Up for Heir (Westerly Billionaire #2)

Going along with whatever Delinda wanted was easier, but Hailey wanted more for Skye. Skye needed to be confident enough to choose her own path—even if it ended up not being one that Delinda approved of. That kind of strength could only come from having time apart as well as together.

None of that conversation had been easy to have with Delinda. Especially considering that Skye had just been accepted to Sterling Waters, the private school many of the children at the barn attended. Skye had even expressed excitement about attending that school in the fall. There weren’t words to describe how good it felt to watch Skye making friends, being silly, and acting like a kid again. It was beyond anything Hailey had dared dream for. Hailey’s gratitude made her want to help Delinda. Like the roaring lion in Skye’s book, Delinda lashed out when she was afraid.

Another reason to maintain some boundaries with her and Skye. It was a rescue mission that wasn’t without risk. People, even those a person thought they knew, could disappoint.

Like Spencer.

Hailey had made the mistake of looking him up on social media. Although he hadn’t posted them, there were endless photos of him partying with so many women she’d had to stop scrolling because it sickened her. The Spencer she’d known wasn’t a playboy. The man he was presenting himself as didn’t seem to be either, but evidence of the other side of him was plentiful.

Which was the real Spencer?

If she hadn’t seen the photos online, she’d think he was a sweetheart. He called her every morning simply to say he hoped she had a good day. He sent her a text or two during the day that never failed to make her laugh. Each evening, after Skye was asleep, he called and they talked for hours.

He seems to genuinely want to get to know me.

Or am I just a challenge?

She pushed that particular thought back and focused on how much she loved when he spoke about his day, the projects he was working on, and his family. She wondered what he’d think if she told him Delinda described them all almost exactly the way he did. They both saw Nicolette as a little lost and somewhat of a rebel. They both worried about Rachelle since she tended to internalize the pain and confusion of those around her. Eric, the well-known actor in the family, was too absent from the mix, always off in Europe re-creating himself. The only real discrepancy was Brett. To Delinda, he was the kindest, most caring of them all. Spencer saw him as condescending and overbearing. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

And it’s not stopping my heart from opening to him again.

Hailey hadn’t realized how much she’d missed simply having someone to talk to. It was freeing. When he’d first asked about Ryan and his wife, Erin, Hailey was afraid that talking about them would make her sad, but she discovered the opposite was true. Memories of their kindness brought her comfort. While talking about them, she realized how much they were still here. I’m not alone. They’re the lens I see the world through. That’s how we all live on.

Will Skye one day see me the same way? I hope so.

After nearly a week of opening up to each other, Hailey was conflicted. She and Spencer had shared so much, but there were definitely topics they were both avoiding. He was evasive when she asked him about his social life, and she wasn’t ready to tell him about her work situation.

Am I a coward for not simply telling him? I thought I was past letting my fears stop me. What am I waiting for? Do I think an easier option is going to drop out of the sky?

Hailey’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out. The number wasn’t one she recognized. Telemarketer? She kept her voice low and said, “Hello?”

“Miss Tiverton?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“My name is Kyle Kyees, CEO of SmartKart.”

The CEO of an international department store chain is calling me? Me? This has to be a scam. “How nice to speak with you, Mr. Kyees. How’s business?”

“Up in the US, improving in parts of Asia, and losing ground in Europe, but that’s not why I called.”

No actual business owner would ever divulge that kind of information. It was either a scam or someone’s idea of a joke. “Happy to hear about the US, sorry about Europe. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Goodbye.”

“Wait. You haven’t yet heard the reason for my call. I came across your résumé on a Boston job site. I have an opening for a full-time executive purchaser for my New England stores. If you’re interested, the job is yours.” He quoted a salary that was double her income with Delinda, and it came with benefits.

It sounded too perfect. “Don’t you need to interview me first?”

“No need. I’ve checked your references. You come highly recommended.”

“From DIY Rite?” Although she’d worked there for years in the purchasing department, she didn’t leave on the best of terms. They’d resented the amount of family leave she needed to take during Skye’s initial transition to living with her. Although they’d muddied the water with other claims, Hailey knew the real reason they fired her had been because of the amount of time she needed to take off. Hailey had even understood because the time that went into setting up a support system for Skye had been extensive. Highly recommended? I don’t think so.

“And other sources. I’ll admit I don’t usually get personally involved with most of our hires, but my offer stands.”

Hailey chewed her thumbnail. Could something like this happen? And if it could, was it even something she wanted? She and Delinda had found a workable balance. She didn’t want to leave any more than Skye would want to.

Making my own money might make things even better with Delinda. I could show her that we don’t need to be paid to be with her. With that kind of salary, I could afford Skye’s tuition and Clover’s board, and have enough left to pay rent if Delinda agrees to let us stay in her guesthouse.

That is, unless this is someone’s idea of a sick joke.

“Could I have some time to think about it?”

“I’ll give you a week. Take this number. It’s for the Human Resources department. They’ll be able to answer any questions you might have about the role.”

Hailey wrote the number down on a piece of paper in her purse. Holy shit, this sounds legit. “Would I contact them with my decision?”

“Yes, they’ll have all the paperwork.”

“And you don’t need to meet me first?”

“I can schedule an interview if it would make you feel better, but I’m very busy.”

“Oh no. It’s not necessary. Thank you.”

“We look forward to having you join us, Miss Tiverton.” He hung up, and Hailey sat there with her mouth wide open for several minutes.

She sought out Skye and the instructor. The lesson was still going on uneventfully.

All those résumés I blanketed Boston with finally paid off. An executive purchaser for SmartKart? Oh my God. Finally, I did something right.

She looked back at her phone. She was bursting with excitement, but whom could she call? Spencer.

He picked up on the first ring. “Hey, Sunshine.”

“Are you sitting?” she asked in a rush.

Ruth Cardello's books