Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Jett sat in a chair like a fucking bitch. He wanted to jump up and end this once and for all. But if he did that, he’d be filled with bullets. He’d be dead before he hit the ground. Of all the things for the MC to get tied up into right now, connected guys were not something they needed. Not with the intense heat on the club already.

The gun to Jett’s head hadn’t moved. Digging right into the back of his skull, it was a constant reminder that his life could end within a second. Miller, Gaige, Blaine, and Stacey were all in chairs too. And in front of them stood Lena and Victor. To the left was Angelo. His face beat up and bloody, on his knees, leaning against a wall, looking worn. Looking ready to just give up and die.

The head of it all was the guy named Georgie. Jett had heard the name many times in his life. This guy ran it all, from Vegas to the coast. Anyone connected had to go through Georgie. He spoke and people listened. When he lifted his gun, people died.

So far, Georgie hadn’t lifted his gun.

“This ends,” Victor said. He was livid. His face red. His white shirt with a blood stain on it. “She fucking stabbed me. Tried to take me out. So I had to come here and settle things up. There were police all around. We were traveling through.”

Georgie nodded and crossed his arms. “You know, we’ve had previous run-ins with Back Down Devil MC. More like casual encounters.”

“We’ve been trying to meet with you for years,” Miller said.

“Fuck him,” Jett spat. “Let’s see you get bloody, Georgie.”

Georgie grinned. He nodded.

A second later Jett felt a hot pain to the back of his head. He fell forward from his chair to the floor. He blinked fast and let the world stop spinning. He looked up and saw Georgie standing over him.

“I know you,” he said. “Thought you would have ended up on my crew.”

“Nope,” Jett said. “I have pride. You let pieces of shit like Victor in your crew.”

Jett saw Victor come at him. Victor started to kick and Jett grabbed his foot. He twisted it, his ankle making a popping sound, and then he fell back and cried out.

Georgie reached down and grabbed Jett by the back of his neck and squeezed. The old man had some strong damn hands. He brought Jett to his knees.

“Hey Victor,” Jett said. “I fucked her. So hard. I made her scream and come, like you couldn’t.”

“Good Christ,” Georgie said. “Victor… stay…”

Victor charged at Jett. He tried to punch Jett but ended up slapping him in the face. He then stepped back and started to shake, eyes wide.

“You slapped me,” Jett said. “I don’t have a set of tits. You fucking pussy.”

Jett kicked himself to his feet.

“Don’t make me kill you,” Georgie said to Jett.

Jett looked at Georgie. “If you wanted me dead, I’d already be dead. I know how this works. Make your fucking call, man. We don’t have time for this.”

Georgie nodded.

“You don’t get it,” Victor said. “We were here on business. Official business. And this whore tried to take me out and then ran into the arms of Back Down Devil. It’s a set up. They wanted to fucking…”

Georgie put a hand up and Victor closed his mouth.

The tension in the room was like a thick fog with the smell of sweat, blood, whatever rough cologne Georgie wore, and a hint of fear.

“Please,” Angelo whined with his back against a wall. “Please… I always did as told. I always paid on time. Just don’t hurt my daughter…”

Georgie looked at Stacey. “This is your daughter, Mr. Angelo?”

“Yes,” Angelo said. “I never did wrong…”

“Beautiful young woman,” Georgie said. He touched Stacey’s cheek. “Very beautiful. You married?”

“No,” Stacey said.

“You will be. Maybe you can come marry me.” Georgie snickered then turned and looked at Jett, then Victor. “Let’s make this all right. Then we can all move on with life.”

Georgie took out a knife and held it up. He then put it out to Victor and gave a nod.

Victor came forward with a smile on his face. “Thank you, Georgie. I need this. They need this. To see. To learn. To understand.”

Georgie folded his arms.

Jett pushed forward and someone grabbed him by the back of his leather cut.

Victor circled around Lena. Like an animal to prey. Hungry. Desperate.

“What should I do?” Victor asked. “Slit your throat and let you bleed out? Stab you and make you suffer?”

“I hate you,” Lena said. “I’ve always hated you. You’re a scum piece of shit.”

“Good,” Victor said. “Keep it coming.” Victor stood to the side of Lena. “Maybe I just start stabbing and not stop until she’s dead…”

Victor stared at Jett. Jett felt the fire inside him. If Victor was going to do it, then Jett was going to take his own beating. He wasn’t going to stand there and watch a woman die.

“Oh, Victor?” Lena said. “Jett’s cock is massive. I mean, compared to that little twig between your legs… I actually think you’re more of a woman…”

Miller, Gaige, and Blaine started to laugh.

Victor’s eyes went wide.

As the knife came down at Lena, it was all Jett could witness. He kicked his chair back and felt the hand on him release his leather cut. He dove forward and hit Victor just as the knife was supposed to hit Lena. Instead, the knife sliced into Jett’s shoulder. It was a fiery pain that stole his breath, but he had saved Lena.