Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

Just when an argument was about to break out, Fu Qingjin shot a glance at the Cloud Elder, and she snorted coldly before dropping the matter. If Xiao An actually fell in battle and the Annihilum Light Chan Master came for an explanation, the Rose Clouds sect would not be able to bear the consequences.

Ma Buyi shook his head in an exaggerated manner. “Now this is something you don’t know about. Divination is different from other techniques. It places great emphasis on talent. Xiao An could wield yin, yang, and the five elements from the moment she began cultivating. Her talent for divination exceeds even mine. After teaching her the Cloud Bookcase of the Seven Lots, I originally wanted to give her some proper guidance, but in the end, she basically comprehended everything I had comprehended over the years in a single afternoon. She basically needs no guidance from me.”

“Even without the Annihilum Light Chan Master of the Chan Monastery of Deva-Nāga, I still wouldn’t send her on any missions. Her talent definitely should not be used on dealing with a few daemons. Instead, it can be used to influence the entire war. As long as she has the time, she might even be able to influence the entire Green province. At the very least, I’m confident that her divination will exceed mine as long as she breaks through to Foundation Establishment!”

Everyone became hopeful once more with what Ma Buyi said. An extra, powerful practitioner of divination could play a role that even rivaled a peak Foundation Establishment master like Zhou Tong in a war like this.

Li Qingshan said, “Actually, Xiao An has already considered what school leader Ma is thinking. She has been attempting to break through to Foundation Establishment lately. She should have a good chance.”

Li Qingshan was not lying.

After killing Strongboulder, Bloodshadow became Xiao An’s next target, but Bloodshadow constantly moved around. It was impossible for her to search the entire world for him either. As a result, she tried to predict Bloodshadow’s movements with the Cloud Bookcase of the Seven Lots, but a cultivation at Qi Practitioner was just too low. Hence, she wanted to break through to Foundation Establishment with her fleshly body before predicting again. However, she wanted to kill him alone. She never considered working together with these people.

Ma Buyi said, “Please give this True Spirit pill to her for me.”

Liu Zhangqing also said, “I have one on me too. I hope it can assist her so that she can assist us.”

In order to kill this great opponent of theirs, they did not hold back at all with precious True Spirit pills. They were extremely generous. In the blink of an eye, four True Spirit pills had been offered. One of them even came from Fu Qingjin.

“I must thank you all in Xiao An’s place. I’m certain she won’t disappoint you.” Li Qingshan did not hold back, accepting the True Spirit pills. Xiao An is going to be finishing off this great opponent of yours, so she deserves some remuneration!

“Qingshan, actually I’ve recalled you this time to give you a certain mission. This mission is extremely dangerous. You’re free to accept it or turn it down.” Han Anjun frowned gently and seemed slightly troubled.

“You have always issued military orders like they are absolute, never discussing with us when handing down missions, general, so why are you wavering today? Don’t tell me you plan on going easy on Li Qingshan just because he’s your son-in-law?” Cheng Kaishan said unhappily.

Han Anjun only mentioned a single question and that was enough to leave Cheng Kaishan speechless.

“Where is Han Tieyi right now?”

Han Anjun had also sent Han Tieyi to ambush Bloodshadow. The dangers involved in the mission were self-explanatory. He would be sucked dry by the blood demon with even the slightest carelessness. What he implied was, I’ve never even given special treatment to my own son, let alone a son-in-law.

“I’ve already killed five Daemon Generals. If I recall correctly, you’ve only killed two so far, right, sect master Cheng? What are your orders, general? Please be straightforward. I, Li Qingshan, am not a coward!” Li Qingshan understood they were approaching the main topic the moment Han Anjun spoke. He glanced at Cheng Kaishan before clasping his hands.

“I want you to venture underground and investigate Bloodshadow’s den!”

Han Anjun knew the ambushes could potentially end in failure, so he made new arrangements beforehand, which was Li Qingshan.

Everyone no longer looked at Han Anjun in the same light. They felt that it was not because he did not show nepotism, but rather he was very displeased with this son-in-law of his, wanting to push Li Qingshan to his death. This mission was not just dangerous. It was basically certain death.

“Han Anjun, I’ve misspoken. You’re a true man!” No matter how unhappy Cheng Kaishan was with Li Qingshan, he could not help but develop some admiration towards Han Anjun. Being tough on others was nothing. What was difficult was being tough on yourself.

“General, I don’t think that’s appropriate. No one has any idea what the situation underground is like. There’s the daemon queen underground too. Qingshan is just an early Foundation Establishment cultivator, so this is no different than sending him off to his death. We should wait until Xiao An breaks through to Foundation Establishment first!” Hua Chengzan tried to dissuade him.

Li Qingshan frowned slightly. Xiao An had also suggested in the past for her to directly venture underground and kill Bloodshadow, but he stopped her. Bloodshadow’s den was extremely deep underground and extremely close to Cobweb city. He would never let Xiao An take this risk.

This father-in-law had basically lost his mind. He doesn’t even view his son-in-law as a proper person! Sure enough, this Illusory Water Sword of Invisibility didn’t come for free!

“I can’t place all my hopes on a child. I’m not sending you to kill Bloodshadow. I just want you to use the Illusory Water Sword of Invisibility to investigate so that we can prepare for the worst. With risk comes reward. Of course, you’re welcome to turn it down.”

“I accept, but I might not be able to set off immediately.” Li Qingshan casually drew the Illusory Water Sword of Invisibility. Not only had the blade dimmed, it was no longer transparent anymore either. He tested it, and the sword could no longer conceal him completely.

Chapter 468: Only Tomorrow is Worth Looking Forward to, Only Today is Worth Treasuring | Legend of the Great Sage

“What happened here?” Han Anjun’s face sank as he asked sternly.

“I ran into some trouble along the way…” Li Qingshan gave them a rough overview about Dragonsnail’s ambush and hid the detail that his heart had been pierced. “... Unfortunately, I was unable to save them. I’d say this Daemon General is even more powerful than the rock demon and blood demon. Please be careful if you run into him in the future, everyone.”

After listening to Li Qingshan’s story, everyone realised he had not just run into some trouble. Instead, he had almost lost his life out there.

It was rare of him to remain so calm and unfazed, seated on the side, listening along earlier and only explaining this calmly when the matter had been brought up, as if the one in danger was someone else, not him. His composure and bearing truly were startling.

Han Anjun nodded in satisfaction inside, but he also could not help but sigh, Qiongzhi, oh Qiongzhi. You really have an eye for men. This one is anything but mediocre. He is already showing signs of greatness. Even I can’t tell what step he will take now. This Li Qingshan is not someone you can control.

Cheng Kaishan snorted and questioned, “If the daemon you described really was that powerful, how did you manage to escape as a cultivator at early Foundation Establishment? What even more powerful than the blood demon and rock demon? You were probably just careless, wanting to shy away from your responsibilities!”