Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 151-Chapter 300)

“Should I go over?” A tempting thought appeared in his mind, but he mercilessly suppressed it.

Based on his conjectures and the A.I. Chip’s estimations regarding space, spell formations like these did not consume a lot energy from the magic crystals, but the moment a real and living subject went through, the required energy would be enough to extract and consume all the power in the essence of the magic crystals!

Leylin was still not clear about the situation at the other end of the teleportation formation, and naturally could not take such a risky chance. In addition, the magic crystal consumption from the trip was bound to break Leylin’s heart.

Without seeing the teleportation spell formation at the other end, Leylin was unable to tell if he could return safely. What if it is was a one-way trip?

“En! Spiritual force can’t penetrate through, and detection spells are useless. There has to be another way…”

Chapter 273 – Brambles Iron Door

Brambles Iron Door

After that, Leylin used a couple of different methods to try to investigate the situation at the other end of the tunnel, but none of them worked.

His spiritual force still wasn’t able to see through space and every detection Magus’ spell was connected directly to spiritual forces so all of his plans didn’t work.

After taking one last deep look at the tunnel, Leylin was extremely reluctant as he deactivated the Magus’ formation.

Ka Cha!

The magic stone crystal in the groove of the magic formation automatically flew to Leylin’s hand and the various light rays emitted from it became slightly dimmer.

“Hmm? 10% of its power was consumed?” Leylin frowned a little when he felt the loss in power of the magic stone crystal.

It was similar to using one million magic stones in the span of a short moment!

Moreover, Leylin didn’t send any living creature through it and just used his spiritual force to investigate it! Otherwise, the magic stone crystal would have been instantly depleted!

“In this case, I must use something like a puppet or spirit slave that can automatically move by itself so that it can head in to check it out before being summoned back!”

Leylin rubbed his lower jaw.

Following this thought, he did not hesitate any longer to leave the secret plane of the Spirit Slaying Sect. As he was leaving, he purposefully set a formation at the entrance to replicate the scene before he arrived as much as possible.

Even though he could observe from various signs that the Gargamel would not be able to break through to the interior emergency pathway, Leylin did not want to take the risk.

With the help of the A.I. Chip’s meticulous calculations, even if the Gargamel were to personally come here, it would not be able to discover anything. This meant that his personal safety had greatly increased.

After laying down the formation, Leylin left the place.

Brambles Iron Door, located in the western part of the south coast, was a large scaled Magus market.

The reason why this place had this name was due to an enormous iron door that was completely covered with thistles and thorns that was nearby. Behind it was a medium sized Magus’s secret plane!

In the south coast, the secret planes were mostly controlled by the various large Magi organizations, and this particular resource secret plane was being controlled by the wandering Magi alliance, Iron Crown.

Since the dark and light Magi had suppressed them both openly and secretly and, after having experienced countless suppressions, many wandering Magi who were sitting on the fence had finally chosen to rebel against the major alliances!

This Iron Crown was a power that had been formed from wandering Magi.

In this location, numerous wandering Magi grouped together, took charge of the nearby domains, and even controlled a middle-scaled secret plane!

Even though the middle-scaled secret plane could not be compared with the Four Seasons Garden’s large scaled secret plane, it was still extremely rare and precious!

The existence of the Iron Crown was like a torch in the dark; it attracted the various wandering Magi and acolytes from the various lands of the south coast and constantly expanded.

However, it was to this point only.

Since it was a Magi alliance and controlled the management and contract agreements, the Iron Crown had always been weaker than the powerful Magi alliances. When it dealt with the outside world, it always kept a neutral position. Moreover, it only recently had flourished to the point to being just slightly stronger than the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

Furthermore, the dark Magi organisation Abyssal Bone Forest was only ranked as a mid-tier power!

It was also unknown what the higher ups of the dark and light Magi organizations were thinking. Perhaps they couldn’t be bothered to make a plot to share that piece of land and just allowed the Iron Crown to continue existing.

This place had also turned into an enormous bazaar for all Magi!

Since the wandering Magi kept a neutral position, it had become the south coast’s irreplaceable free market. No matter if it was a dark Magus or a light Magus, non-affiliated Magus or one from an alliance, all Magi had free entry to this place. Since the Iron Crown watched over this area, the security could be said to be great as there were no terrible incidences that happened, which resulted the rapid creation of a good reputation.

Leylin climbed to the summit of the mountain and looked with an elated gaze at the unfortified gathering city within the flat plain not far from his position.

“Is that the Brambles Iron Door? Its scale is almost comparable to the Nightless City…”

He took advantage of his high altitude and surveyed the area. He could see flat summits and large infrastructure gathered together. It seemed to be like a spider web that was expanding outwards from the numerous pathways.

Moreover, what made him feel amazed the most was that the gathering city unexpectedly did not have fortified walls or guards. Leylin could casually see various Magi moving about in various transportation devices as they moved in the gathering city in all directions.

Leylin had not felt this kind of atmosphere when he was in the Nightless City.

“When the Iron Crown was first founded, it was born from blood and flames. Initially, the thirteen wandering Magi had their hands covered with the blood of the dark and light Magi in order to run this place and to enable a place for the wandering Magi to live……”

Leylin sighed as he put on his hat before heading towards the Brambles Iron Door.

The specialty of the gathering city was that there were no obvious boundaries. After entering the perimeter of the Bramble Iron Door, Leylin saw various kinds and types of stalls on the road side.

Those stalls were set up by the wandering Magi. Leylin could also see acolytes, Magi, and even humans that were mending the stalls.

“It seems that this place isn’t inferior to the Nightless City! I wonder if I’ll be able to obtain the materials that I need here….”

Leylin thought to himself that his motives in coming here were to gather information, to replenish the ingredients he used most often, and to test his luck on whether he would be able to find any detection spell models. If it really was not possible to obtain them, then he would purchase a few puppets or spirit slaves to explore the plane.


Leylin walked without a destination in mind, but his gaze suddenly focused!

At the side of the main road, a group of Magi gathered and they appeared to be looking at some form of public notice.

Various images and words were shone onto an enormous black wall so that Magi from a few hundred meters away would still be able to see it.

The words were blood red with the words ‘wanted list’ written in large. Below the words, pictured of the Magi, their danger levels, and bounty rewards were mentioned.

Leylin had seen this before in Nightless City, but here, he was the top on the wanted list and was described to be incredibly dangerous!

His valiant achievements in his life up until this point in time were recorded, including the fact that he killed two great rank 2 Magi.

What made Leylin astonished was that currently on the wanted list his picture had shifted a position as he was replaced by an unfamiliar Magus.

“It seems that during the period that I disappeared, the south coast has experienced some major events!”

Leylin was a little curious, so he walked forward to see the words that were being shown.

In the south coast, the majority of the wanted people were people that gathered souls, such as a black Magus that committed crimes including slaying cities and eliminating countries. Once a rank 2 Magus entered the board, it would definitely be enormous news.

A rank 2 Magus would be counted as a big shot that oversaw an area on the south coast. There was not any news about such a person being wanted within the past few hundred years.