Wicked Edge

Daire caught it one-handed. He’d figured. He studied the three men. Black hair, green eyes, and their mama’s stubborn chin. He could do worse for family. “What did you all decide?” Not that it mattered, because he was keeping Felicity for good. But getting along with her kids would probably be a good thing, and truth be told, he liked all three of them.

“Nobody is good enough for our mom,” Sam said, eyeing the fries still on Logan’s plate.

“Agreed,” Daire said evenly.

Zane breathed out. “If she has to be with somebody instead of being a nun like I suggested, then we talked, and you’ll do.”

High praise indeed from one of the most powerful men on the planet. Daire took a drink of his beer. “Thanks.”

“Truth be told, I’m glad somebody else can be looking out for her,” Zane said, leaning forward. “I’m not sure, but I think she has completely lost her mind.”

Logan snorted. “Nah. She just feels safe for the first time in her life, and now she’s exploring a little bit.”

Zane sobered. “I guess she feels safe because of you, Dunne.”

That warmed him all over. “I won’t let anything happen to her. You have my word.” It was heartfelt and the least he could promise.

“I can’t believe she killed Bychkov all by herself,” Logan breathed.

Pride lifted Daire’s chest. “She had a plan.” The woman was amazing with a good plan. “She said she was going to take him down, and she did exactly that.”

“Your mating will secure an alliance between the demon nation and the Coven Nine,” Zane said.

“No.” Daire tipped back his beer and allowed the local brew to cool his throat. “I mean, aye, it probably would, but my mating is not a political issue, and it’ll remain private.”

Zane grinned. “Nicely said.”

Sam snorted and swiped a couple of Logan’s fries. “You know she’s a grandma, right?”

Daire lifted an eyebrow. “So?”

“Welcome to the family, Grandpa,” Zane drawled.

Daire blinked. He wasn’t old enough, not by a long shot, to be a grandpa. Hell, he wasn’t even a dad yet. “Can’t wait for your mom to give birth to a sibling for you three.” His grin even felt a little dangerous. “You know, twins run in my family.”

“Oh God,” Zane breathed, falling back in his seat.

Daire nodded with just a hint of smugness. None of them, and that included him, were ready for witch-demon crossbred girls. God help the world. Take in their slightly crazy mother, add in a cranky witch for a father, and life would definitely get interesting. “Speaking of wild plans, what happened with the Sjener?se mine?”

“Completely destroyed, set off a nine-point earthquake, and soon the entire island will be in the sea,” Sam said.

Daire grinned. His mate was damn dangerous, now wasn’t she? He couldn’t even imagine being with somebody calm and docile. How boring. Thank goodness fate had other plans than what he thought he’d wanted. “I love her. Just so you know.”

“Yeah. We caught that,” Zane said. “Welcome to the family, Enforcer.”

Chapter 33

Felicity snuggled down in the thick bedclothes not feeling an ounce of guilt for eavesdropping on the men in her life. Daire would be good for the boys. He was experienced, tough, and incredibly sweet. The boys would be good for him, too. There wasn’t time to get cranky and stuck in one place when the boys were around, and Daire needed that, whether or not he realized it at the moment.

Her body ached, and her muscles pounded, but she’d never been happier. Who knew when she embarked on her crazy plan to drug an enforcer and glean information that she would’ve found love and happiness? Once again, she shook her head at the oddity of life, grateful beyond measure.

A tablet dinged from the bedtable, and she sat up, swiping a finger across the screen.

“Cee Cee Cee Cee,” exclaimed a joyous toddler.

“My baby, Hope,” she responded, just as much joy filtering through her as she took in Hope Kyllwood. At about fourteen months, the girl was adorable beyond words with huge blue eyes, curly brown hair, and very pink cheeks. A rim of green surrounded her blue eyes, and a prophecy marking climbed down her neck, but for now, she was just a kid happy to see family.

Rebecca Zanetti's books