Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

“Is that your best lawyer voice?” I asked. “Because you sounded constipated.”

“Why don’t you come down to the new shop?” she asked. “Get your mind off things.”

“I’m applying for jobs,” I said.

“And how many have you applied for?” she asked.


“That’s enough for today. Get your ass out of bed and get down here. I’m signing the papers.”

“Wait, you’re what? Don’t touch a thing until I get there. Let me look over the paperwork first.”

“Then get out of bed and get down here,” she said.

Scrambling out of bed, I ran around my room and threw some clothes on. My mind went straight from finding a job I didn’t hate, to helping Gwen with her dream. I stumbled out of the room while I hopped into some jeans and I managed to get my coat around my body before I grabbed my purse. I was so excited for my best friend to have finally made it to this point. She practically inundated me with pictures when I’d gotten back into town.

The truth was, I couldn’t stay at the resort. I tried distracting myself with the hot tub and some coffee at the cafe on site, but I just couldn’t do it. The front desk worked with me as much as they could to get my money refunded but I could only obtain half of what I’d sunk into the trip.

Half was better than none and it got me back home to Memphis by Saturday evening.

I rolled that fight around in my head the entire trip back. I flung my arms around my best friend when she opened the door for me and I broke down and cried. I didn’t even really know what I was crying over. I just knew that I was hurting. Hurting in ways I’d never experienced before.

Well, I experienced it one time before. When I realized my parents were never coming back for me.

She tried to calm me down by showing me pictures of the four spots she’d narrowed her business down to and I chose the two I liked the most. They had wonderful locations and a decent amount of space. Plenty of room for her to put in stations in case she wanted to hire any other hair stylists and beauticians to work with her.

I was hoping she’d chosen one of those two places.

I got into my car and Gwen shot me the address. I recognized it instantly and cheered to myself all the way down the road. She’d picked one of the ones I’d pointed out to her and I had a feeling I knew why she had picked it.

It was right across the street from a beauty supply shop, which meant she wouldn’t have to do much footwork to get her clients last-minute things if they changed their minds on her.

“Here. Take a look.”

Gwen shoved the paperwork at me before I even got out of the car. There was a very anxious man standing on the sidewalk, shivering in his lack of clothing while I sat in the warmth of my car. I read over every word and turned over every page, just to make sure no one was swindling my best friend.

“You know you’re buying this place, right?” I asked. “Not renting it?”

“Yep. Only took the monthly payment up forty bucks, so I decided to purchase it.”

“Okay. I don’t see anything in here that looks too frightening,” I said. “Just wanted to make sure you knew you were buying it, since the last time we talked, you said you were going to rent. Has the place been inspected?”

“Guy came by yesterday.”

“On a Sunday?” I asked.

“I told the inspector I’d do her daughter’s hair for prom for free this coming April if she came and did the inspection free of charge for me.”

“You’ve always been a tough negotiator,” I said, grinning. “The paperwork looks good. I can see the place?”

“Get out of that car first, girl. We gotta talk.”

Rolling my eyes, I got out of the car while Gwen signed the paperwork. I watched her shake the frozen man’s hand before he handed her a copy of the paperwork. Then he practically ran back to his truck. Gwen dangled the keys from her fingers before she unlocked the door and then she opened the beautiful double doors into her future salon, and I gasped.

“This place is much bigger than your photos,” I said.

“Yep. And I love it. I want this place to be a one-stop beauty shop. Hair, waxing, nails, and massages.”

“I didn’t know you had a permit to do massages,” I said.

“I don’t,” she said. “That’ll have to be my first employee but I’m ecstatic.”

“Talk me through your finances,” I said. “Did you take out a loan to buy this place or are you using all of your savings to do it?”

“I put a decent down payment on the building so I could keep myself afloat month to month just doing hair. I’m in the process of taking out a loan—”

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said. “In the process?”

“Chill, Whitney. It’s been approved. It just won’t hit my account for me to do anything with until Wednesday.”

“Don’t scare me like that,” I said.

“Once it hits my account, that’ll be the money I use to start doing this place up right.”

“Are you hiring a contractor to help you with this stuff? Or are you doing it on your own?”

“I have an interior designer coming in and giving me some of his time for free in exchange for nail services.”

“A guy doing his nails?” I asked.

“Hey, they’re out there. I get them more than you think. Anyway, he’s coming in to help me figure out how it would be best to lay this place out. He even offered to sketch up some designs I could go with.”

“All for some nails,” I said.

“What can I say? The people of Memphis enjoy taking care of themselves.” She grinned. “Plus, the best advertisement in the beauty and body modification industry is word of mouth. The more people I can cut deals like this with, the more people I have telling others where they went. They’re practically walking business cards.”

“I’m so proud of you,” I said. “I really am.”

“Now, it’s time to talk about you.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“You’re pining over Liam still. I know you are.”

“Come on, Gwen. Can we drop it, please?”

“It was just a fling, Whit. What in the world did you expect? You can’t board yourself up in a room and mope about losing a guy you barely knew.”

“But I didn’t feel that way,” I said. “I didn’t feel like I barely knew him.”

“Didn’t you tell me he was keeping secrets?” she asked.

“Who the hell doesn’t keep secrets? Gwen, I felt like I’d known him a hell of a lot longer than I did.”

“But you didn’t, Whit. You went there for a vacation and you got some good dick. It happens when you’re addicted to the dick. He must’ve been good if you’re this brainwashed.”

“He was good, yes, but it was more than that,” I said.

“Then why didn’t you tell him that?”

I was frozen in the middle of the room while her question rattled around in my mind. Why didn’t I just tell him that? It was obvious he was hinting at something akin to the same thing. So why didn’t I just tell him I felt the same way? That I wanted to see where this went and see if it had any sort of potential to take off like it already had?

“I was scared, I guess,” I said.

“Of what?” Gwen asked.

“Of him not feeling the same way, maybe? Of him leaving even after I said something? I don’t know. I just know that it was more than a fling. I’m just not sure how much more.”

“Whit, I get it. I really do. But it’s done and you’re home. The question is, what are you gonna do now?”

“I need to do something with my life,” I said. “Something that’s fulfilling. That will make me happy.”

Like Liam made me happy.

“What makes you happy?” she asked.

I felt the answer hit me like a ton of bricks but I was still scared to say it out loud.

“Let’s start with an easier question,” she said. “Now that you’ve experienced the mountains, are you happy coming back to the city?”

And even though the bricks kept pouring down on me, I was still terrified of saying it out loud.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“You do but you’re scared. So, when you’re ready to tell yourself the truth, you’ll be ready to take that step. Until then, just keep applying to jobs you know you’ll hate. Just don’t make your bed in your misery and expect me to feel sorry for you.”

Rye Hart's books