Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

He captured her cries of pleasure in his mouth as her body gave in and her climax took hold, sending them both over the edge in a fiery storm of passion. The world went dark, until there was only him and Lizzie. They were breathing hard, or hardly breathing at all, he wasn’t sure. He couldn’t string two thoughts together as he rolled beside her and tugged her in close.

“Love you,” was all he could manage. Only it wasn’t. He’d make damn sure that he fulfilled his promise and edited the video if it took the last of his energy. Seeing Lizzie with his family, watching her beautiful smile as she laughed and joked with them, and her confidence as she talked about her webcast with each of them, answering their questions and soaking in their support, had made him love her even more. He’d never been more proud of anyone—of Lizzie’s determination and of his family’s unconditional support. His family tended to open their hearts along with their arms, and he wished Lizzie could have that with her own parents. Even though Lizzie took life by the horns and never let anything, or anyone, keep her down, Blue wasn’t done trying with her father. He’d make it his mission to set things straight so the woman he loved felt complete.

Blue’s thoughts turned to what his mother had said right before she’d gone up to bed, when she’d pulled him away from the others and asked, What stage are you in?

The very best one, he’d answered, knowing she was referring to the stages of love.

Not even close, she’d said. Time brings more happiness. One day you’ll look back and realize the two of you have history. That’s when it becomes magical.

He lay beside Lizzie, listening to her breathing settle. If this wasn’t the very best love could be, then sign him up for a lifetime of it, because he couldn’t imagine being happier than they already were.

Chapter Thirty-Two

AFTER THEY RETURNED from New York, real life came back in earnest. Orders for a bridal shower and a wedding came in on short notice, and Lizzie would be busy for the next few weeks meeting with the bride and groom. She’d reluctantly fallen back into the routine for the Naked Baker, and that bothered her. She hadn’t been reluctant before. Even if she hadn’t necessarily wanted to spend her evenings filming, editing, and analyzing the show, she’d always gone in willingly. She knew that was because there’d never been an inkling of a way out from under the show while still making enough money to help Maddy. But the network’s email had changed that. She’d dared to hope for more of a life with Blue, for evenings spent doing whatever they felt like doing rather than structured by her webcast schedule.

The bright light to the whole situation was that, true to his word, Blue had been amazingly supportive of her efforts with the show and supportive of her in every other way as well. They’d been staying at her place, and she felt him everywhere. His clothes were in her closet and in two of the dresser drawers. His toiletries were in her bathroom, and he’d hung a hook on the wall by the kitchen door for their keys. It felt like they’d always been together, but even stronger than his tangible possessions, his love filled every nook and cranny of her life. It was in the air she breathed and in the look in his eyes. And when he wasn’t with her, his love remained.

Blue was up early every morning, which she loved, because they got ready for work together, making love in the shower, dressing and teasing each other—sometimes leaving late for work because they couldn’t resist falling back into each other’s arms. Blue had taken to coming by the shop every afternoon, bringing her lunch or coffee, or just coming by to check on her. She loved that he made the time to do that, but then again, that was Blue. He gave and gave and gave. He even offered to work with Duke to see if they could drum up interest with another prospective buyer for the business, but Lizzie had had enough. She didn’t want to hope to find a way out from under the webcast anymore. It was easier to accept her fate and move forward, even if it was taking her a little longer to accept it than she’d hoped.

The only dark cloud in her life was her relationship with her stubborn father. She’d called him several times, and still he wouldn’t come to the phone. She’d even taken an hour off yesterday and stopped by the inn, hoping to speak with him, but he’d refused to see her. Her mother had said he was meeting with someone, which she assumed was an excuse. How was she supposed to handle the fact that her mother was covering for him?

She was sure that asking her mother to tell her father that she was about ready to give up trying hadn’t been the best way to handle it, but she’d been at such a loss, had felt so devastated by his refusal to see her, that she was at her wit’s end with the whole situation. There was only so much denial a person could take before they broke down or walked away. And there was no way she was letting his conservative views mess up things for Maddy or for her. She had an incredible man who adored her and friends and family—aside from her father—who accepted and supported her. This was his loss.