Wicked Edge

They spent the next day poring over documents in the still smoky penthouse and waiting for the phone to ring. Felicity held it together all day, as did Zane, but tension hung in the air like a heavy mist.

Finally, darkness arrived and Daire began to prepare for the phone call. He poured another glass of water and handed it to Felicity. Allies had been reporting in for several hours, and so far, they didn’t have a line on Logan.

Garrett leaned against the counter, his gray eyes taking on metallic vampire colors as yet another day wore on. “Titans of Fire is having a board meeting in an hour to discuss club business, and I’m thinking somebody knows something.”

Daire exhaled slowly. Since Adam and Kellach weren’t home yet, he was the only one with the rank to attend the meeting. Dealing with the human Fire members held little appeal to him at any point, and right now, with Logan in a killer’s hands, he didn’t want to waste time. But Fire distributed Apollo, and Bychkov mined the planekite that created the drug, so that connection was the closest thing Daire had to information on Logan. “This is so frustrating.”

Felicity looked up from a stack of papers, dark circles marring the pale skin beneath her eyes. “Do you think the Fire members know where Logan is?”

“No.” He said the word gently, wondering how he could reassure her. “But they may have information that leads to Bychkov.” It was the only in they had, so ignoring it would be a bad idea.

Zane sat at the table next to his mother with deeds spread out in front of him. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Go ahead to the meeting and see what you can find out. We’ll be fine here.” His gaze remained shuttered.

What had Daire gotten involved with? Patience had never been one of his strengths, and he was losing what little he had. He didn’t take orders from a demon, and he sure as shit didn’t take orders from Felicity’s kid. The door burst open behind him, and he instinctively turned, putting his body between her and the threat. Zane was already up and over the table to stand by his side before the newcomer skidded to a stop.

Black hair, green eyes, cut features.

“Sam!” Zane said, striding forward to clasp what had to be his younger brother in a hard hug. They were more like two wild broncs clashing horns than a couple of guys hugging.

Daire moved to the side as Felicity hustled by him to hug her boy. The vampire-demon was twice her size and held her gently.

The door hung drunkenly from one hinge, damaged even further. Daire sighed. At this point, he should probably just move.

Felicity drew back.

“Logan?” the vampire-demon asked.

She shook her head. “Zane called you?”

“Of course.”

Felicity turned and drew him by the hand. “Sam, this is Daire. Daire, this is my middle son.”

Daire frowned. With a mental shrug, he held out a hand to shake.

Sam shook his head. “We haven’t met, but I’ve heard of you and your brothers.”

Felicity coughed. “We, ah, mated.”

Sam’s eyebrows went up. He glanced at a hard-faced Zane, down to his mom, and then at Daire. In one incredibly smooth motion, he freed his hand and jabbed it toward Daire’s chin.

Daire caught the fist, and the echo of skin pounding skin echoed around. “I’ve already taken one punch from a Kyllwood, and that’s all it’s going to be.” He shoved back.

Sam didn’t move.


Zane chuckled. “We can kill him later, Sam. For now, let’s find Logan.”

The demon leader probably wasn’t kidding. Daire sighed and glanced down at his mate. “I swear, you had better be worth it.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books