Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Lena whimpered again and started to lift and lower herself. Hard, fast, perfect. It took no more than a minute for Lena to bring Jett to climax. And when she did, she kept going. Fucking him, up and down, so fucking fast. Riding him through his entire orgasm, pumping all of him deep into her body.

When Jett was done, he worked himself back to a seated position and wrapped his arms around Lena’s body.

He kissed her neck and then looked up at her. “If you fuck me over, I’ll kill you. I’m helping you because I get the family shit. I went through it all. The MC is my life and my home. And if that shit is hurting you, trying to kill you, I’m willing to help.” Jett slid his hand up to Lena’s hair. “And I want to fucking beat the shit out of whoever knocked you out.”

Lena looked down at him and smiled.

She had a beautiful smile. And something told Jett that she hadn’t smiled in a long time.

Yeah, I know the feeling, beautiful…


Jett spotted Miller as he spoke with Gaige and Griffin. They were next to a pool table and their hands were going in all directions. Obviously talking about Erik, the bombing, and a local businessman stalking the MC, Mr. Strokner. There was tension all around, yet for Jett, he wasn’t sure exactly what he felt. He knew the risk of stepping too far ahead of a situation. It was his one fatal flaw, looking for someone to fill the void in his heart. Did Ada do that? Fuck no. But she shouldn’t have been killed. Not for retaliation on Jett and Back Down Devil MC.

That was the peril for any woman who took a chance and walked through the clubhouse doors to be with one of the guys. Not that Jett was with Lena or whatever, it was just something that flickered in the back of Jett’s mind. The right thing would be to get her some real help. Get her out of the clubhouse and somewhere safe. Jett could make a few phone calls and find out who Victor was and what kind of pull he had within the family.

When Miller saw Jett, he stopped talking and gave a wave for Jett to join them.

“Just figuring some things out,” Griffin said. “Keeping our eyes open.”

“Think anything else will happen?” Jett asked.

“Never know,” Gaige said. “You know how it goes out there. We had no idea that the bombing was going to happen, right?”

“True,” Jett said. “Eight Under? Coast Road? Outside that…?”

“We keep our guard up,” Miller said. “Jett, you take care of that thing?”

“Not really, Miller,” Jett admitted.

Miller stood and flexed his fists. “What did I tell you to do? We don’t need…”

“She doesn’t remember a thing,” Jett said, drumming up the same lie Lena had given to him.

“What?” Gaige asked. “Is this about that woman?”

“Yeah,” Jett said. “She’s connected though, okay? There’s something there. If I take her to the police, what happens? There’s blood on her shirt. There was blood on my ride. It’s…”

“Why’d you bring her back here?” Griffin asked.

Jett looked at Griffin. “I didn’t know if it was a sign or not, having her on my ride. And I couldn’t dump her because cops were on the way. Do I need to fucking explain this again?”

“Maybe you do,” Miller said. “Since I gave you an order…”

“She doesn’t remember a thing,” Jett said.

“She’s faking,” Gaige said. “Simple move.”

Jett curled his lip. “Whatever, man. I’m just trying to help her. I’m trying to keep heat off the club. If I throw her out there…”

“You’re hitting it,” Griffin it. “That’s what it is. You’re hitting it hard.”

“Fuck off,” Jett said.

“So what are you going to do?” Miller asked. “Keep her in the bed? Let her regain her memory? Then what? Save her?”

“If she’s here and she’s connected, then we may have some more eyes on us.”

“Fuck,” Gaige whispered.

Jett stood defiant. “Let me handle this.”

“You want it, you got it,” Miller said. “But if anything happens, Jett…”

Jett turned and walked to the bar. He didn’t need to hear anything else. If Lena was going to crash for a little while, it left Jett feeling okay. It left him hopeful; something he hadn’t felt in a long time.


Lena dried her hair and pulled her hair to one side of her head. She wiped the mirror with her hand and looked at herself. Her body was still tingling because of Jett. Her toes were slightly curled, thinking about stuff that didn’t matter. Stuff like being able to fuck Jett all the time. Stuff like him and her going out, and her climbing on the back of his motorcycle, and going for a ride together. Maybe to the beach. Maybe for something to eat. Maybe to find a ridge somewhere and just sit and waste time.

But their lives would never allow it.