Wicked Edge

She flattened her palms over his pecs. “Getting him alone has always been my plan.”

Crazy woman. Why did her insanity arouse him so? He reached around and palmed her ass, lifting her up against the stone. “The idea of you in danger makes me want to really hurt somebody.”

She smiled and clapped her knees around his ribs. “Ditto.”

Now wasn’t that sweet? He lowered her and pressed against her sex.

She hummed and lifted her head, arching against him.

He slowly slid inside her, taking his time, enjoying the devastating heat surrounding his shaft. The warmth slid through him to take root in his chest. If he had a heart, she was in there.

Her cheeks flushed and her eyes darkened. “I love when you’re inside me.”

Such sweetness. He leaned down and took her lips, teasing her with soft licks at the corners of her mouth. “There’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be,” he said, meaning every word. He’d lived long enough to contemplate the afterlife, and he was fairly certain heaven existed. But he knew without question that heaven on earth did, and right now, he was there.

Her smile was slow and so sexy his heart ached. “Just so you know, even though it has been crazy, I’ve really enjoyed the last week,” she whispered, tilting her pelvis and taking more of him.

He pulled out and thrust inside. “As have I.” He stilled as her words sank in. “That almost sounded like a good-bye.”

“No.” Her nails dragged down his chest. “It’s a true statement just in case. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

He did. He was going to take down Bychkov, get Logan home safely, and keep her away from danger. Everything had happened so quickly between them, and there had been excitement after dangerous missions after close calls. She needed time and peace to figure out what she wanted, and he was going to give her that. Then they could figure out the mating and slowly get to know each other.

He’d never been in love, but this was probably how it happened. Forget docile and sweet. He wanted wild and willing.

She bit his bottom lip.

Desire roared through him. He kissed her deep, seducing her mouth, tasting the desire in her kiss. His hips moved on their own, thrusting harder, taking him home.

Felicity returned the kiss, moaning under his onslaught. The cool stone behind her back was no match for the heated male along her front. He angled her up, just enough that he brushed across her clit.

Stars flashed behind her eyes. A moan built in her throat, and the muscles in her thighs trembled.

He held her weight with such ease, butterflies winged through her abdomen. His hot mouth peppered desperate kisses along her jawline and down her neck to nip the bite wounds near her shoulder. His bite.

Her body convulsed around him in a mini-explosion. More. There was so much more coming. The steam surrounded them, providing haven in a dangerous world. The man holding her so tightly, dedicated to keeping her safe, was more than she could’ve wished for while so alone the last few decades. Her last love had been calm and gentle, and she’d appreciated him.

Daire was anything but calm and gentle, and he brought out a side of her she hadn’t even known existed. A crazy, free side that just wanted to ride his wildness.

He licked the bite again, and she shivered.

“You like that bite,” he murmured as a satisfied statement.

She nodded and clasped her feet at the small of his back. “That feels amazing.”

“Hmmm.” His lips enclosed her collarbone, and his tongue lashed her.

She moaned.

He kissed the wound. “I wonder if that’ll work with other bites.”

At the mere thought, her body trembled.

“I’ll have to bite your inner thigh and see.”

She groaned and he chuckled.

Yeah, she knew they needed to slow down and figure out reality, but a part of her wanted to keep living hard and fast with the tough enforcer. Though dangerous, he had a sweetness to him that she doubted many people had ever seen.

Rebecca Zanetti's books