Wicked Edge

She turned away from the needle as it slid into her skin. The bite didn’t hurt overmuch, but her stomach still ached and her head began to pound. What if she didn’t find Logan before they tried to inject her with the mutated virus? Her system had been through too much lately, and who knew what the injection would do to her? Tears threatened to fall, and she batted them back.

Her legs trembled. Not from fear, but from the urge to take down both men and go find her son. What she needed was a schematic of the facility.

The doctor retracted the needle and pressed a cotton ball to her vein. She took over and jerked away from him.

He nodded at Ivan. “I’ll let you know if the tranq is out of her system.” Without another word, he gracefully exited the room.

Felicity glared at Ivan. “I’m done cooperating if you don’t let me see my son.”

He threw the notebook onto the desk, and it clattered across to stop against a keyboard. “I don’t require your cooperation, and you know it.”

The earth rumbled and shook. Part of the map fell loose.

Felicity grabbed on to the table, her feet planting for balance. “Earthquake?”

“Yes. We’ve been getting quite a few of them since you destroyed the other mine on the island.” He shook his head, using a chair to steady himself. “I’m hoping it settles down, but to be frank, some of the earth’s movements have revealed new veins of both planekite and silver. Your little stunt not only has given me the opportunity to make a lot more money, but it has allowed for the rapid mining of the mineral that will kill those damn witches.”

She frowned. “What do you have against witches?”

“Nothing until you went and mated one. My partner has a problem with the Coven Nine, but I don’t really give a care.”

She glanced around, not feeling much movement from mining activities, which meant that she wasn’t in the mining part of the mountain. The offices and bedrooms were on one side of the mountain, and the mine on the other. The two had to be connected somewhere underground, and if she were creating a connection, it’d be close to the war room. The room only had one door, so she needed to look around meticulously when she exited.

A knock echoed hollowly, and the doctor poked his head in. “The tranq is out of her blood. I have the room ready to commence with the injection.”

Felicity twirled around and bunched her legs to attack.

Ivan held steady, a green gun in his hand. The laser kind that turned into bullets upon impacting flesh.

She faltered.

“I’m absolutely fine shooting you and carrying you to the medical room,” he said.

Her heart rammed against her rib cage.

He pointed toward the open doorway with the gun. “Go.”

She swallowed and walked toward the doctor, her knees shaking. Stepping outside, she glanced around. The tunnel continued down the way to another large metal door.

Blood roared through her veins and filled her head.

She followed the doctor, pain before her, and a gun behind her. Where the hell was Logan?

Chapter 30

Daire shucked his belt and examined his boots as the familiar scent of Simone’s penthouse filtered around. Spicy moonflowers. “No metal.” Shit. They wouldn’t be able to wear bulletproof vests because of the metal content, and no guns or knives would make the trip. “Teleporting is more dangerous than I thought.” Considering they couldn’t take weapons.

Sam finished removing his watch and cell phone to place on Simone’s feminine walnut desk in her home office. “Accidents are rare. There’s less than a ten percent chance that your molecules will be torn apart by cosmic forces.” He smiled. “If you’re demolished on a subatomic level, we won’t ever find your particles, so if you’d like to leave a message for loved ones, now is a good time.”

Zane snorted over by the satellite pictures glowing on the wall screen from the computer.

Daire cut them both a glare. His mate’s kids were assholes, but he couldn’t blame them too much.

“I want to go,” Garrett grumbled for the tenth time from where he sprawled across a plush sofa.

Rebecca Zanetti's books