Wicked Edge

An enemy had his brother.

A cold lump settled in his gut, and he had to work to force down the rage. And fear. Logan was trained and smart as hell. Even so, he was a kid. The idea of his little brother being tortured or beheaded made Zane’s head swim.

Kellach Dunne barked orders into his phone while pacing the long wall of windows, and Simone Brightston worked a computer on the counter, looking for surveillance footage. There had been a brief but entertaining scuffle between Kell and Simone when he’d ordered her to work in Daire’s penthouse. The woman had nicely refused, but Kell hadn’t taken no for an answer.

Based on the materials Zane had read, if Simone really wasn’t involved in the mining and sale of planekite, somebody sure wanted her to look guilty. He would’ve ordered her into safety if she’d been his to protect, too.

Sam slid an energy drink in front of him, and he took it gratefully. There was nothing like having his brother at his back. “Anything?” Sam asked.

“No.” Zane shoved another manila file across the table.

Their mom flipped through a series of maps, muttering to herself. Zane kept an eye on her, having no doubt she’d take off at some point to meet Bychkov without any backup. If there was a chance to save Logan, she’d sacrifice herself. He knew that much about her, if nothing else.

Sure she was young, but she’d always been steady and forward moving.

Not bat-shit crazy. And fighting polar bears, robbing banks, and plotting revenge against somebody as powerful as Bychkov was bat-shit crazy. Not to mention mating one of the Coven Nine enforcers. They were dangerous and nuts. Now Zane would either have to watch her take a dangerous experimental drug a second time to negate the mating bond, or he had to cut off Daire Dunne’s head.

Something told him neither path would be an easy one.

“I’m staying mated,” his mom whispered, turning a map around and holding it up to the light.

The woman had always known how to somehow read his mind. “No, you’re not.”

An eyebrow lifted, and she glanced around the map of Europe. “Behave yourself, young man.”

It took every ounce of control he owned not to reply with a “yes, ma’am.” He bit back any other response, cutting Simone a look. The witch had abandoned the computer and was watching the scene with sparkling eyes. “You might want to get back to work.”

“Watch yourself, demon.” She sniffed and turned back to the computer. “I’ll burn you to a crisp.”

Witches. He was suddenly surrounded by witches. “They’re all insane,” he whispered to his mom.

Simone snorted, typing away quickly.

“I like ’em,” his mom responded.

She would.

Sam, ever the peacemaker, leaned against the demolished front doorjamb and crossed his arms. “Mom, don’t you think you rushed into this a little bit?”

She shrugged. “Life can be short.”

Zane didn’t know her at all. Who was this woman? “Which is why we plan carefully and proceed slowly.”

“You’ve never done either, son.” She returned to studying her maps.

Okay, he needed to rein in his temper and fast. He had a mate and baby girl in Idaho, and the second he found Logan, he was taking his entire family there for some quiet time. His mom and all three of his brothers would remain at demon headquarters for the near future, and they’d all live in fucking peace.

“I’m not going to retire in Idaho and knit stuff,” his mom murmured.

“Are you reading my mind?” he barked out.

“Of course not.” She looked up from the map and blinked her pupils smaller. “I just know how your mind works.”

Yeah, which was why he hadn’t gotten away with anything since he was two years old.

Kellach switched off a call, and his phone buzzed instantly again. “What?” He stilled, and his shoulders stiffened.

Zane leaned forward. Was the call about Logan?

Rebecca Zanetti's books