Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

LIZZIE WONDERED WHAT she’d done in life to deserve to be this happy. Blue had put on black-framed glasses like the ones she wore and a baseball cap. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she thought her viewers were probably mostly men and might not like watching a guy. Then again, what did she know? Maybe they would.

She and Blue laughed the whole time they baked, and she found she didn’t like him seducing the camera at all. It made her even more jealous than she cared to admit to herself. She’d never been on the other side of the fence, and now she understood why it had made Blue’s skin crawl. She had the urge to stand between him and the camera, so women wouldn’t see his gorgeous biceps and chest peeking out from the apron, or the hard planes of his back, and want him the way she wanted him.

He moved with confidence, every muscle coming to life with the smallest of motions, and that made him even sexier as he stirred the frosting they’d made.

“Everyone knows you need a taste test,” he said in a husky voice as he dipped his finger into the frosting and brought it to Lizzie’s mouth.

As he slid his finger into her mouth with a scorching-hot look, her body smoldered from the inside out. She swirled her tongue around his finger as she dug her own finger into the frosting, then stroked it over his lower lip, following it with her tongue. She nibbled at his lip, making him groan—and hard—before stepping back and bending over to take a tray out of the oven. She sensed his heat before she felt his erection press against her. It took all of her focus not to let on to the camera that she was suddenly madly aroused.

She set the hot tray on top of the oven and turned a seductive gaze to the camera while she fanned her face. “It sure is getting hot in here.”

Blue moved beside her again, dipping his finger into the frosting and sucking it off with a look that could melt steel. She narrowed her eyes again, this time taking him up on the obvious challenge. No way was he going to do a better job of seducing the camera than she was.

She stuck three fingers into the frosting, eyeing the camera, and said, “There are so many good uses for frosting, and as we all know, it’s the little lusty surprises that bring us the most pleasure.” She slid her hand beneath his apron, knowing that all the audience would see was her hand disappearing below the counter, and she wrapped her frosting-covered fingers around his erection.

Blue’s chin dropped to his chest as he uttered a curse.

“Why, it looks like my baking partner is having a hard time.” She picked up the towel from the counter and wiped her hands. Blue’s eyes bored through her, filled with wanton desire she could practically taste—and oh, how she wanted to taste him!

“Let’s see those big, strong arms in action.” She turned her eyes to the camera again. “Watching a man in the kitchen is such a turn-on, isn’t it?” She handed him the spatula as he gritted his teeth. “You spread the frosting, and I’ll—” She dramatically dropped the towel to the floor. “Whoops!” She sank down to her knees and lifted his apron, dragging her tongue along his frosted length.

He grabbed the counter as she loved him with her hands and mouth. She cupped his sac as she licked the wide crown of his arousal, then swallowed him deep.

“Lizzie,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Camera’s rolling,” she whispered, though she’d already turned it off with the remote she kept beneath the counter. He tried to frost the cake, stopping every few seconds to breathe heavily or mutter a curse. Knowing he was close to exploding, she pulled back and slicked her tongue over his swollen head again.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath.

“Oh? Okay.” She tossed a seductive look over her shoulder as she bent over the counter and spread her legs, revealing her bare ass.

He moved between her and the camera. “Lizzie.”

She backed up, pressing her ass against his hard length, before she reached back and guided him between her legs. “What’s wrong? Camera shy? I just knocked another thing off my Lick-It list.” She licked her lips playfully. “Frosting. Yum.”

“Your…Oh, I’ll show you a Lick-It list.” He tore off his hat and glasses and tossed them aside. He took a handful of frosting and smeared it between her legs, then turned her to face him and dropped to his knees. The first slick of his tongue made her entire body shudder.

She fisted her hands in his hair as he guided one leg over his shoulder and licked the frosting clean, then thrust his tongue inside her and brought his fingers masterfully into play. Within seconds, she shattered, crying out his name as he thrust his fingers inside her and took her up to the peak again and again. She could barely breathe, barely think, as he rose to his feet and untied both their aprons.

“You’re so damn sexy, Lizzie. I’ll delete the tape, but I’ve got to have you.”

She swiped her fingers in the frosting and rubbed it on her nipples. “Enjoy.”