Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Shit, am I supposed to know what a motorcycle is? Or is that going too far?

“Yes,” Jett said. “I brought you back here because of the blood. But you weren’t hurt. It’s not your blood, beautiful. You’re fine. Well, at least, you know, no visible wounds.” Jett slowly turned and sat on the edge of the bed. “I had to take the shirt off you. Just to check. I was being respectful. Then you woke up and… we got heated up.”

“What does that mean?” Lena asked.

“We fucked,” Jett said. “Okay? You knew who you were. You knew me. Things started and didn’t stop.” Jett reached out and touched Lena’s cheek. “And you don’t remember a thing now.”

“I should just go then,” Lena said. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble, Jett.”

“Where the fuck are you going to go? You don’t remember a thing.”


Lena realized the corner she had put herself into. She scrambled to save the lie and save herself.

“Maybe if I go outside, I’ll remember something.”

“You think that’ll help?” Jett asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I’m… scared…”

That was the first truthful thing Lena had spoken since she woke up. She was scared. She was simply terrified. There was no way in hell Victor or his guys weren’t somewhere close by. Time was her greatest enemy right now and it was wasting.

“Okay, beautiful, don’t be scared,” Jett said. “You’re safe here. You’re safe with me. I promise.”

He put a hand to Lena’s leg and she jumped a little. Jett quickly took his hand away and stood from the bed.

He showed his hands and said, “It’s okay. I won’t touch you. Just let me know what I can do here. I’m in a mess myself with this situation, Lena. If you think going outside could help, then let’s go for a walk.”

“I’m naked under this shirt,” she said. “I’m not going outside like this.”

“Then get dressed,” Jett said. “Keep the shirt. I’m sure you don’t want to be walking around in a bloody shirt. Unless you think it’ll help you remember something.”

Lena pushed herself up more on the bed. She watched as Jett tossed her jeans - and panties - to the bed. She vividly remembered his hands sliding along her hips, fingers tightening around her panties and jeans, forcing them down her body. The way he touched her. The way he tasted her.

She couldn’t do this to Jett though. Even though Victor told her many times that the motorcycle club in Frelen was nothing more than a joke, she just didn’t want to pull him into anything. It wasn’t his problem or fault.

Lena grabbed her panties and turned sideways on the bed, her feet touching the floor. She stepped into her panties and then stood up.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Shoot,” Jett said.

Lena pulled her panties up. She was already uncomfortable. Her panties clung to her body, thanks to Jett. Just seeing him made her warm. The slightest touch left her achy and wet.

She looked over her shoulder. “You don’t know me?”

“No,” Jett said.

“Why did you help me? Why not leave me where you found me?”

“That’s a good fucking question,” Jett said. “I’m rethinking that part of it all right now. There were police on the way. I saw blood. You… just something about you. I got you here and figured I’d get some information from you. This morning.”

“Sorry,” Lena whispered.

She put her jeans on and then waited for Jett to take the lead.

When he moved by her, Lena shot her hand out and grabbed at his wrist. She pulled at Jett. He spun and was an inch from her.

Tell him the truth. Right now. Don’t fuck around with it…

“What?” Jett asked.

“Thank you. For helping me.”

“Beautiful, you don’t know who I am. I’m a bad guy. I just hope whoever hurt you is worse than me.”

“Someone hurt me?”

“You were knocked out. You weren’t drunk. You don’t remember a thing. Makes sense to me. Let’s see if something can jar your memory.”

Jett turned his hand and grabbed Lena by her hand. He guided the way from the bedroom to a hallway.

“Down there is the main part,” Jett said. “We’re avoiding that.”

“Why?” Lena asked.

Jett looked right at her. “You’re not exactly welcome here, beautiful. Sorry to be honest. We have a lot of shit going on around here. In the middle of something like a war. Just sneak out through the back way with me, okay?”

Lena nodded and took mental notes. She felt like a real bitch right now, using Jett to find a way out of the clubhouse. But she had no choice. She needed to escape. She needed… to get help…

“What about the police?” Lena asked.

Jett kept walking and didn’t respond until he opened the back door, letting sunlight flood them.

They were outside and Lena took a deep breath.

“Jett?” she asked.

“Police?” Jett asked. “That’s what you want?”

“I’m not welcome here,” Lena said. “I don’t want anymore trouble. So just take me there. They can help me. With… things…”

Jett stared at her. His eyes were so intense. So deep and dark. So beautiful.