Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)


When Jett turned his head and saw Lena in the same position as he had found her, he let out a groaning sigh. The sex was great. Lena’s body was something to remember. But there was blood on the floor and a story still unknown.

As Jett kicked from the bed and stood, he rubbed the back of his neck and thought about kicking the bed and waking Lena up. But he decided on food first. Eat, have some coffee, think this thing through, and then come back and start pushing Lena against the wall. The friend she had last night was no more. The big guy that her fucked her senseless wouldn’t show up today.

Today was about business.

Lena had stepped into the middle of a war zone, whether it was on purpose or not. Right now the MC was focused on helping Erik settle in after his release from the hospital. They were on the prowl for more truth on what happened with the bombing at the compound. It was a giant fucking mess.

And Jett was adding to it.

He opened the door and Miller stood three feet away, a mug of coffee in his hand. He sipped from it and looked over Jett’s shoulder into the room. Jett tried to pull the door shut in a hurry, and Miller pressed forward and put a hand to the door.

“You know this is my clubhouse, right?” Miller asked.

“Of course I do.”

“Hiding something from me, Jett?”


“Care to explain why there’s a strange woman in that bed? With all the heat going on around here. I mean, hey, if you’re fucking her and having fun…”

“Blaine or Jace?” Jett asked.

“You know how it is,” Miller said. “So the question is… do we talk in there with her? Or do we talk at the table?”

“Table,” Jett said. “Can I get some coffee, Miller?”

“Of course.”

The two walked down the hall. Jett looked over his shoulder a couple times. He hoped Lena wouldn’t wake up and flip shit over being alone. At least she woke up the night before and had some kind of understanding that she was safe.

Safe for now.

Miller stopped at the bar and got a refill on his coffee. Jett got a fresh mug and followed Miller into the meeting room.

Gaige, Jace, and Nate were sitting, talking, smoking, trying to figure out what the fuck to do for the day. Gaige stood and pointed to a map.

“I say we circle around and keep our presence known,” he said. “We’ll pinch something.”

“I’m just ready to ride and fight,” Nate said. He cracked his knuckles. “I want this shit…”

“Gentlemen,” Miller said. “Give myself and Jett a few minutes to talk.”

Jace stood and turned, facing Jett. He bumped his chest into Jett’s. “Whoops.”

“How’d you sleep, Jace? Alone? Thinking of the woman I fucked?”

“You didn’t fuck her,” Jace said.

“Want to smell my dick and find out? Better yet… smell my breath…”

Jace pushed forward and Miller was right there to keep the fight from happening. “Sounds good, guys. Jace, fuck off for now. If you’re hungry, there’s eggs, bacon, and pussy out there.”

Gaige, Nate, and Jace left the room.

Miller kicked at Gaige’s chair and then pointed. “Sit. Talk.”

Jett sat and drank some coffee. Hot, bitter, perfect. “About?”

Miller smiled. “You know who made this table, Jett?”

“No fucking clue. Some guy in a foreign country looking for dinner?”

“Probably. But I mean… the size. The people. Does it make sense?”

“Why does it matter to me?”

Miller nodded. “I wish there was more room. For guys like you. Just because you’re on the outside of this room and don’t get to hear the gavel doesn’t mean I don’t value your opinions.”

“Lucky for you,” Jett said, “the walls aren’t that thick. I can hear the gavel.”

Now Miller laughed. “Fair enough then. I’ll cut to the root. Who the fuck is the woman in your bed?”


“Why was she covered in blood?”

Jett was instantly uncomfortable. He moved in his seat and said, “That’s the part I’m going to figure out next.”

“So you brought her here covered in blood and then… fucked her?”

“She was passed out on my ride. Cops were on their way thanks to Blaine, so I had to make a split second decision.”

“Dropping her on the ground wasn’t one?”

“It was. But I wanted to know… who she was. Why she was on my ride.”

“You think it was a message?”

“Maybe. Thought at first she was piss drunk. So I got her off my ride and I saw the blood.”

“Not hers though?”

“Not at all. I took the shirt off and checked her body.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“It’s not like that, Miller,” Jett said. “I’m not Blaine. She woke up. She was disoriented. I told her who I was. She seemed like she was getting it all together. Then she started up and I wasn’t going to stop it.”

“I don’t blame you,” Miller said.

“So I fucked her. Then I cleaned myself up and she was back asleep. I was coming out of the room to grab a bite, some coffee, and then go wake her ass up and find out what the fuck is going on.”

“And when you find out… I mean, what’s the deal?”