When I Lost You: A Gripping, Heart Breaking Novel of Lost Love.

A year ago I met the love of my life. For two people who didn’t believe in love at first sight, we came pretty close.

Lilah MacDonald – beautiful, opinionated, stubborn and all kinds of wonderful in ways that words could never quite capture. The woman who taught me to live again.

My Lilah, who gave me so much, and yet kept from me a secret that she knew would break my heart.

My name is Callum Roberts, and this is our story.

Me Without You is a book to make you smile, bring you to tears and remind you to hold on tightly to those you love.


The Secret Daughter

Discover Kelly’s The Secret Daughter today.

As I saw my new-born baby’s face for the first time I tried desperately to capture her face in my mind—to stamp it onto my eyelids. As she was taken from me I knew I might never see my daughter again.

37 years later…

‘You were adopted’. Three short words and Sabina’s life fractures. There would forever be a Before those words, and an After.

Pregnant with her own child, Sabina can’t understand how a mother could abandon her daughter, or why her parents have kept the past a secret.

Determined to find the woman who gave her away, what she discovers will change everything, not just for Sabina, but for the women who have loved her all these years.

From the bestselling author of Me Without You comes another touching, beautifully told story about the pain of separation and the enduring strength of love.


Also by Kelly Rimmer

The Secret Daughter

Me Without You


I wouldn’t have finished this story without the patient assistance of my genius editor, Emily Ruston. Emily, I can’t thank you enough for your help in the development of this book. It has been a pleasure and an honour to work with you again.

To the team at Bookouture: to Oliver Rhodes, thank you so much for believing in my stories, being so generous with insight and advice into this industry, and for building a company that it’s a privilege to partner with. To Lydia Vassar-Smith, thanks for keeping on my back with deadlines and getting things done. And to Kim Nash, publicity manager and all-round mother-hen-extraordinaire, thanks for all of the support.

A huge thanks also to my fellow authors with Bookouture, who have provided invaluable support on social media to get the word out about my books, as well as making me laugh constantly and helping keep me relatively sane (or possibly just making me seem relatively sane!). This story benefited greatly from the insight of friends and colleagues – to Helen, for giving me such a fabulous insight into the journalism world – so much of Leo’s passion for his career was inspired by our chats. Thank you! Thanks also to my beautiful sister Mindy for the idea that lead to Leo’s memorial tattoos, and to my dear friends Peter and Kisani for the late-night chat that inspired the story of the photo of the elderly couple.

On a practical note, thanks to Ryan and Rebecca for lending me their spare ‘house’ for my writing retreat when I had a looming deadline! And to Mum and Dad, thanks for always believing in me; also for lending me your dining room table and letting me eat most of the food in your house when I needed to knuckle down and focus.

Finally, to my husband Dan, thanks for believing in me, putting up with my crazy hours at the keyboard… and for taking up karate for my research purposes!

Kelly Rimmer's books