Wicked Edge

“Yes.” She pushed him in the back. “Hurry up.”

The corridor reached an exposed mining elevator. A numbness tingled through his extremities, and his temples pounded. “Can demons teleport from inside the earth?” he asked.

“Depends how deep they are.” She leaned around him. “Looks like we go down.”

He nodded and stepped onto the platform, which swung from his weight. “Do you have any idea how many levels make up this mine?”

“No.” She took his hand and lifted her leg over the guardrail to stand next to him. “Sorry.”

Huge problem. They could have a dozen levels to explore, and they sure as hell didn’t have that much time. He had about ten more minutes left in him before he collapsed from overexposure to the stupid planekite. He pressed the lever, and they began to torturously descend. Soon a level came into view. A sprawling orange sign proclaimed the area held EXPLOSIVES. Nobody guarded the area, so perhaps any soldiers had headed for the breach. Hopefully Zane and Sam were doing all right.

Daire kept his finger on the lever, and they continued down into the cool earth. The next level stretched out dark and formidable before him with a narrow tunnel. He stopped the lift. “It’s too narrow to mine here—not enough room for vehicles or equipment.” He jumped over the rail and turned to lift Felicity to solid ground. “The mining operations will be down farther, so if Logan is being kept on this side of the mountain, this is probably the place.” Before them extended a dark tunnel that veered sharply to the right. “Follow me.”

“Do you want the gun since you’re on point?” she asked.

“No.” He glared at the dim yellow lights strung too far apart. Uneven stone lined the walls and floor. Unlike the hallway they’d just left, this one had been chiseled out without much care. Finally, they came upon a door secured with a metal rod. “Get ready.” He waited until she’d pointed the gun at the room before tugging the rod free. He then jerked open the door.

Mining picks and small equipment in pristine order lined the walls of a room big enough to hold three trucks. He shut the door and swung around to run down the tunnel to the next door.

Five doors later, and all they’d found were supplies, a massive amount of alcohol, and equipment. The tunnel narrowed and shortened until his head almost scraped the ceiling. “I don’t think Logan is down here,” he said, noting the dust filling the air.

Felicity didn’t answer.

Another door, same as the rest, was set into the wall ahead. “At some point, we should find weapons,” he whispered. He waited until she’d gotten into position and then unsecured the door.

The second it opened, a hard body slammed into him, throwing him into the opposite wall. Shards of rock slashed down, nicking his cheek. He turned and threw instinctively, dropping to a knee and slamming his hand over the guy’s jugular as they hit the ground.

“Logan.” Felicity dropped to her knees, her hands frantically patting her kid’s chest. “Are you okay?”

Oh. Daire released Logan and stood.

Logan sat up, frown lines cutting next to his mouth. “Mom? What the hell?” He reached out and wiped blood off her face. “Are you hurt?”

“No.” She pushed up and held out a hand for him. “I’m fine. Are you okay?” Pleasure and relief sparkled in her stunning eyes.

Logan took her hand and used the wall to stand up. “What are you doing here?” He turned a hard glare toward Daire.

Felicity grabbed her son’s hand. “Long story. Right now, we have to find Zane and Sam.”

“Zane and Sam are here?” Logan shook his head, bewilderment slacking his jaw. “What is going on?”

Felicity reached up and patted his face. “Are you sure you’re all right? No wounds?”

“No, I’m fine.” He grabbed her other hand. “Really. Starving, but no wounds.”

“We’ll get you food,” she said.

Daire staggered past them toward the tunnel. “We have to move and now.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books