Wicked Edge

Her smile settled something deep inside him. “I figured out in the shower yesterday, when we got all hot and heavy, that I totally am worth it.”

Yeah. He figured. Grasping her hand, he led her toward the hallway. “I’d like a moment before I go.” His back stiffened, but he chose to ignore the tension suddenly emanating from Zane and Sam. Once outside in the hallway, he turned and grasped her hands. “Logan is a smart kid, and he’s tougher than most soldiers ten times his age. I’ll get whatever information I can from the Titans of Fire, and we’ll go from there.”

Dark circles marred the pretty skin under her midnight-dark eyes. But her chin was up, and her shoulders remained back. “I know. Thank you for helping.”

He couldn’t help rubbing his knuckles along her cheekbone. Her skin was unbelievably soft. “We’ll get him back, Cee Cee. I promise.”

She blinked and her eyes filled.

His chest ached. Slowly, not wanting to spook her, he lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers.

A throat cleared. “Ah, Mom? We have some files to go over.”

Daire slowly turned his head to catch Sam’s hard glare from the demolished doorway. Jesus. “Go ahead. If you hear any news, call me,” Daire said, nudging Felicity toward her nosy kid.

She nodded and headed back into the safety of the penthouse. Sam cut Daire another threatening look before turning on his heel. Daire glanced up at the ceiling. What had he ever done to fate to deserve the Kyllwood three sons as family? At least he could be sure Felicity would be well protected while he was gone and dealing with Fire.

“Boy have you stepped in a pile of it,” said a soft voice from the penthouse down the hallway.

He turned and grinned at Simone. “No shit.”

Her dark eyes sparkled. Dressed in faded jeans, black boots, and red leather jacket, the woman looked like an Amazon queen. “Kellach and Alexandra just landed at the airport. She’s heading into the station to see if there have been any police gains on the Apollo issue, and he’s coming here to help find Logan. I’ve been going through surveillance for cameras along the route we think the redhead took Logan, but all I’ve found is one picture of them leaving the bar.”

“Send it to my phone,” Daire ordered.

“Already did.”

He rubbed his eyes, caught between two duties. “I need Kellach on the files pertaining to you and whoever is trying to set you up. Enough people are working Logan’s case.”

Simone snorted. “One catastrophe at a time.”

“No.” Daire exhaled slowly. “It’s bad, Simone. Whoever is after you has excellent resources. If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I’d even be questioning some of the documents.”

She leaned against her doorjamb. “But you know, with certainty, that I’m not involved?”

He scowled. “Of course I know.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

Daire paused. “You said that Alexandra and Kellach are home. What about Jennie?” Alexandra and Tori’s mom was a kick in the pants but somewhat difficult to keep track of.

“She stayed in Dublin and is having a ball with a bunch of the Dunne sisters.” Simone shrugged. “Odd pairing, if you ask me. But who knows.”

Simone and Tori were an odd pairing for friends, too, but they seemed to be getting along like they’d known each other for decades. Daire glanced at the time on his phone. “Garrett said he and Logan have been staying with you.” He looked back up.

Simone flushed a light scarlet. “Those two idiots just moved in because I’m the only one with food. They’re like cockroaches. I can’t get them to leave.”

Daire smiled. The woman was definitely protesting too much. Why she hid her gooey center was beyond him. “It’s okay to like them.”

“I don’t.” She snorted but her eyes sparkled. “Go to your meeting. I’ve got things covered here.” She turned on a high-heeled boot and went back inside her apartment. Her door, unlike his, closed nicely.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Two steps took him to his cracked doorjamb. “Zane?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books