This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

Nolan didn’t give me a chance to dwell on it further. His mouth was on mine again. I pushed aside my fears at what was about to happen, and at what would happen once he returned to L.A. For one night I wanted to forget all that. I wanted to live in the moment. This moment.

His fingers, warm and callused, traced along the outside of my thigh. At my knee, he nudged my legs apart. His fingers resumed their journey up, up, up to torment me. Once he was midway, he paused and drew lazy circles on my skin.

My skin tingled in response, and the throbbing between my legs begged for those lazy circles to migrate closer. I might’ve even wiggled a little, encouraging Nolan’s fingers to keep moving north.

And eventually they did.

While his mouth created music against mine—and holy mother of all things wonderful, did that man ever know how to kiss—his thumb brushed against my supercharged center. A jolt of electricity shot through my body, enough to power Northbridge if it ever experienced an outage. My lower body jerked in response.

Nolan wasn’t the only one who knew how to please. I had my own tricks I was dying to try out on him. I tugged his boxer briefs past his hips, wrapped my fingers around his balls, and gave them a light squeeze. He groaned his satisfaction, and he might have muttered, “Holy shit.”

I grinned. “Liked that, huh?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled away from me and practically ripped his underwear off. It landed somewhere on the floor, presumably near mine.

His fingers returned to what they’d been doing earlier—making the ache between my legs a little happier, a little more demanding. And just when I thought it couldn’t get better, he slipped a finger inside me and then another. He didn’t move them. He just pressed against the lining. The promised combustion from earlier was nothing compared to now.

“Oh, God, Nolan,” I somehow managed to say.

He chuckled. “Liked that, huh?” he replied, echoing my earlier words.

“Yes. I like.”

He moved up the length of me, his fingers still inside me, and settled his mouth on one of my nipples. He sucked on it as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out. I guessed I shouldn’t have been too shocked. He was both the singer and guitarist from Pushing Limits. That made him multitalented in my book.

I ran my fingernails roughly down his back and he groaned, further exciting the nipple in his mouth. I was so close to the edge, it wouldn’t take much more to push me all the way.

“I need you. Inside me. Now,” I said, voice husky.

Grinning, he pulled away from my nipple and reached for a foil package on my nightstand. He carefully ripped it open and rolled it onto his thick length. Oddly enough, seeing him like this and remembering how we used to be as kids was enough to set my face on fire. He wasn’t just another guy I had met and gone home with. This was the guy who had played 007 with me when we were ten and were chasing around the neighborhood on our bikes. The guy who had been there for me when I suffered through my first heartbreak at fourteen years old. The guy who had been there for me at every soccer game while we were growing up.

He positioned himself between my legs. I wrapped them around his hips and he slowly plunged inside me. My body stretched to accommodate his wide width. Those girls who’d written all the erotica about him on the fan sites turned out to have been right about a few details after all. Not that I planned to tell them.

“God, you’re so fucking tight, Forget-Me-Not.” Nolan’s eyes flared with lust and desire. “So fucking tight and hot. I’m not going to last much longer.”

That made two of us.

I expected him to begin pumping inside me. He didn’t, though. He lowered himself so his chest lightly touched mine and he kissed me long and hard.

Before he started moving inside me, I caught a flash of emotion in his eyes. It went further than lust and desire. What I saw in that moment was a reflection of what I felt for him: love.

But there wasn’t enough time to register what it meant. The slow burn inside me, which had ignited when he first touched me, flared out and consumed me.

I cried out his name. And the sound of my name falling from his lips was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

Never until then had I loved my name more.

Chapter 23


I could’ve easily stayed inside of Hailey all night. So it was with great reluctance that I pulled out of her and tossed the condom in the garbage. Outside, the wind howled, restless, the opposite of how I now felt.

But by the time I returned to the bed, Hailey was bailing on me.

Like hell if I’d let that happen.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight. “Where do you think you’re going?” I murmured in her ear.

“My room.” The vulnerability in her eyes almost brought me to my knees, and I took her face in my hands.

“What if I don’t want you to go?” This was the first time I’d ever said that to a girl. With all the other girls I’d spent the last few years entertaining myself with, none had meant enough to me to want them to stay after we’d fucked.

“All right,” she said hesitantly.

Stina Lindenblatt's books