Wicked Edge


So he had two demons who could teleport with him, and two to rescue who couldn’t teleport. If the fight was fierce, then whoever Zane and Sam took in might not make it out. “Okay. Here’s the plan. You, Sam, and I go in. You and Sam get Felicity and Logan to safety, and then when you’re strong, come back for me. I’ll take care of Bychkov and anybody else.”

“That plan gets you killed,” Zane said, crossing his arms.

Maybe. “The key is that we get your mom and brother to safety.” Daire put it into words Zane couldn’t dispute. “That’s all that matters.”

Felicity followed Ivan through a labyrinth of tunnels along thick carpet, then thinner carpet, then a series of bath mats, and then cold, hard stone. The jerk had confiscated her knife and eyeliner, damn it.

The hallways narrowed and the lights dimmed. Her mind spun. Daire had reached her, somehow. Man, she hoped she hadn’t hurt him when she’d responded. She’d actually blinded her first mate for a week once years ago. Since she’d never had the ability to attack minds, she hadn’t learned to control the skill.

Finally, they reached a secured room guarded by two men.

She stopped breathing. Was Logan inside?

Ivan unlocked the door and stalked into the chamber. She ran after him, frantically looking around. It was a war room.

A sprawling onyx table surrounded by heavy chairs took up the center of the room. Computer screens covered one full wall, and maps concealed the other side. A group of computers and stations were currently empty across the room. “This is where I work,” Ivan said.

The door shut behind her and she jumped. “Where is my son?”

Ivan turned and smiled. “I think we’ll wait to see Logan until after you are injected with the mutated virus. It’ll be much easier to get along, I think.”

Temper roared through her. “Is he alive?”

“Yes.” No expression settled on Ivan’s angled face. “I give you my word, he’s alive, and he’s here.”

“Your word doesn’t mean shit to me.”

He sighed. “Language.”

“Oh, fuck you.” She wandered over to the maps, which clearly showed his mines. “You should probably use a different colored pin for the mines I’ve destroyed.”

He swore. “That was very unkind of you, you know.”

Her fingers itched with the need to draw his blood. But she couldn’t harm him until she found Logan. Keeping casual, she studied the maps. “Who’s your partner in these mines?”

Ivan laughed. “I’m afraid he’s the silent type.”

“I’m thinking he has a couple more planekite mines out there that you don’t know about.” She recognized all the known mines.

“Maybe, but he still needed my mines, so I guess he doesn’t produce enough.”

The door opened, and a blond demon in white coat walked inside. He had a medical bag under one arm and a syringe in his hand.

Felicity backed away.

“He’s only going to take blood to see if the tranquilizer is still in your system,” Ivan said, tossing a notepad back and forth. “I can hold you down until he gets blood, or you can offer your arm. I prefer to see you fight.”

Heat coated down her throat. She might be able to take both men, but she still didn’t know where Logan was, and there were at least two guards outside the room. She held out her arm. “Take too much, and I’ll kill you next,” she said to the doctor.

He nodded, dark blue eyes somber. “I won’t take too much.” His black hair had been slicked back, and his hands were cool as he searched for a vein.

Rebecca Zanetti's books