Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

The other music disciples were afraid she would actually fall down, so they all spoke up to comfort her, even scolding her.

When their voices reached Li Qingshan, they spoke with startling speed, like a tape on fast forward. It was almost unintelligible. He furrowed his brows and seemed to understand something.

Swish, swish, swish, swish! A few streaks of golden light shot towards him, so fast that even Li Qingshan almost failed to react in time. Without even looking back, he swung his sword and knocked away the quills flying towards his back, but the screaming behind him suddenly stopped. A quill had directly pierced her head, killing her on the spot. A bloody hole appeared on her clean, smooth forehead.

The comforting stopped too. A bloody hole had appeared on each of the other music disciples too, reducing them to corpses in the blink of an eye, still held up by the cloud ribbons.

Their eyes were wide open, almost struggling to believe that this would be their fate. Originally, they wanted to depend on Li Qingshan for some safety, but they never thought they would die because of him.

The cloud ribbons dispersed, and they fell towards the ground, gradually becoming smaller and vanishing through the clouds. Their clothes ruffled like fallen petals.

Li Qingshan had no time to lament. He finally understood. Dragonsnail had not become faster, but he had become slower. Not only had he become slower, but the response of his brain and the rate at which he circulated spiritual qi had slowed down too. However, he actually had no idea when he had fallen for this!

He stared at Dragonsnail before him. What a strange and terrifying innate ability!

Behind Li Qingshan among the clouds, the hedgehog daemon shuddered, and over a hundred streaks of golden light shot over like rain. There was nowhere to dodge. It was much slower than Li Qingshan, but it just happened to be unavoidable.


Why would Bloodshadow be afraid of a mere bolt of lightning after having faced a heavenly tribulation?

Just you wait until I suck you dry and see what your blood tastes like!

Bloodshadow sneered inside. He took a step forward, bathing in the sparks. His face gradually became charred, overwhelmed with a hint of fear. He stared at the stick in Zhou Tong’s hand. “What is that?”

It did not vanish after a flash like regular lightning. Instead, it lingered in Bloodshadow’s body, wreaking havoc recklessly. Every tiny spark could pierce his entire body and vaporise a part of his blood. Even his blood-red daemon core was wrapped in lightning, which made him shiver inside.

“As the Lord commands, may the Lord of Thunder and Mother of Lightning cast the divine lightning to slay the daemons!”

Zhou Tong was stern. He did not waste a single word and performed a series of ritualistic daoist gestures. His shabby robes danced about as he wielded the stick like he was wielding a supreme sword, plunging it right into the sky.


The divine lightning descended from above, linking heaven and earth and illuminating a range of five hundred kilometers.

Chapter 466: Avoiding Ties of Karma, Regular People are No Different From Ants | Legend of the Great Sage

Li Qingshan would have been fine if the golden rain was all that he faced, but with how shrewd Dragonsnail was, why would he ever give him that kind of opportunity? Dragonsnail lunged over without the slightest hesitation.

They wanted to squeeze out the last shred of life in him with this pincer attack.

Li Qingshan’s mind calmed down, like a grand ocean that was completely flat.

In that instant, he seemed to witness the trajectory of every single quill, but this feeling only remained for a single moment. The Illusory Water Sword of Invisibility in his right hand had swung towards the incoming rain of quills already. The blade of the sword flashed with the reflected silver moonlight.

At the same time, he sent a palm strike towards the incoming Dragonsnail, unleashing the Rising Tide Form and the Parting Clouds Form in a single breath. His true qi moved like the tide, layering and cascading in his palm strike, but it did not erupt. Only during the moment before Dragonsnail was about to reach him did it turn into a cloud-parting tsunami.

If it were some other time, his sword techniques might have been useful. If he faced regular Daemon Generals, this palm strike of his should have done the job.

However, he currently faced an ambush from a powerful commanding officer of the daemons. Dragonsnail had only brought a single Daemon General with him to ambush Li Qingshan, which only demonstrated his confidence in succeeding.

With a cling and a clang, Li Qingshan’s sword that was slightly slower only managed to knock away the two quills flying towards his head. His chest, belly, arms, and legs were struck at the same time, leading to seven or eight bloody holes running right through his body. One of these holes just happened to pierce the location of his heart.

With a bang, Dragonsnail confronted Li Qingshan’s palm strike scornfully. With his unbelievably great power and extremely tremendous daemon qi, he directly smashed through the tsunami, launching Li Qingshan away as he spurted with blood.

Just like the disciples of the school of Music, Li Qingshan fell out of the sky.

Dragonsnail was extremely confident that he had already shattered Li Qingshan’s organs with that palm strike of his. Not to mention, his heart, a vital point, had been injured too. Death was certain for him.

But just in case, he nodded towards the hedgehog Daemon General. The hedgehog Daemon General rushed towards Li Qingshan eagerly, ready to enjoy the delicious taste of human cultivators.

Li Qingshan’s eyes suddenly lit up. Before everyone had noticed it, he was already holding a scarlet talisman between his fingers. It burst into flames and turned into ashes as light wrapped around Li Qingshan.

The hedgehog daemon missed. In the blink of an eye, Li Qingshan had already been transported to five kilometers away, leaving behind a twinkling trail of light in the night sky.

Fortunately, I have this Escape talisman, or that old bastard would have gotten me good!

Li Qingshan could sense the circulation of his spiritual qi return to normal. No matter what Dragonsnail’s innate ability was, he clearly could not cover such a large range. He immediately unleashed the Wave Treading Form without the slightest hesitation, flying off into the distance.

Escape talismans were relatively precious among the various types of talismans available. Even their weakest versions could be scarlet talismans. Using one when facing imminent death was like gaining a new lease on life.

Having used an Escape talisman of the lowest quality, Li Qingshan could only escape to five kilometers away, and he did not know any escape techniques, which made it highly restrictive. He could only move five kilometers once he used it, not an inch more or less. He could only escape to somewhere within his view, and there could not be any obstacles in between.

These various restrictions made the Escape talisman almost useless. Not only was he unable to use it in a closed region, five kilometers was not far at all either for someone at his cultivation. He could cross that distance in a single breath.

It would be particularly restrictive in a situation like earlier. If he tried to use it right off the bat, he would probably be interrupted the moment he took it out. Even if he managed to use it, he would probably be startlingly slow under Dragonsnail’s strange ability, allowing Dragonsnail to respond in time.

He’s so heavily injured, so how can he still move around freely? Dragonsnail’s expression changed. A hint of anger flashed through his eyes as he directly pursued Li Qingshan.