Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

Li Qingshan admired her secretly. She did not possess so many avenues of information like him, yet she was still able to see so far. Her insight was truly impressive.

“Sister, it’s just killing a group of regular people. Will the consequences really be so severe?” Ye Liubo felt like she had come up with a good idea for once, but she had been overshadowed by her elder sister yet again.

“All chest and no brains.” Li Qingshan patted Ye Liubo’s cheek. “Hmph!” Ye Liubo directly grabbed his hand and stuffed it between her impressive breasts.

Li Qingshan did not pull his hand out, enjoying himself between her soft breasts. He asked, “Liusu, looks like you’ve learnt quite a lot about the human world recently. I don’t like wasting time on something like this, but how should we deal with this?”

This order definitely could not be carried out, but the Spider Queen was a difficult target to appease. Completing ignoring her orders was impossible too. This was the helplessness that came with a lack of strength. If he served someone, then he would be bound to them. He was unable to approach matters the way he wished all the time.

Chapter 458: Intentions Revealed | Legend of the Great Sage

Li Qingshan contemplated it silently. Since he could not deal with this using a direct approach, he would have to cover it up with something else and lead the spider queen astray.

“Liusu, apart from the Rose Cloud sect currently occupied by the Daemon Suppression alliance and the academy’s Clear River city, are there any other places we can attack in the Clear River prefecture? It has to be strategic points to the war. Only then can it hold up before the Spider Queen as an explanation.”

Ye Liusu saw how he approved of her suggestion, so she smiled and came up with a suitable counterplan.

“There are. We can target spiritual stone mines!”

As the currency in the world of cultivation, spiritual stones were also important items of use. They were all mined from the individual spiritual stone mines before being forged by artifact blacksmiths into regular spiritual stones.

This was one of the most important resources to cultivators. Without spiritual stones, the mechanisms and puppets of mohism would all be rendered useless.

Fu Qingjin was able to gather all the sects together, but he was unable to take these spiritual stones along with him.

Ye Liusu took out a mental map and indicated certain spots. “There are over a dozen larger spiritual stone mines in the Clear River prefecture right now…”

“Gather everyone!” Li Qingshan swung his hand. He had to launch an attack as soon as possible so that he could draw over everyone’s attention before the daemons began massacring cities.


In the Parlour of Clouds and Rain, Li Qingshan opened his eyes and glanced at Fu Qingjin from afar. You may be an enemy, but I hope you receive my warning.

He turned towards Ru Xin. “Earlier, I…”

“Who are you? Why are you sitting beside me?” Ru Xin glanced at him before turning away again.

Li Qingshan shrugged and let out a smile.

As his summoning orders were being carried out in a hurry underground, the meeting continued in a systematic manner.

Through Li Qingshan’s eyes, he saw two worlds, one dark and one light. They both symbolised the centres of the world of humans and the world of daemons. Even though the Clear River prefecture was just a chessboard, he believed he was a rook that could move freely, one that could affect the developments of the entire chessboard.

TL: The chess reference here is actually a reference to the chariot piece in Chinese chess. It’s a piece that moves in basically the same way as the rook does in western chess, except it’s the piece that can move most freely and quickly through the board in Chinese chess, thus making it one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, piece in Chinese chess.

With the Spider Queen’s orders, the middlegame had finally arrived.

In the meeting, both sides bickered over every single point, refusing to relent no matter what it was.

Fu Qingjin sat with his arms crossed in silence. Suddenly, he frowned and pressed his finger against his ear, as if he was listening to something. A while later, he stood up and arrived in the centre of the meeting.

The disputes stopped. Everyone’s gazes landed on him.

Fu Qingjin said, “I just received news that the rock demon is dead.”

After a moment of silence, everyone became riled up again. “What? When?” “Did he succumb to the injuries dealt by that strike from fellow Fu?” “That’s fantastic! My disciples have finally been avenged!”

Various sounds reached Mind Enlightenment’s ears, but it only turned into a buzz. Only five words continued to echo through his head. The rock demon is dead. In the end, it turned into a verbal murmuring, “The rock demon is dead.” He exclaimed, “Master!” His face was already covered in tears.

Li Qingshan glanced at Mind Enlightenment from afar and muttered quietly, “That’s the end to that grievance. We no longer owe one another anything.”

Li Qingshan was rather surprised with how quickly Fu Qingjin had received the news. The death of the rock demon had been announced with the Spider Queen’s orders to massacre cities, but the news had not been spread very far.

Just where did he receive this news from?

The hall became filled with a jubilous atmosphere. The rock demon had slaughtered countless and caused great damage. The number of regular people who died to his hands had reached into the millions a long time ago, and he had killed countless cultivators too. He was like a great shadow, looming over everyone’s heads. Now that he finally faced retribution, of course they would all be overjoyed.

Even the cultivators with extremely impressive self-restraint could not help but smile. Some people even began to dance about.

However, Fu Qingjin’s next words immediately diluted the joyous atmosphere while attracting even more suspicion from Li Qingshan.

“The daemon queen has already sent out orders to massacre cities. She wants a hundred cities slaughtered in revenge for the rock demon.”

Just as everyone was surprised, Li Qingshan contemplated a certain question. How had the information been leaked?

Fu Qingjin seemed to be using some kind of high level voice transmission spiritual artifact earlier, or it would have been impossible for the message to be transmitted across such great distances, even overcoming the interference from the underground magnetic fields.

Daemon Generals could refine spiritual artifacts and use them, but spiritual artifacts like that normally came in pairs or groups. If they were to be refined, they would be refined together. Fu Qingjin would never move around with an item radiating with daemon qi on him, so it must have been the doing of a night roamer.

Who was this night roamer? There sure were a lot of hidden secrets in the world!

However, Fu Qingjin did not mention anything regarding attacking spiritual stone mines, which made Li Qingshan relax slightly. As it seemed, it was not someone from his personal guards, but a clansmen possibly. Otherwise, he would have his mirror clone turn the entire place upside down right now to sniff out the damned spy.

It was not necessarily bad news that Fu Qingjin had learnt about this beforehand. At least it could save countless cities, reduce the casualties of this war, and speed up the progress of the war.

“Fellow Fu, is that true?” Liu Zhangqing could not help but stand up. He was solemn. As the prefect of Clear River, he had the responsibility of safeguarding his citizens in the place of the emperor. More importantly, it had to do with the accumulation of merit for all confucian disciples.

“That’s right. The daemons are leading a large-scale attack, yet we’re still here bickering over puny matters. What do you think about this, sir Liu?”