Wicked Edge

“When?” Kell barked. Then he listed, his entire body going stiff. “Got it. Thanks.” He slowly turned, and his gaze sought out his cousin.

“What?” Simone asked.

“The deeds, manifests, and corporation documents tying you to the mining, manufacturing, and distribution of Apollo have been leaked. The Coven Guard is on its way to fetch you and take you back to Dublin.” Kellach’s jaw hardened, and a muscle pounded down his neck.

Simone stood and clasped her hands together. “Then I should get packed.”

“No,” Kellach exploded. “You will not go with them. Not until we figure out what’s going on and clear your name.”

Her eyes darkened. “Kellach, you’re an enforcer for the Nine. You can’t hide me, and you can’t commit treason. I have to go.”

Zane watched the interplay. He kind of liked the spunky witch, and his best friend was pretty much in love with her. Probably. Nicholai Veis would kill Zane if he didn’t interfere. “I can offer asylum.”

“No,” Simone said.

“Yes,” Kellach shot back.

Zane reached for his phone and quickly texted Nick. “I’ll have one of my top soldiers escort you to safety.”

Simone threw back her hair, and a gorgeous blue flame danced down her arms. “Absolutely not. I am a member of the Coven Nine, and I will not run. It’s time to face these charges.”

“When will he be here?” Kellach asked, completely ignoring his cousin.

Zane glanced at his phone. “As soon as he lets me know where he is, I’ll get him.” Zane had an above average ability to teleport, and he’d transport his buddy, who unfortunately hadn’t inherited the gene. But Nick was a hell of a fighter even without the skill. “Right now he’s undercover on an operation that has nothing to do with planekite or witches, so as soon as he sees the text, he’ll call in.” But it could be hours.

“What kind of operation?” Simone asked.

Did she want to know out of curiosity, or was it something more? Zane rubbed his chin. “We’re negotiating a peace with the shifters out of Alaska, and Nick has gone under to, ah, obtain information.” Blackmail was fine in Zane’s world.

“I’m going to Dublin,” Simone said.

Kellach shook his head. “You’re in danger, and as an enforcer, I can order you to safety.”

She set her hands on her hips. “You can’t order me to break Coven law and hide, Kellach. You know that.”

Kell’s phone dinged, and he lifted it to his ear after reading the face. “Get back here. We have a prob—” His head lifted. His shoulders dropped. “You’re kidding me.” He shook his head. “No. Simone is busy.” Then he bit his lip. “Keep me informed.”

Zane lifted his eyebrows. “Problem?”

“You could say that.” Kellach studied the group at large. “Apparently the Titans of Fire are going to avenge a member’s death by attacking the Grizzlies.”

“When?” Simone asked.

“Right now.” Kellach shook his head and quickly typed something into his phone. “I’ll let Alexandra know, and hopefully the cops can stop the fight before it happens.”

Simone grabbed Zane’s drink and took a big swallow. “If Daire gets arrested, he’ll need his lawyer, because with Felicity about to meet an enemy, no way will Daire allow the Seattle cops to keep him.” She smiled. “I’m his lawyer. So I guess I can’t go into hiding.”

Frustration lined Kellach’s face, and Zane could relate. “Why don’t you warn Bear, so he can prepare to get Daire out of the line of fire in case there is a problem?” Zane asked. It’d be easier to avoid arrest than to get out of one.

Kellach nodded. “Good idea.” He punched in more keys on his phone.

Zane sighed and stretched back in his chair. He was getting way too involved in Coven business.

His mom smiled. “They’re our business, too.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books