Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“He’s connected,” Lena said. “He thinks I’m his property. I tried killing him, but he’s obviously still alive.”

Miller looked at Jett. “If we just kill her now, we do everyone a favor.”

“I agree,” Jett said.

Lena let out a cry. “No. I don’t… I was trying to leave. I was trying to get out of the way. Of all this. I didn’t want to cause any problems. I swear. Please…”

Jett rammed his gun harder into Lena’s back. She put her hands up, succumbing to him. She started to shut her eyes, preparing for this moment. Death. Dying. Being shot. The finale of it all. She was terrified, but she was also hurt. Because she had hurt Jett. Yeah, she didn’t know everything about him, but that didn’t matter when it came to what she felt inside. She wanted to know everything. She wanted to explain everything. And she didn’t want to die at the hands of Jett…

“Fuck, Miller!” a voice screamed.

Lena opened her eyes and saw Blaine running toward Miller.

“What?” Miller asked.

“I got someone on the phone…”

“I don’t give a shit,” Miller said.

“You will,” Blaine said. “I wouldn’t go killing the pretty little chick just yet.” Blaine looked at Lena and winked. “Hey there. You still have me dreaming of that pussy, you know that?”

“Fuck off,” Jett growled.

“Who is on the fucking phone?” Miller asked.

“It’s Angelo,” Blaine said.

“Angelo… what does he want?”


Lena remembered the name. That was where Victor was going.

“He says he’s hurt and being held captive in his own restaurant,” Blaine said. “He needs our help. He’s in big trouble… someone is there. Hurt. Bleeding. Stabbed…”

“Stabbed?” Jett asked.

“Who?” Miller asked.

“Victor,” Blaine said. “That’s his name. Victor.”

Lena felt her heart skip a beat.

Miller looked right at her. “I guess we need you alive for a little bit longer.”

Jett put a hand to her shoulder. “Walk with me, beautiful. Don’t fucking ever do anything stupid like that again.”

There was nothing Lena could do but nod. And be lead right back to the clubhouse. Funny how just a short while ago she felt safe in the clubhouse.

But now… she didn’t feel safe anywhere.


Jett was hurt. Real fucking hurt. And he was angry. Angry because he allowed himself to get attached enough to Lena to let her hurt him. It should have been no shock or surprise that she would try and take off. What choice did she have? She had been lying to the MC since she got there and she had connected guys after her, wanting her blood. No matter how strong a person was, they all have points of breaking. Especially if Lena thought she had nobody to help her. Protect her. Take care of her.

Maybe that’s what hurt Jett the most.

He took her back to the room and threw her to the bed. He shut the door, locked it, and put his gun down. He then grabbed his belt, took it off, and threw it at her. Lena rushed to kick up on the bed, gripping the sheets.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, her voice cracking.

“Thinking about tying you the fuck up. But I’m not going to. I’m going to prove to you that I’m trying to trust you. And in return, you better fucking talk to me.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“There is. How does Victor know Angelo?”

“You know Angelo?” Lena asked.

“We all know Angelo. He’s a dumb ass restaurant owner in town. He’s been getting hustled and beat up for years. Is that Victor doing it?”



“There’s a woman named Annie,” Lena said. “She’s very sick. She’s dying. Complete confusion and whatnot. She needs care all the time. I think she’s somehow related to Angelo. It’s all a big family thing. Victor is waiting for Annie to die because she has money. Maybe Angelo has money and Victor is taking it…”

Jett shook his head. “This is all fucked up.” Jett approached the bed. He looked down at Lena. “Why’d you run?”

“I left you a note to read,” Lena said.

Jett grabbed the note and ripped it up. “I don’t care about written words. I want to hear you say it.”

“This,” Lena said. “All of this. There’s no ties to us, Jett. No reason I was left dangling on your motorcycle. You were looking for a sign and there was none. So I wanted to slip away and get away so you didn’t end up in this mess. I stabbed him. I stabbed Victor. I didn’t kill him. And now he knows I’m alive and I’m here. He’s going to kill you. He’s going to kill me. He’s said before about coming after you guys.”

“Fuck him,” Jett said. “He’s in our town. In our territory.”

“You don’t know how big the family is.”

“I don’t care, Lena. And what would running get you?”

“It would save you.”

Jett took a deep breath. “My father was on the inside. Connected. He killed my mother. Because that’s how it all went. And I was supposed to go along that path but I didn’t. I fought away from that path for my entire life. I know what it feels like, Lena. I know. I’m not going to let you run out there and get killed.”