Wicked Edge

“Too risky,” Zane said. “We can get you in, but we might not be able to get you out. I carry Daire, and then Sam brings back Daire while I bring back Mom and Logan.”

Daire nodded. “You give me your word that if you can only get one person out, you take your mother, and Sam takes Logan.”

“No problem,” Zane said easily.

Daire was suddenly sorry he’d sent Kellach to Titans of Fire headquarters with orders to get to the bottom of the Apollo connections no matter what. He was done taking it easy and going slow, although right now he could use some backup of the friendly variety.

A knock sounded on the outside door, and Simone glanced up from the computer screens. “Now who is here?”

Daire winced. He’d already had a discussion with Zane, and this might’ve been a bad idea.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the pristine penthouse, and a rumble of tension violated the atmosphere. Nicholai Veis crossed into the room.

“Bloody hell,” Simone said, sitting back in her chair. “You called the damn demon?”

“The Coven guards are on the way to fetch you, and I’m a little busy right now,” Daire shot back at his cousin. He’d had to scrap his plan to get her away from Nick in order to save her neck. “So aye, I called for backup.”

She stood, dark eyes flashing. “I don’t need backup.”

Darkness settled on Nick’s face, making him look every inch the dangerous demon he was. “That’s too bad, Zaychik moy.” Sucking in air, his lowered his chin, and the air in the room slowly relaxed.

Daire’s shoulders untensed, but he kept an eye on his cousin. Being called My Bunny wouldn’t set well with her, but he was fairly certain she wasn’t currently armed. Well, except with her natural ability of being able to create and throw fire.

Nick turned toward Zane. “As your first in command, I have to say, take me instead of the enforcer.” His eyes held no expression as he nodded at Daire. “No offense.”

Daire rubbed his chin. “None taken.” As an enforcer, he understood duty. “But my mate, my fight.”

Nick nodded. “Zane?”

Zane glanced at Daire. “I’m with the enforcer. Plus, he can communicate with my mom and so far hasn’t burst a blood vessel in his brain.” The demon leader turned back to the picture on the wall. “Yet.”

The family love was going to suffocate Daire. He rolled his eyes. “Simone, I need somebody on you.” Then he winced at the language. “As a bodyguard. Leave here, get somewhere secure, and as soon as I get Felicity to safety, we’ll figure out our next step.”

“No.” She crossed her arms over a pretty red shirt.

Daire sighed and nodded at Nick. “Thanks for your help.”

“Not a problem.” He took two steps into the room. “Come with me willingly or not, Simone. Your choice.”

She stood and planted her feet. “Daire, I can’t believe you’re on board with this.”

He dug deep for patience he really didn’t have. “I’m about to cross dimensions and end up a world away, cousin. In order to concentrate and then probably fight to the death, I need to know you’re safe. So aye, I’m on board. Get to safety, and you can yell at me later.”

She eyed him, no doubt fighting both loyalty, concern, and a glorious temper. “Fine.” She tossed her hair and strode toward the demon. “You’re garna regret this, Nicholai Veis.” Her huff as she swept by him promised a wonderful fight was on the way.

Daire gave him a look containing both gratitude and warning. “I owe you.”

He smiled. “Zane, I have my phone. Call if you need backup.” Without waiting for an answer, he followed the furious witch.

Rebecca Zanetti's books