Up for Heir (Westerly Billionaire #2)

Spencer laughed. “She sounds terrified of you.”

Yeah. I’m still working out a few things. “Skye Hannah Tiverton, get your butt out of this kitchen and back in bed.”

Skye stood with a huff. “Fine, but we’ll talk about this tomorrow. If you want to date someone, I want to meet him. What if I don’t like him?”

“I’m not dating anyone.” Hailey sighed. “I’m not talking about this right now. Bed.”

I did push her to start speaking again. She remembered her sister-in-law, Erin, once joking about how excited she’d been for Skye to start walking until she realized how fast that meant she could get into trouble. I finally get why that’s so painfully funny.

“Will you read me a story? You know I can’t fall asleep without one.”

That had started with Ryan. He’d always said it was his favorite time of day with her. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Can you read the part where he meets the lion?” Skye asked at the door.

“Yes. Go.” Hailey nodded, and Skye scooted out of the room. “I need to go so I can tuck her back in bed. Looks like I’ll be reading Billy and the Lion for a third time tonight.”

“That was my favorite series when I was her age.”

Hailey’s breath caught in her throat. Was that why Delinda had given Skye the book? Because she knew children in general loved it or because she wants—No, now I’m starting to sound paranoid. “I’ll have to look for more of them. She can’t get enough of it.” Which Hailey had taken as a good sign since before that book Skye had only wanted to hear stories her father had read to her.

“I looked up to Billy like a superhero, but better. He didn’t have powers, but he saved that lion from everything imaginable. Whenever I was afraid of something, I reminded myself that a scrawny kid could save a lion if he was brave enough.”

“And look what you accomplished with that philosophy.” Had Delinda instilled confidence in him? If so, things couldn’t have always been bad between them.

She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “All thanks to Billy. Who knew?”

Delinda did. There has to be a way to bring the two of them back together.

“Auntie Hailey?” Skye called out from her bedroom.

“Coming. Good night, Spencer,” Hailey said reluctantly. Being with Spencer had always been good, but this time there was more.



“Tomorrow morning I will be sitting next to my phone asking myself if I should call you. We’ve always been honest with each other. Do you want me to?”

Hailey blinked several times before answering. He wasn’t asking to sleep with her. He wasn’t pushing to meet Skye. He just wanted to talk. Did she have to deny herself even that? “I do.”

“Then I will. Good night, Hailey.”

Hailey hung up and went into Skye’s room. There were aspects of Spencer that hadn’t changed over time. Even when they’d both been inexperienced, it had been good because he’d asked her what she liked. He did care back then. He cares now.

I wish that made any of this easier.

“Auntie Hailey, are you okay?”

“What? Oh yes.” Composing herself, Hailey climbed up onto Skye’s bed and sat down beside her. “I’m not reading the whole book. It’s late.”

“Just a few pages,” Skye said as she snuggled against Hailey’s side. “Start where Billy gets lost.”


“Please start where Billy gets lost.”

Hailey hugged her. “Okay, but just to the end of the chapter.”

“Unless you want to read more. I’d be okay with that.”

Looking down into her niece’s pleading eyes, Hailey felt her resolve crumble. What was more important than this? “What if I start from the beginning and we see how far we get?”

Skye snuggled closer. “Keep reading even if I close my eyes. Promise?”

“I promise.” Hailey gave Skye a kiss on the forehead and reached for the book. As she started to read a story she practically knew by heart now, her mind wandered back to Spencer. He was also not a stranger to loss. When she came to the part of the story where Billy came across a roaring lion in a net, she wondered who had read the story to Spencer when he was Skye’s age.

Had they connected with the story, also? A timid lion, trapped and dangerous but impossible to walk away from. Complicated, just like life.

Skye fell asleep halfway through the book, but Hailey stayed and finished it. She tucked it beneath the pillow before climbing down. Before she turned off the light, she looked up at where Skye was sleeping.

I’m not afraid anymore, Skye. We can do this.

Monday morning Spencer smiled at his secretary as he walked past her desk. He hummed as he answered his e-mails and planned for his meetings. He felt good—better than he had in a long, long time.

He was still smiling when Lisa knocked on his door. “There’s a Mr. Kyees here to see you.”

“Send him in.”

Spencer stood and met his old college friend halfway. They shook hands vigorously. “Thanks for coming by, Kyle.”

“You said it was important.”

Spencer motioned for Kyle to sit. “It is.” Spencer could have gone to Kyle’s office, but he’d learned early that the one with the desk had the perceived power. He implemented the technique in business, but he’d learned it from his family. Want control of a situation? Be the one who summons, not the one who is summoned.

“Is it about the next update? I heard it was on schedule.”

“This is a personal matter.”

Kyle took a seat. “One that couldn’t be handled over the phone? It must be important.”

“It is.” Spencer stood in front of his desk. “Do you have any openings in your purchasing department?”

“I might. I’d have to check with that department. Why?”

Perfect. Spencer folded his arms across his chest. “There’s someone I want you to hire. The position not only has to pay well, but you need to keep all mention of me out of it. I want her to think she got the job on her own.”

Chapter Eleven

Later that week, Hailey was sitting in the wooden bleachers of a large indoor arena, watching Skye take her second riding lesson. Delinda had wanted to come, but Hailey had convinced her to give Skye a chance to decide for herself if she liked the barn’s instructor. Although both Delinda and Skye had been disappointed, Hailey was trusting her instincts on this one.

Ruth Cardello's books