Wicked Edge

“No, it isn’t.” He leaned back, green eyes serious. “You need to understand that I have never thought you were weak. Abilities like teleporting are just abilities and have nothing to do with strength. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.”

Well, geez. More tears filled her eyes. “Zane.”

“And I’m sure that a lot of this mess we’re in right now, even though it was your grand plan, is the enforcer’s fault.” Zane grinned.

Humor tickled up and she chuckled. “Oh, Zane. I’ve been just awful to him, and he’s tried so hard to keep me safe. I drugged him. Three times.”

Zane shot both eyebrows up. “And he let you?”

“Well, once.” She sobered. “Not once did I think Ivan would take Logan. He’s a bad guy, and now he has my baby.”

Zane lifted her chin. “Logan is as tough as they come. I know he’s young, but he’s fought in a war. He’s a soldier, and I’ve trained him. I promise he will be okay.”

She swallowed and nodded. “I know. Daire and I already talked, and he promised not to get in the way when I have to go and meet Ivan in exchange for Logan.”

The door opened. “I most certainly did not,” Daire said, fire crackling down his arms.

The cell deep in the mine was surrounded by black rock on every surface. A lone lightbulb had been strung across the top and hung down, swaying just a little.

Ivan sat on one of two metal chairs across from the young vampire-demon mix, curiosity burning through him. Logan Kyllwood met his gaze evenly, eyes sizzling, the bruise along his jawline already healing now that he’d fully gained consciousness.

They hadn’t had a chance to talk until now. “I’ve wondered about you,” Ivan said, the smell of rock and earth wafting around.

The kid leaned back in the chair, and a veil dropped over his eyes. Even bound tight with titanium shackles, a sense of danger cascaded from him. Not once had he complained or asked for any bit of mercy. His gaze had remained sure and determined, his body relaxed. “I don’t give a shit about you,” he returned.

“You might,” Ivan drawled. “Considering I’m going to be your mother’s mate.”

Logan smiled then.

A chill clacked down Ivan’s back, and he fought a shiver.

“There’s no way in hell you’re getting close enough to whisper to my mother, much less mate her.” Absolute confidence echoed in the kid’s low tone.

“Do you have her weaknesses?” Ivan asked.

Logan’s chin lifted. “My mother doesn’t have any weaknesses.”

Fair enough. Ivan gathered strength from the atmosphere around them, centered himself, and pushed images of death and decay toward the kid’s brain. He waited a beat and propelled blades of pain into Logan’s frontal cortex.

A mental shield slapped so quickly into place, Ivan’s head jerked back.

Satisfaction filled him. “So you can shield.” Good. Any kids he had with Felicity wouldn’t be weak like her.

Logan didn’t answer.

“Any chance you’ll attack me back?” Ivan asked. If he could just determine that the kid had basic demon-fighting abilities, he could rest easier.

“Fuck you.” Logan stretched his neck, his eyes blinking.

Was the kid getting sleepy? Jesus. He wasn’t scared at all.

Ivan cocked his head to the side. “I could decapitate you right here and now.”

“If you were gonna take my head, you would’ve already done it,” Logan drawled.

“Maybe I’m waiting until your mother offers herself as a sacrifice.”

Logan lifted a shoulder. “Even if you do take my head, saying you could, I have two brothers who will gladly take yours, plus a best friend who’s more dangerous than you’ll ever be. And allies, including the Coven Nine enforcers.” He kicked out his legs. “My mom will be safe from you, which is all that really matters.”

“Well, aren’t you cocooned in love and security?” Ivan snapped.

Logan chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so. Who knew we’d end up here?”

Ivan shook his head. He really was going to have to kill the kid, and it was almost a shame. “You ever kill anybody, kid?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books