Someone from the Iron Crown?” Leylin’s tone became less aggressive, and his aura also calmed down. He sized up the strange man, who was also an official Magus, “What do you want from me?”

“My lord! We from Iron Crown are extremely respectful and humble towards the many powerful lord Magi. To be honest, the moment you entered the market, we had already noticed you…”

The strange person bowed towards Leylin, “Please come with me!”

Leylin scratched his chin and followed behind him. From this person’s actions, Leylin could assume that the Iron Crown had already discovered his true strength. Then again, as the ruler of this area, a rank 2 Magus like him could easily disrupt everyday life here if he was not monitored. Iron Crown must have developed some sort of probing methods.

“How did you find me?”

Leylin, who was behind the strange person, couldn’t help but ask this question.

After hearing this question, the hooded person in front proudly patted the pouch on his waist. Xiu! A black shadow instantly crawled up to his shoulder.

This was a high-energy being that was similar to a mole, with eyes that brightly shone like shining sapphires. As it looked at Leylin’s body, it couldn’t help but shiver, even wedging its tail in between its legs.

“Pardon me!” The hooded man patted the head of the mole-like being to comfort it. “This is my lifelong magical companion, a Krone Mouse. Krone Mice have a heightened awareness for powerful spirits. Hence, I was able to take charge and become the leader of the defence team of the Iron Crown.”

Leylin glanced at the mole on this leader’s shoulder, a look of understanding in his eyes, “To be able to make this creature that has already gone extinct your pet, it seems like you have pretty good luck!”

A Magus’ magical pet or companion wasn’t just some mount. They needed to sign a strict spirit contract, and could only have one magical pet or companion in his or her entire lifetime.