Wicked Edge

Daire took the stairs two at a time, rushing up the stairwell and bursting into the hallway. A still smoking hole gaped where the wall to his apartment had been. Somebody, probably Kellach, had created a shield in the air that would keep humans from seeing or smelling the smoke and fire. At least for a while. Quantum physics and magic at its finest. He gingerly stepped through, his heart thundering.

Rain and wind billowed inside from a hole in the outside wall. Sam and Kellach sat with their backs to the couch, bruises covering their faces and blood flowing from various injuries. Both were typing furiously on their phones and grunting something at each other. Simone sat over on a burned ottoman, an icepack against her face, her lip fat and bleeding.

Zane paced near the smoldering kitchen, barking orders into a cell phone.

Daire took a deep breath.

Simone saw him first. “We’re trying to find her, but so far, no luck.”

His knees wobbled and he growled.

Zane ended a call. “Six-man team, smoke grenade, and some kind of drug that knocked us on our asses. Well trained and prepared for both demons and witches.” He rubbed a hand over a series of bruises on his forehead. “Mom fought hard, but the drug took her out.”

Sam looked up, anger and concern in his green eyes. “We’ll find her. Garrett is hitting the pavement up and down the block, trying to talk to anybody who might have seen them. Kell and I are working on traffic cams, store surveillance, and hopefully satellite pictures.”

Kellach didn’t even look up, his fingers were flying so quickly over his phone. “I have a German satellite that may have been in the correct position. The Realm boys are on it, and they’ll relay all data to me.”

Daire fought the urge to hit something. “She’s smart and she’s tough.” He was reassuring himself more than anybody else. “Her main concern is Logan, so she’ll play along until she finds him.” That was crucial, because based on the information he’d gleaned about Bychkov, the guy would ultimately decide to kill her. He wanted to make her pay for making a fool out of him years ago. Mating a full-bred demon would help him with his followers for a while, but he’d have to kill her at some point, or she’d definitely kill him.

Daire coughed out smoke, his gut churning. His mate was in the hands of the enemy, and he had no clue where she was being held. He nodded at Simone. “Let’s take this to your apartment.”

She glanced around, her eyes unfocused. “Oh. Good idea.” Her hand visibly trembled when she pushed off the chair, and Daire braced himself to catch her if necessary. But she made it over the legs of the two sitting soldiers and toward the door.

Kellach shoved to stand and reached down a hand to help Sam. A bone protruded from Sam’s upper thigh.

Daire winced. “You need to fix that before you do anything else.”

He nodded and didn’t protest when Kellach ducked under his arm and helped him out the door and down the hall.

Bear crashed into the room, his eyes wide, rain dripping from his shaggy hair. “Holy crap.” He looked around the demolished room. “What’s our plan?”

“Next door,” Daire said. “Simone’s place wasn’t hit, and we’re going to plan there.”

Bear nodded and loped through the gaping hole and down the hallway.

Zane stared at Daire.

“What?” Daire asked.

“I have an idea, and it’s far-fetched, but we at least need to try.” The demon crossed his arms.

“Fine, but heal that bleeding wound in your forehead.” Daire tried not to look at the wound.

Zane wiped blood from his head and set his stance, his chest moving as he inhaled and slowly exhaled. The hole closed. “Better?”

“Somewhat.” Daire eyed his ruined penthouse. “What’s your plan?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books