Wicked Edge

He bellowed, turning and yanking her up by the hair. Quick as a shifter, he flipped the knife in the air, grabbed the base, and jabbed the handle against her mouth.

Pain shrieked through her lips, and blood spurted. She jerked her head, freeing it. Her entire face felt like it was on fire. Gasping, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand and maneuvered to the side. He took one step toward her, swinging out and backhanding her left cheekbone. Stars exploded behind her eyes, and she careened into the wall.

Tears clogged her vision.

Another punch came out of nowhere, right to her stomach. She doubled over, and her knees went weak.

She kicked out, her heel impacting his nose. Cartilage crunched with a satisfying thud. He yelled and clapped a hand over his bleeding nose. She took advantage of the weakness, jumping up and spinning a kick into his ribs. At least two of them shattered.

He swung out, nailing her in the temple. Her stomach lurched, and she went down.

He grabbed her hair and dragged her over to the examination table, lifting her up and slamming her down. She bounced, and her vision turned black.

He planted a fierce grip around her throat and held her down, scrambling through drawers to the left.

She struggled and tried to stay conscious. For so long, she’d trained to fight him. It couldn’t end like this.

“There.” His voice filled with triumph, and he turned toward her. “I changed my mind.” He squeezed with enough pressure to cut off all oxygen. “First I’m going to stick you full of this shit, and then, if you survive and negate the mating, I’m going to make you mine. You deserve to be fucked and often until you can’t live any longer.”

She struggled, trying to stay awake, trying to free her throat.

He held the syringe up high as if to jam it down into her chest.

She calmed. For years, she’d trained to fight somebody bigger and stronger. Her boys needed her. Daire needed her. The monster couldn’t win. Drawing on strength she’d only hoped for, she lifted her legs, slammed them down on his shoulders, twisted and shoved. He dropped, his head hitting the examination table.

The hand at her throat loosened.

She slashed his wrist with the blade, and he yanked back. Following his movement, she levered up and jammed the scalpel in his eye.

He screamed in unholy pain, his hand dropping the knife and going to his eye.

The room quieted. She centered herself. Grabbing the knife, she propelled herself up on her knees and brought it down in his neck. Blood spurted up, covering her face and burning her skin.

She ignored the pain and shoved with all her weight.

The knife sliced through cartilage and muscle. His body convulsed like a fish stuck on the dock. She set her knees and used her entire body to yank the knife to the right and then the left.

His eyes closed.

She swallowed as more blood flew up to coat her shirt.

Breathing through her nose to keep from tasting blood, she sawed back and forth, using every ounce of strength she owned. Finally, his body dropped to the floor while his head remained on the table.

She released the knife and fell away from the head. Her body shook and her stomach lurched. Blood coated her from head to waist and dotted along her pants. The liquid burned like acid.

The gunfire suddenly stopped outside.

The door flew open and Daire stood there, bloody and battered. His eyes widened as he took her in. “Felicity,” he breathed.

Chapter 31

Daire’s mouth gaped open. The woman was covered with blood. His gut spasmed and he rushed for her, grabbing her biceps. “Cee Cee? Baby?” Slowly, being as careful as he could, he ran his palms down her arms. Then he patted her chest. “You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” She was still standing, although shock filled her eyes and she began to sway.

He shook her. “Stay awake.” She had to be all right. “Please. I need you.” He pushed both hands through her bloody hair. “I love you.” He wanted to shout the words, but whispering them might save her. Somehow. If she allowed him to help her.

Rebecca Zanetti's books