Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

The sadness in her voice cut through Blue’s chest. He slid his hand beneath the back of her shirt, over her warm skin, and shifted his thigh over the back of hers, wanting to be closer, to comfort her.

“My favorite person in the world told me that two years was nothing. That it would pass by quickly. I wasn’t so sure, but I realize now that as long as we’re together we can get through anything. Two years, two decades. A lifetime.” He brought his lips to her spine and kissed his way up to her neck as she tried to concentrate on editing the video.

She closed her eyes for a second, and he felt tension seep from her body.

“You’re not making it easy for me to edit,” she said breathlessly.

“It’s not my fault you’re making this hard.” He shifted over her, pressing his erection against her butt.

She giggled. “I need to get this done.”

“Okay,” he whispered against her neck, loving her so much that his chest physically ached. “You edit, and I’ll just...” He slid his hands beneath her soft body and cupped her breasts. She sighed as he brushed his thumbs over her tight nipples.

“Blue…” She craned her neck to the side, giving his mouth better access to nip at her warm skin. “I’ll never get this done.” A sweet sound of surrender slipped from her lips as she rolled onto her back, smiling up at him. “You’re distracting me.”

“That’s the point.”

“But…the video.” She wound her arms around his neck.

“I’ll help you edit after I love your body like it deserves to be loved.” He pressed his lips to hers.

“But your parents,” she whispered, rocking her hips against his.

“I don’t think they want to edit your video,” he teased as he moved down her body, kissing the hot swell of her breast. “But I can go ask them if you want.”

That earned him another giggle as he hooked his finger into the hips of her panties and slid them off, then rid himself of his boxer briefs. Her shapely body taunted him as he ran his hands up her thighs, letting his thumbs brush over the dampness between her legs.

“Blue.” A wanting whisper.

Her knees fell open, and he pushed into her slowly, savoring her tight heat, the sultry look in her eyes, and the feel of her fingers as they gripped his hips. He sealed his lips over hers, and tenderness was replaced with urgency as she angled her hips, taking more of him with every thrust and gasping quick breaths as he stroked over the pleasure spot he sought—the one that took her right up to the edge. Every. Single. Time.

“Blue.” Her grip on him tightened, and her eyes widened.

“That’s it, baby. Let me make you feel good.” He slid his hands beneath her ass, clutching her cheeks and pressing her tighter against him, until they were so close, not even air could come between them. He couldn’t get close enough to her and knew he never would.

“More,” was all she said, and it was all he needed to hear, as he parted her cheeks and teased over the tight, puckered skin. She lifted her hips. “More.”

The urgency in her voice spurred him on. He slid his finger into her and she moaned with pleasure. The sound nearly took him over the edge.

“Don’t do that,” he whispered against her ear. “You’ll make me come.”

“Mm.” She moaned again, followed by a quiet laugh.

The sound vibrated through her chest, making it even more difficult for him to hold back.

“Harder,” she whispered. “I need more of you.”

A heady groan tore from his chest with the invitation. With one finger probing her bottom and his hard length loving her center, their mouths crashed together and their bodies took over. Her thighs tightened, and her breathing went shallow. He could feel her climax taking hold in the shudders pulsing through her. He wanted—needed—to see and feel her lose herself in the wildness of their love. He drew his mouth back, teasing his tongue over her lower lip, then giving it a tug between his teeth. Her eyes opened, dark and lust-filled. Heat traveled down his spine, bringing him right up to the edge of release.
