Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Sure, yeah, I saved you. Look, I took your shirt off because it had blood all over it. I didn’t do anything…”

Jett was given the fucking shock of his life when Lean grabbed him by the neck and pulled. She didn’t move him, but she did lift herself. Her lips connected with his and they were then kissing. Lena moved her right hand and started to push at Jett’s leather, like she wanted it off.

As Jett shook her touch away, he tried to break the kiss. Each time he did, Lena pulled at him, wanting more. Finally, Jett had control of the situation and broke away from her.

“What the fuck, beautiful… I don’t even know…”

Lena didn’t say a word. She reached back and unsnapped her bra. Jett couldn’t believe his eyes when she stripped herself of her bra and put it next to her right on the bed. She had her right hand to the bed, fingers curled around the sheets. Her left fingertips playfully touched her hair, her shoulder, trailing a line down to her left breast.

Jett’s mouth was on fire as much as his cock was inside his pants. He was fucking hard as anything and he leaned at the bed, putting a hand to Lena’s belly.

“You don’t know what you’re getting into,” he growled at her.

“Neither do you. Just… please… I need to feel alive and safe.”

“So you fuck the first guy you see?”

“Lucky for you then,” Lena said.

Jett gritted his teeth.

Pull away, man. Pull the fuck away. Leave her go. Go find someone else to take care of things.

Jett’s hand was already moving up her body. His fingers crept over her breast. Feeling her nipple hardening against his touch was more than he could handle for the moment. He pushed Lena to the bed and came down, his mouth open, hungry, clasping over her other breast. He suckled at her, his tongue racing left to right, missing the wonderful taste of a soft tit and a hard nipple all in the same tongue flicker.

Lena put a hand to her hair and groaned. She thrust her chest at him, wanting more. So Jett gave her fucking more. His teeth grazed along her nipple, wanting to hear Lena scream. But she didn’t fucking scream. She put a hand to the back of his leather cut and groaned louder.

Jett moved his hand from her breast up to her neck. Up to her lips. His thumb touched and Lena hurried to kiss his finger. Her tongue came forward, teasing at him. Jett tore his hand away and forced himself to take his mouth off her breast. He stood next to the bed, trying to regain his breath and composure. Lena was on the bed, biting her bottom lip. Her right breast was red and swollen from Jett’s aggressive mouth, her belly rising and lowering with her breathing.

“Fuck,” he growled.

Jett grabbed his belt and opened it. He opened his pants and unzipped them. His hands then went to Lena’s pants. She let out another sweet and sultry groan and put her hands over her head. She grabbed the top of the bed. The sight alone had Jett aching even more. He couldn’t believe this was about to happen. A chick passed out, her shirt covered in blood, on his motorcycle and was now in a bed, awake, horny as fuck, desperate for Jett to fuck her.

It was insane. But Jett wondered if this wasn’t exactly what he needed. Something wrong and dangerous. To just… enjoy…

His hands gripped the side of her pants - and her panties - and he started to pull. They slid right down, giving Jett’s eyes another beautiful sight. The silk look over Lena’s sex. Her folds already moistened and ready. With her pants and panties off, Lena dug her heels into the bed and lifted a little, offering herself to him.

Jett moved to the end of the bed and grabbed at her ass. He wanted a taste of this. That sweet smell already flirted with his nose, driving him fucking mad. Jett dropped down and brought himself within an inch of Lena’s succulent pussy. With a deep breath of that exotic and perfect aroma, Jett couldn’t contain himself any longer. He came forward and began to taste her. The tip of his tongue sliced up and down, cutting between her soft, little folds. He suckled them for a moment and then worked up to her clit. The moment he hit that spot, Lena started to go wild. Thrusting herself hard, up and down, like she wanted to pull away from Jett but couldn’t… and because deep down inside she needed his mouth there.

Jett dug his fingers deeper into the flesh of her ass, now holding Lena steady. He devoured her for another minute, his tongue running rampant. One thing would be for damn sure right now. No matter what the fuck happened with this chick, she would never forget the night she decided to tempt a biker like Jett.

When Jett pulled away, he licked his lips. He then seductively kissed her clean mound and reached down into his pocket. He always kept some cash and a condom. Because you never knew when you’d need a stiff drink or a good fuck.

Jett inched his way up Lena’s smooth body as he kept his hands down and opened the condom. He rolled it on himself, a sneaky move that he loved to do because it always threw women off. The second he touched Lena’s pussy with his cock she grabbed at his shoulders.