Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

“D- daemon!”

Everyone shuddered inside. None of them were unfamiliar with the word daemon, but they had only heard about daemons that could assume human forms. Never had they seen one before. It was said that all those who had seen one were dead. And, it was said that even the great sirs in the cities who could use magic were not their opponents. They had no idea whether that was true or not.

Old man Liu was tempted to slap himself across his face. With his unlucky mouth, what was he calling out for? He immediately turned around to flee.

However, with a scarlet flash, the daemon had already arrived right in front of him. He lowered his head and said to old man Liu, “Alright!”

“It’s been a while since I’ve had…” Before Li Qingshan had even finished speaking, he heard a thud, and old man Liu’s legs gave way, falling onto his knees. He soon remembered this was a daemon and pleading for mercy was useless, so he just straightened himself out to play dead!

The other customers all shrieked and howled as they scattered.

Li Qingshan curled his lip and poured himself some tea, drinking a cup. Unsatisfied, he picked up the entire teapot and directly poured it into his mouth.

The tea was not particularly good tea, but over the past few years he spent cultivating, he had almost forgotten the feeling of being “human”. Having some tea once more was quite the sensation.

Gazing at Clear River city in the distance, a thought crossed his head. I probably want to go there, right?

As a result, Li Qingshan made his way towards the city at a leisurely pace with a teapot in one hand and a willow branch in the other.


In the Parlour of Clouds and Rain, everyone had become riled up with Liu Zhangqing’s motivational speech. They were eager to get a piece of action. There were not people who could be fooled with just a few words, and they understood the dangers of war too.

Actually, in the past three years, millions of regular people had lost their lives. Countless Qi Practitioners had too, but when it came to Foundation Establishment cultivators, there were not a lot who died at all. If the moon demon had not emerged, it would have only been ten or twenty percent at most.

With their levels of cultivation, they would always possess a few methods to protect their own lives, whether it be talismans or arcane artifacts. As long as they knew how to respond to the situation without biting off more than they could chew, escaping from danger was not particularly difficult for them.

However, if they killed daemons, they would obtain precious daemon cores as well as their other remains like bones, flesh, and hide, all of which was extremely precious. It was possible to say that killing a Daemon General was equivalent to obtaining a treasure trove of items.

If the daemon cores they obtained matched their elemental affinity, they could even take a great step forward with their cultivation, earning them an opportunity to break through to higher realms that they originally had no chance at reaching.

Moving around alone might have been dangerous, but with so many people together, what were they afraid of? Even if they ran into the stone demon or blood demon, they had countermeasures against them. Everything would be fine as long as they did not get too unlucky and run into the moon demon.

“We’re well-informed on the enemy right now, and we have the advantage of striking first. If we plan carefully, we’ll definitely catch the daemons off-guard. I’m not particularly skilled in this aspect, so could you come up with some strategies for us, general Han?” Fu Qingjin requested politely.

Han Anjun, who had remained silent the entire time, accepted the responsibility and stood up, arriving in the centre with a flash.

The very aspects that the school of Military focused on had always been mobilising troops, battle formations, strategies, and the military law. Even Fu Qingjin could not claim he surpassed Han Anjin when it came to a large-scale operation of mobilising all the cultivators in the entire prefecture.

“There are only a few dozen Daemon Generals underground right now, and they lack organisation and a leader. The rock demon is dead, while the blood demon is injured. They’re nothing worth worrying about. Only the moon demon and the several dozen Foundation Establishment night roamers under his command are a problem.”

When they heard the moon demon being mentioned, everyone felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over them. Their enthusiasm was completely extinguished. If they ran into the night roamer army led by the moon demon, fleeing would not be as easy as running into the rock demon or blood demon.

Fu Qingjin let out a gentle sigh. He knew that this was an unavoidable obstacle. As he murmured, “Northmoon,” even he found him rather troublesome. He had never expected the Daemon race of the Clear River prefecture to produce such a powerful daemon.

Not only did he possess an extremely powerful cultivation, but he also possessed intelligence that regular Daemon Generals lacked, having united a great group of night roamers under his banner. Anyone who wanted to destroy this force would have to pay a heavy price.

As a member of the cultivation community in the Clear River prefecture, Qiu Haitang also listened along from a corner. She knew she would no longer be able to maneuver between the two organisations and remain uninvolved once the alliance was forged. As she watched how they reacted when the moon demon was mentioned, she found it rather funny, and she felt rather proud too.

She had seen the moon demon, no, Northmoon, in person before. She had even forced him into a heart-to-heart conversation on the Soaring Dragon ship. In retrospect, she sure was audacious back then! He was a cruel and vicious daemon after all!

However, he did not seem as terrifying as they described him to be in her impression. Although he was rather irritable, he was actually very mischievous or even rather gentle. Sometimes, he seemed more like a big child to her, also possessing feelings of love inside.

At this moment, a Scarlet Wolf guard responsible for surveilling the surroundings of Clear River city reported, “Commander, a daemon has entered the city.”

Was it about to begin? Everyone shivered and prepared themselves to purge daemons.

“It’s just a daemon, isn’t it? What’re you so flustered for?” Wang Pushi became displeased at how unsettled the Scarlet Wolf guard was.

“ I think… I think… it’s the moon demon!”

“What did you say?” Wang Pushi’s expression changed. It was not just him. The other Foundation Establishment cultivators were all taken aback too. Most of their motivation to purge daemons vanished into thin air.

Liu Zhangqing immediately fished out the Watermirror disc. Stroking across it, the scenery of the entire city immediately appeared on there. The west side of the city had descended into turmoil and people shrieked and fled.

Everyone could not help but raise their heads and look into the Watermirror disc.

Under the control of his spiritual energy, the scenery in the Watermirror disc rapidly expanded. A devilishly handsome face filled the entire disc. He seemed rather lost and lethargic. As if he had suddenly sensed something, he looked around before narrowing his eyes, locking onto Liu Zhangqing’s eyes.

“So there you are!”

Liu Zhangqing staggered backwards slightly in fright as he cried out, “Oh no, the moon demon is going to slaughter the prefectural city!”

“Why didn’t the formations respond?”