Wicked Edge

Felicity turned the map around. No matter what happened, she had to figure out a way to destroy the Sjener?se mine. She’d gone through all of the stolen deeds, and so far, there weren’t any surprises. But planekite was so important, she wouldn’t be shocked to find a mine or two well hidden.

The tension in the penthouse was palpable, and it wasn’t coming from just Zane. Kellach continued to pace at a rapid speed, and Simone glared at him with her hands on her hips.

“Simone?” Felicity asked. “If you don’t mind a couple of questions, I was wondering what would happen if the Coven guards escorted you to Dublin.”

The stunning witch turned her focus on Felicity. “Charges will be read against me, there will be an investigation, and I’ll probably go on trial.”

Fascinating. The witches had been secretive for so long. “Who’s the trial judge for your people?”

“The remaining members of the Coven Nine will sit as judges.” Simone shoved curly black hair away from her face. The mass cascaded down her shoulders to the small of her back.

Felicity fingered her straight hair. She’d always wanted curls. “Um, what are the possible repercussions?”

“Removal from the Nine or death.” Simone stood straighter and rolled her shoulders. “For these charges? Death.”

No wonder Kellach Dunne wanted to force his cousin to safety.

Felicity’s phone vibrated against her leg. She stood and headed for the bedroom and bathroom, feeling everyone’s gaze on her as she moved. She hustled into the bathroom and locked the door. “Hello?” she whispered.

“Hello. Are you ready to bargain?” Ivan asked.

“Where’s my son?” Anger threaded through her, and she fought to keep calm.

“Logan is fine and will remain so. I have no wish to harm your son.” Ivan cleared his throat. “Last time we chatted, you were at the Seattle airport. Now, I can see you’re at Dunne’s penthouse.”

She frowned. “Yes.”


She glanced around. “The bathroom. Don’t worry. They can’t hear us.”


Felicity paused. “Well? What’s the plan?”

A bomb ripped through the night, and the entire building rocked. The mirror fell off the wall, and she barely had time to jump toward the door before glass exploded. She fell, her knees impacting shattered glass. Pain rippled up her legs. She scrambled for the doorknob and yanked open the door.

Smoke assaulted her.

Her kids. She crawled out and pushed to her feet, trying to kick past a bunch of pillows that had been blown from the bed. A gaping hole in one wall sent rain billowing inside.

She coughed out smoke and tried to focus, but the smoke stung her eyes. Tears streamed down her face. She stumbled into the other room to find black smoke. Kellach and Sam were sprawled unconscious next to another yawning hole in the outside wall. Rain and wind pushed their way in. If either of the men tried to get up and tripped, they’d drop ten stories to the concrete street.

Simone lay in the kitchen, only her legs visible.

Zane crashed through the inner wall, fighting furiously with two men in gas masks.

Oh. Gas. Her mind spun, and her stomach heaved. Trying not to breathe, she slid over to Sam and grabbed his pants legs. Grunting with the effort, she dragged him away from the hole. Her shoulders protested, and her back ached, but she left him and grabbed Kellach under the arms. He weighed as much as Sam, and she was sweating by the time she got him to safety. A quick check of their necks confirmed they were out but alive.

She searched for a weapon in the demolished room. Nothing. With a shriek, she flew across the room and landed on the back of one of the guys fighting with Zane.

Her vision blurred, and her lungs burned.

Whatever was in the grenade slid into her central nervous system. She had to fight to remain conscious. Even as she watched, Zane’s movements slowed.

The guy in the mask punched him hard in the face.

The man she’d jumped on reached back and yanked on her hair. Pain exploded in her head. She jabbed her elbow into her attacker’s neck, right in the sweet spot. His neck cracked. He dropped to one knee, and she jumped off him, spinning a side kick into his temple. He toppled to the floor.

Rebecca Zanetti's books