Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Yeah, maybe I’ll do that,” Jett said.

He then started to walk again. This time he didn’t hold Lena’s hand. They walked along the side of the building. Lena took all her surroundings in. She wondered if she shouldn’t just make a run for it right now. If she just started to go… keep her legs moving… pumping…

Lena saw the front of the building and the compound, and her idea was suddenly shattered. There were motorcycles everywhere. A few guys were standing around. To the gates it looked like ten more miles. Lena knew if she tried running Jett would catch her in seconds. If he would catch her. She looked at him, noting the look on his face. Lena hated herself for what had happened… the sex was so good and now she was pretending it never happened.

“Getting anything?” Jett asked.

“No,” Lena lied. “Nothing yet.”

“Come over here for a second,” Jett said.

They walked to a railing. There was a ramp next to the railing that went down to a large garage door. The place was a big compound of vehicles, and part,s and supplies. Lena knew that must have been the cover for the MC.

She touched the railing and stared out.

“You don’t seem so confused right now,” Jett said.

Lena gasped and turned her head. “I don’t know what to feel. I don’t understand…”

“Nothing’s coming back, huh?” Jett asked.

“Nothing. Maybe you should call the police. Let them come get me.”

“What do I tell them? That I found you in a bloody shirt? That I didn’t call them right away? That you woke up, knew your name, knew my name, begged me to fuck you, then fell back asleep? Oh, then you woke up this morning and can’t remember a thing?”

Lena swallowed. “I don’t know. They can help.”

“What can they do? Ask you a million questions. So I can do that. What do you remember? Anything. Something. A snippet of anything…”

Lena’s bottom lip quivered.

I remember everything. Don’t fucking get on me, Jett. Don’t fucking hurt me… everyone always hurts me.

“It’s all blank,” Lena said.


Lena looked forward again. She was going to give it another few seconds then ask to go back inside. Then she could find a way for Jett to leave the bedroom long enough for her to make her escape. She knew the way out. And if she couldn’t walk right out of the gates, there were other ways.

Before she could say something else, she felt something press against her. Not something, but someone. She looked back and saw Jett towering over her.

Their eyes met and Lena opened her mouth, but had no breath. Jett had stolen her breath, again. She was left quivering, wondering what the hell was happening.

“Do you have feeling in your right leg?” he whispered as he stared down at her.

“Yeah… why?”

“Then why haven’t you blasted me in the nuts yet?”


“Some guy presses himself against you and you don’t kick him away. Why not?”

“I… you… you’re not going to hurt me.”

“How do you know? Do you remember something?”

Lena was trapped. Completely busted. She told herself to swing her right leg and hit Jett in the balls. Get him off her. Push him away. Scream. Yes. Scream. Scream loud. Jett was against her. Lena wasn’t supposed to know who he was. She wasn’t supposed to…

“Maybe something from last night…”

“Christ, beautiful, you’re lying to me,” Jett said. He pushed at the railing and broke away from Lena.

She felt lonely, cold.

“You’re fucking lying,” Jett growled. “You remember everything. You remember what happened. You remember me fucking you. You’re playing a game, Lena. I don’t play fucking games. That’s how people lose their lives around here.”

“Are you threatening me?” Lena asked.

“I’m warning you. Right now. One chance…”

Lena wasn’t sure what to think in that moment. The rage on Jett’s face was very real. Real enough that she thought about Victor. That’s how he would get. Except Victor would attack first and ask questions later. Jett seemed to be the same type, but not around her. He held back just enough for her.


“Fuck,” Lena whispered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

Jett closed in on her again. He put his hands to the railing and stood there. He looked down at her. His eyes were on fire but had a hint of sympathy.

“I remember everything,” she whispered. “Okay? Everything. From the time I could remember up until… whatever…”

“So the blood…”

“I know whose it is.”

“Husband?” Jett asked.



“Sort of.”

“We better go back inside and start talking.”


Jett sat on the end of the bed and rested his elbows on his legs. He watched a beautiful woman pacing back and forth, divulging some deep secrets, looking more and more scared by the second. She played with her hands. She played with her hair. Sometimes she stood with her back to Jett.