Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Is it okay?” Lena asked.

“Of course it’s fucking okay,” Jett growled. “Open those fucking legs more for me, beautiful. I’m coming in.”

Lena put her head back and groaned. Her hands played with Jett’s leather cut as he thrust, inching his way into her. Jett gritted his teeth and let out a hiss as Lena’s pussy clung to him impossibly tight.

What the fuck? Is she a virgin?

Jett looked down as he pulled out of Lena. He then came at her again, thrusting hard, sinking deeper. She let out a cry and Jett could already feel a rush pouring through his body. He growled and then brought his mouth back down to Lena’s ample chest. He tasted her left breast as he started to fuck her. Pulling back and pushing, fighting through the resistance of her burning slit.

It felt so fucking good though. It made Jett feel so fucking alive, so wild. He put his hands at Lena’s ribs, his thumbs just inches from the bottom of her breasts. Jett was good right there, holding himself up, loving the way Lena’s body looked and reacted to his cock pounding in and out of her. Looking down and seeing his cock glistening. Then looking at the way her breasts danced just so perfectly. And then her face.

Goddamn, she’s actually really pretty.

With her arms up, hands gripping the headboard, biting her bottom lip, she was really something.

It was right then Jett turned his head just enough to see Lena’s shirt on the floor. It was rolled up now, but if Jett reached down and lifted it, there would be blood on it. Blood from someone else.

There were a dozen burning questions in Jett’s mind, but first things first here. He thrust deeper into Lena and felt her reach climax. If she was tight before, holy fuck, it was even worse now. And by worse, that meant everything was all the much better.

Jett slipped his hands down to her waist and gritted his teeth and groaned as he fucked her through her orgasm. He felt the clenching feeling, the rush of fresh and warm wetness. Christ, when Jett looked down, he could see it even leaking from her tender body.

The entire scene quickly caught up to Jett. He pulled back like the hammer of the gun that was attached to his body (even as he fucked Lena) and thrust forward with all his might. He was deep - so fucking deep - and his body just let go. He held there, offering hard thrust after thrust, feeling his cock finally able to release. Pouring himself into a fucking condom inside Lena’s body.

She looked at him and gasped each time he came; as she felt him thickening, releasing, thickening, releasing. Over and over.

Jett caught himself off guard as he leaned down and brushed the tip of his nose to Lena’s.

Don’t fucking kiss her, man. Don’t do that shit…

His lips flirted with hers for a second, but Jett quickly pulled away.

He moved from the bed in a hurry, grabbing his jeans and pulling them up. Then he stood there, staring at the beautiful, naked woman in his bed. Lena had moved her hands down her body, resting on her stomach. She stared at him with a clear stare.

“When I get myself cleaned up here, beautiful, you better start fucking talking.”


Jett laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me? You were passed out on my ride, covered in blood. But it wasn’t your blood. I don’t know who you think I am or what my club stands for, but just because you have a sweet pussy between your legs doesn’t make you invincible. Put that fucking shirt on and I’ll be out in a minute.”

In the bathroom, Jett first splashed cold water on his face. When he licked his lips he still tasted her. He couldn’t remember the last time he had gone that crazy before. Such a deep and primal thing had taken over his body. And it was probably a huge mistake. No, fuck that, it was definitely a mistake.

So the plan had to be simple… find out why the fuck Lena had blood on her. Then give her a bed for the night and say fucking goodbye tomorrow. Make sure that no heat came down on the MC because of this shit.

“Fuck,” Jett growled.

He splashed more water on his face after cleaning himself up.

He then opened the door and said, “Start… talking…”

Before Jett could finish the rest of his sentence or thought, he closed his mouth. Lena was fast asleep. He walked to the foot of the bed and stood there, staring at her. She wore nothing but the black t-shirt he’d given her. Her left leg was slightly bent, right arm up, her face nestled against her own shoulder.

She looked peaceful.

She looked damn beautiful.

But again, Jett reminded himself… she was covered in someone else’s blood.


Jett opened his eyes and reached for his gun. Some people stretched, wiped their eyes, yawned, or maybe even smiled at the chance to live another day of life. Jett always went for his weapon. Just in case hell waited near him or around him. He looked around the room, recapping the night before. In a strange twist of events, he wasn’t waking with a killer hangover and could completely remember everything from the night before.