Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Jett went to the counter and put his hands out for Stacey.

A shot of jealousy went through Lena’s body as she watched Jett lift the woman up and over the counter. He put her down and Stacey kept her hands to Jett’s shoulders.

“I knew you’d come,” she said. “Please save Papa. I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Is someone back there with him?” Jett asked.

“Yes. Victor. He’s so… angry…”

Lena saw the calmness in Stacey’s voice when she spoke Victor’s name.

“You know him?” Lena asked. She started to push through. “Tell me…”

Stacey looked at Lena. “Yes. I know Victor. He’s my… well, my boyfriend.”


All the guys let out a groaning sound.

Lena looked at Jett. Then she looked at Stacey.

“What?” Lena asked.

“Well, I guess he is… he told me he loves me…”

Jett put a hand out and touched Lena’s belly. For whatever reason, that was the trigger for Lena. She knew in her heart any anger should have been for Victor. But Stacey was closer, she was a woman, and she was as dumb as Lena to fall for Victor’s bullshit.

Lena dove at Stacey and grabbed her by the hair. She pulled, twisted, and Stacey let out a cry. Jett was right there to grab Lena and pull her back. He turned as Blaine grabbed Stacey to keep her away.

“Fuck,” Jett growled. “What is wrong with you?”

Lena looked at him. “I don’t know. I knew he had… it doesn’t matter…” Lena looked at Stacey. “I’m so sorry. It’s not your fault…”

“He was with you too?” Stacey asked.

“Lots of others, honey,” Lena said.

“What did he say to you?” Jett asked.

“That he was investing in the restaurant,” Stacey said. “That he was going to take care of Papa. Take care of me. We were going to move to a big apartment together. That he had been ring shopping to make me the most beautiful bride ever.”

“Christ,” Jett said. “And you bought that shit?”

“Look at this place!” Stacey cried out. “Papa has ruined it… and Victor… he’s been the one taking…” Stacey lowered her head and started to cry.

Blaine put an arm around her. “Come here, sweetie. It’s okay. If you get really angry, you can hold my cock, okay? It’s big and can take a pounding.”

“Blaine,” Miller said. “Time and place, man. Stop.”

“What else happened?” Jett asked. “Where is Victor right now?”

“He’s in the office with Papa. Victor showed up hurt. Said you guys were attacking. That you were going to take the restaurant down. I’m hurt and confused…”

“Hurt?” Lena asked.

“He slapped me,” Stacey said. She gently touched her cheek. “He called me a whore and slapped me. So I ran. And his guys came after me. I’ve been behind the counter for hours. Waiting. Praying. Wondering…”

“We’ve got it,” Jett said. “Okay?”

“I’ll take her out,” Blaine said. “Keep her safe.”

“Keep your pants on,” Jett said.

“Can’t guarantee that,” Blaine said with a grin.

“What’s the plan?” Miller asked.

“I’m going to kick in the office door and kill him,” Jett said.

“No,” Lena said. “Let me do it. If he knows it’s you… let me knock on the door…”

Jett shook his head. “No.”

“Yes,” Miller said.

“Yes,” Lena said.

“He’ll kill you,” Jett said.

“Fine then,” Lena said. “If that’s my fate in all this. I brought this…”

She backed up and put her hands out. Jett came at her. She touched his rock hard chest and curled her fingers a little. As she stared into his eyes, she saw something there she maybe had never seen before.

Care. Life. Hope.

Something that maybe resembled a future. To have fun. To fuck. To enjoy life.

“I have to,” Lena said. “I don’t want anyone else hurt.”

“Then let’s move,” Jett said. “I don’t have anymore fucking time to waste.”

“No, you don’t,” a voice said.

Everyone turned and everything changed in an instant.

There was a group of men in suits pouring into the restaurant, weapons drawn. They had everything from handguns, to shotguns, to machine guns.

The click of the weapons were like small cracks of thunder.

“Now let’s figure out what’s happening here,” the same voice said.

Lena knew the voice.

The scene ended with a gun placed to the head of each member of Back Down Devil. And then someone came forward.

The head of the family.


He was in a black suit worth more than the restaurant.

“What the fuck is this?” Jett asked.

“This is how we solve the problems,” Georgie said.

Lena backed up to the counter and knew how this was finally going to end.

Georgie didn’t make an appearance just to talk… he came to kill.
