Up for Heir (Westerly Billionaire #2)

Spencer looked at each of them. “I don’t know about any of you, but I actually do have work waiting for me.”

Brett nodded. “Will we see you at Mom’s on Sunday?”

“Please,” Nicolette templed her hands in mock prayer.

“I don’t know,” Spencer replied, hedging. He might have met his family quota for the week. Especially if Sunday became an extension of this.

Jordan said, “This has been fun. I suppose I should try to get something done today.”

Nicolette stood. “I’ll walk out with you. I have a question for you, Jordan.”

Spencer leaned over his desk. “Nicolette—”

Jordan looked back and forth between brother and sister.

“I wasn’t going to ask him that,” Nicolette protested. She walked out in a huff. Jordan followed.

Brett lingered. “What are you afraid Nicolette is going to ask Jordan?”

“You know how siblings are. You do something stupid, and instead of watching and learning, they want to try it themselves.”


“If Jordan gets engaged to her, I’ll fucking kill him.”

Chapter Nine

On Saturday morning, after leaving Skye happily hunting through rocky tide pools for crustaceans with Mrs. Holihen, Hailey drove her own car toward a nearby beach to meet Spencer. Although she’d told him she only wanted to be friends, the spa day with Delinda had left her feeling young and beautiful. She hadn’t realized how little attention she’d given herself until Skye said she looked like a princess in the designer dresses she’d tried on. It was a day Hailey would hold dear in her memories, because it had simply been fun. No pressure. No guilt. Just a lot of laughter and silliness as Delinda looked on with a smile. We all needed that.

Although Hailey had refused to let Delinda buy her a whole new wardrobe, she had accepted the cotton summer dress she was wearing and one slip dress by another designer that fit her to perfection.

It hadn’t seemed right to put such an expensive summer dress over a bathing suit, but that was what she’d gotten it for. She’d chosen a peach bikini to wear beneath it. In a pinch, the bathing suit could pass for underclothing and the dress would be appropriate for most restaurants.

When she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed a man sitting on a motorcycle. Although she was excited to see Spencer, she couldn’t look away from those powerful jean-clad legs and the muscular back that the man’s white T-shirt lovingly clung to. Hailey had never been one to gawk at men, but this one was perfection, the kind that inspires sculptures. I’d sculpt that. And I’m not even a sculptor.

He turned, removed his helmet, and waved in her direction. Spencer? Hailey accidentally blew the horn of her car as she rushed to pretend she was gathering up her purse.

I thought he looked good in a suit, but holy crap. How could any woman be just friends with that?

He hung the helmet on the handlebar and walked over. Hailey opened her car door and went to get out, but realized she hadn’t undone her seat belt.

“Need help?” The smile he shot her was wickedly tempting as he smoothly reached over her to release the clasp. Instead of immediately withdrawing, though, he lingered, his face just above hers. He filled her view and her senses, bringing back an onslaught of intimate memories. Lust might not be enough to build a relationship, but damn it felt good.

“Thank you,” she said in a strangled voice.

She didn’t need to ask if he was experiencing the same hot and wild desire that was surging through her. It was there in his eyes and in the prominent bulge in the front of his jeans.

“God, you look good, Sunshine.”

She took a shaky breath. It would have been so easy to lean forward for a kiss or to run her hands over the powerful expanse of his chest. “Thanks. I wouldn’t have worn a dress if I had known you rode a bike.”

“The dress was a good choice. The bike is Jordan’s.” The boyish smile he gave her nearly melted her away. “He said it would improve my image. I’ve spent too much time in suits lately.” He withdrew from the car and offered her a hand.

“I’m sure it’s more fun out of them.” She groaned inwardly at her phrasing. “I mean, hanging out in something more casual.”

His smile widened, but he thankfully let her slipup slide. She really did want things to be different this time. Rushing into sex the first time hadn’t given them anything to build on. It had given them a false sense of knowing each other and had made everything too easy. And then too hard.

Friendship, whether or not it leads to something else, is where we need to start.

I just wish my body agreed with me. She placed her hand in his and swung her legs out while pushing back images of what he’d look like without his suit or those jeans on. There should be support groups for people who have been celibate for over a year. I want to do the right thing, but it’s not easy when I can’t remember the last time wrong felt this good.

“Did you bring a bathing suit?” He nodded toward the beach bag she’d forgotten on the passenger seat.

“I’m wearing it, but I should bring my towel and sunblock.” She turned and bent into the car to retrieve it. When she turned back around with the bag slung over her shoulder, she noticed his expression had changed. The smile was gone, and naked hunger raged in his eyes. Just how much did I flash him?

They stood face-to-face simply breathing each other in. His hunger fired her own until there was no denying the effect they were having on each other. As much for her benefit as his, she said, “Back in college we had no responsibilities. There was no one who could be hurt by us getting together. It’s different now.”

“I know.” His nostrils flared slightly.

As hard as it was to say, Hailey felt she had to. “There are things I should tell you before we go further.”

He raised a finger to her lips and placed it over them gently. “Later. For now, let’s find a spot on the beach, strip down, and jump into that still-cold Atlantic water. Trust me, I’ll be able to think more clearly if we do.”

Hailey smiled against his finger and stopped just short of kissing it. He lowered his hand as if understanding how close she was to losing her battle for self-control. “I could use a swim as well.”

They walked hand in hand onto the beach and scored a prime spot near the shore. They spread out two towels and secured them with their shoes. Hailey’s mouth went dry with anticipation when Spencer’s hands went to the sides of his shirt. With one swift move he had it up and over his head. She stood there, frozen, as his hands went to unclasp his jeans, then raised her eyes to his.

“When you look at me like that all I can think about is fucking you,” he growled.

“Sorry,” she said, because a more coherent response was impossible.

Ruth Cardello's books